View Full Version : someone please help.

08-18-2008, 12:06 PM
I'm 18 years old and i have been dealing with this for almost over a year since i was 17 years old after some terrible traumatic experiences. I need some help learning on how to cope with this after noone really understands me especially my family. I need some support although my boyfriend tries to understand but noone truly does. It's getting annoying already with all these symptomsof lightheadness and nausea basically any of the symptoms that interfere with my life daily. I used to be able to do alot of different things, now i'm afraid of everything and have developed to be a hyponcradic? :( . hopefully someone can help me by finding ways to cope with it. thank you. :( :(

08-18-2008, 02:27 PM
I found I needed a crutch to get over the roughest parts of my anxiety. For me it was water. I had a water bottle with me 24 hours a day. If I didn't have my water with me my anxiety got much worse. When I had it with me and I could feel the anxiety getting worse taking a sip helped.

I made some changes in my diet and started working out and feel like I am regaining control again. I still have some anxiety, but the panic attacks have mostly stopped. I can now actually do stuff *without* my water present.

If you find a crutch by all means use it, but make sure to slowly wean yourself off of it as you never know when you are going to be forced to go somewhere without it.