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05-05-2015, 10:46 PM
Given that I have an anxiety disorder I'm finding it very hard not to focus and all the side effects and scary stuff. I took my first zoloft about twelve hours ago. At first I felt never yet very mellow, a tad jittery too. Now I'm having slight chest pains and feel very scared and sad. Has anyone else experienced this? Just what can I expect just starting out

05-05-2015, 10:57 PM
My mom started Zoloft about a month ago. Took a couple weeks for her side effects to go away but the main thing she complained about was being jittery. Loss of appetite. & I think that's about it.

05-06-2015, 05:20 AM
Given that I have an anxiety disorder I'm finding it very hard not to focus and all the side effects and scary stuff. I took my first zoloft about twelve hours ago. At first I felt never yet very mellow, a tad jittery too. Now I'm having slight chest pains and feel very scared and sad. Has anyone else experienced this? Just what can I expect just starting out

As with "side effects" of the Zoloft and other SSRI's, it is most often anxiety of taking pills what causes you to feel those side effects and not the drug itself

When we feel the chest pains and feeling scared, you make the assumption the pills are causing it. Many people stop taking meds early because they convince themselves the side effects are too much to handle

Plow through it

05-06-2015, 05:43 AM
As with "side effects" of the Zoloft and other SSRI's, it is most often anxiety of taking pills what causes you to feel those side effects and not the drug itself

When we feel the chest pains and feeling scared, you make the assumption the pills are causing it. Many people stop taking meds early because they convince themselves the side effects are too much to handle

Plow through it

So true. The night I took my first dose of Citalopram, I had the worst anxiety of my life. 10/10 panic attacks, vomiting, shaking, muscle pains. I thought I had serotonin syndrome or something. Anyway, I lay in bed feeling like I'd been drugged to the hills for the whole weekend. On Monday, when I went to take my second dose, I found out the packet hadn't been touched. I'd actually taken antihistamine by mistake, which was in a similar looking packet.

Made me realize how powerful the mind is, and how much it can stimulate symptoms. I'd say that discovery was one of the most important moments in my recovery.