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04-28-2015, 05:19 PM
Hello, im 19 years old and currently believe I am dealing with anxiety. Before all of this happened I was living a happy life, going to the beach as many days I could with good friends, getting bigger and stronger even wanted to train to enter a powerlifting meet, getting decent grades at school. I felt like I was on top of the world.
Little over a year ago I had my first few what I believe to be panic attacks. One day I was surfing and my heart started racing. It didn't feel like a regular pump from exercising. The next day the same thing happened during dinner, and the day after that at the gym. The ones at the beach bothered me but I was okay. When the dinner one happened I kind of froze up and let the restaurant immediately and went home. I awoke the next day went to the gym and it happened again so I left the gym and went home where my mom took me to the ER.
The doctors at the ER said nothing as wrong, they took blood, did a EKG, and all kind of other stuff. I went to many more doctors after that heart, nerve doctors, etc. They all found nothing was wrong.
Somthing I did notice tho was the day that I went to dinner from the moment I woke up I felt a little weird. I noticed that every kind of light was bothering me. I would see glares from any light source at any time day or night.
The days to follow after the ER I would have a hard time sleeping I would have head aches and the same vision problem.
So skipping way ahead to the present now I have not had that heart feeling much anymore or if so I never noticed, but this visual problem, and feeling like your in a dream has never gone away through this whole period.
As I said I was one that would be at the beach or gym every day of my life If I could. But now I havnt been surfing in nearly 4 months now, havnt been to the gym for almost a year, however I did go back a few times after the incident as I thought I would just have to try and push through it. I dropped out of collage because I could not stay in class. Use to cruz with my friends, now I see them maybe once every two weeks. Safe to say that anxiety has ruined my life...
Not only is this troubling me if affects my family very much. I find myself fighting with my parents more than ever because they want to help. They try to push me, take me out of the house, get me to do things, and I agree im sure I need to do those things. But for a while now ive been trying to push myself. I read on “how to beat anxiety” and alot of people say that you just gotta keep getting out there and pushing yourself. So I do I tried going out doing my normal things I would usually do workout, go beach, go shopping, whatever it may be in every day life. Not 1 day did I ever get better so I feel like giving up.
Brought up a Christian got baptized even went on mission trips to Indonesia. Prayed for healing. Prayed for Knowledge. Prayed for Understanding. Prayed to show me the path I need to take to get over this. Nothing has changed I lost my faith.
So I post this as one last act if anyone has any information, any tips, something to help me make sure that what I am dealing with is anxiety, if it is how to beat it, or anything please I sure could use it right now.

Safe to say Anxiety Ruined my Life

04-28-2015, 06:46 PM
Hello, im 19 years old and currently believe I am dealing with anxiety. Before all of this happened I was living a happy life, going to the beach as many days I could with good friends, getting bigger and stronger even wanted to train to enter a powerlifting meet, getting decent grades at school. I felt like I was on top of the world.
Little over a year ago I had my first few what I believe to be panic attacks. One day I was surfing and my heart started racing. It didn't feel like a regular pump from exercising. The next day the same thing happened during dinner, and the day after that at the gym. The ones at the beach bothered me but I was okay. When the dinner one happened I kind of froze up and let the restaurant immediately and went home. I awoke the next day went to the gym and it happened again so I left the gym and went home where my mom took me to the ER.
The doctors at the ER said nothing as wrong, they took blood, did a EKG, and all kind of other stuff. I went to many more doctors after that heart, nerve doctors, etc. They all found nothing was wrong.
Somthing I did notice tho was the day that I went to dinner from the moment I woke up I felt a little weird. I noticed that every kind of light was bothering me. I would see glares from any light source at any time day or night.
The days to follow after the ER I would have a hard time sleeping I would have head aches and the same vision problem.
So skipping way ahead to the present now I have not had that heart feeling much anymore or if so I never noticed, but this visual problem, and feeling like your in a dream has never gone away through this whole period.
As I said I was one that would be at the beach or gym every day of my life If I could. But now I havnt been surfing in nearly 4 months now, havnt been to the gym for almost a year, however I did go back a few times after the incident as I thought I would just have to try and push through it. I dropped out of collage because I could not stay in class. Use to cruz with my friends, now I see them maybe once every two weeks. Safe to say that anxiety has ruined my life...
Not only is this troubling me if affects my family very much. I find myself fighting with my parents more than ever because they want to help. They try to push me, take me out of the house, get me to do things, and I agree im sure I need to do those things. But for a while now ive been trying to push myself. I read on “how to beat anxiety” and alot of people say that you just gotta keep getting out there and pushing yourself. So I do I tried going out doing my normal things I would usually do workout, go beach, go shopping, whatever it may be in every day life. Not 1 day did I ever get better so I feel like giving up.
Brought up a Christian got baptized even went on mission trips to Indonesia. Prayed for healing. Prayed for Knowledge. Prayed for Understanding. Prayed to show me the path I need to take to get over this. Nothing has changed I lost my faith.
So I post this as one last act if anyone has any information, any tips, something to help me make sure that what I am dealing with is anxiety, if it is how to beat it, or anything please I sure could use it right now.

Safe to say Anxiety Ruined my Life

Hey and welcome :)

I don't have time right now to write a full-on reply sorry but I want to let you know I read your post. Anxiety hasn't ruined your life.. I know all to well how it can feel like that but there are heaps of things you can do. It does sound like anxiety to me btw.

Stick around here - there are a heap of people who understand and can help.

Gypsy x

04-28-2015, 07:21 PM
I agree with Gyp -- anxiety has not ruined your life. But it might be a hurdle that you need to overcome. We all have our hurdles. Around here, we have anxiety. But others have their own stuff -- poverty, disabilities, unemployment, illness, lack of education, racism, etc. You will find a way to overcome the anxiety and the experience will make you stronger and more compassionate. BUT it might not happen on its own. You might need to help. Have you tried some counseling? That could be a good first step.

04-29-2015, 09:54 PM
At the first sign of one, employ an ANTI PANIC ATTACK breathing technique. Advice from a clinical psychologist is to breathe in to the count of 3: (one thousand one; one thousand two; one thousand three) each takes around a second to say to yourself, in your mind, and out to the count of 3. Keep repeating this until the panic subsides, a maximum of 25 minutes, which will deal with the hyperventilation aspect. Note: the controlled breathing only helps with the symptoms, as do medications/herbal remedies.

You could also breathe into an open paper bag until the panic subsides; both of these methods increase the amount of carbon dioxide in your lungs and bloodstream, stopping hyperventilation, and give you something to focus on doing, but few teens want to carry paper bags around or be seen breathing into them.

Give EFT a good tryout, to see if it helps you. It is free via the searchbar at mercola.com "EFT" & "EFT therapists" or tapping.com (13 free videos), or eftuniverse.com or emofree.com or one of the many YouTube videos. Google: "YouTube; EFT videos". Professionally instructed is generally preferable. - There is a version for use in public places, (if you like, you can claim to have a headache, as you employ the acupressure massage / tapping on your temples, but you would then be restricted to subvocalising: saying it to yourself in your mind: "Even though I suffer from a panic disorder, I deeply and completely accept myself."

Alternatively, use Progressive Muscle Relaxation; see drcoxconsulting.com/managing-stress.html

Both are effective anti-anxiety techniques that you can apply any time you feel anxiety, or notice a panic attack starting.

Your post doesn't provide sufficient information for me to determine whether you are experiencing panic, or anxiety attacks.

"There are some differences between anxiety and panic attacks. While books are written on this topic, the following will attempt to summarize some basics here for a brief overview.

Anxiety Attacks:
An anxiety attack, sometimes referred to as a panic attack, is an unforeseen periods or incidents where there is a sudden fright or fear of intense proportions. These attacks focus on fears that are most often not rational; however the person with the disorder believes he or she is in terrible danger or at extreme risk. Most often these anxiety attacks occur all of a sudden; i.e. they are not planned nor do they come with any type of warning mechanism built in for advance action. Results are that
the person suffering the attack will feel about to faint or near death's door. People who suffer anxiety attacks report the following symptoms, listed in no particular order:
Discomfort or pain in the chest Vertigo or
Dizziness Upset stomach / Nausea Loss of
Control, Loss of Mental Stability Stress
Cold or hot flashes Heart palpitations or
near heart attack Shallow breathing Shakes / Trembling
Anxiety disorder is characterized as having anxiety feelings that are "always there / all inclusive," make people want to isolate themselves from society and hamper everyday activities with others.

Panic Attacks:
On the other hand, a panic attack does not carry with it that "always there" association. In fact, panic episodes generally burst forth, peaking after roughly 10 minutes or so, then ending after about 25 minutes. During a panic attack, 4 of the symptoms listed below (in no particular order) generally make an appearance:
Hyperventilation, Shallow breathing, even to the point of
suffocation sensation...
Increased heart rates Tightness of chest, Chest pain or discomfort
Shakes / Trembling / Sweating Choking
sensation Upset Stomach / Nausea Vertigo
Paresthesias (numbness or tingling sensations)
Surreal feelings Loss of Control, especially
of mental faculties Death coming on Numbing
Cold or hot flashes

The Difference:
The main difference between anxiety attacks and panic attacks is in the duration of the attack and how intense it is for the person with the affliction. While anxiety attacks are less hi-stress, they tend to last longer than the power-packed panic stressors".

I'll post some more about your headaches later, but the above will give you some tools to use to deal with panic attacks, and anxiety.

04-29-2015, 10:16 PM
Hello, im 19 years old and currently believe I am dealing with anxiety. Before all of this happened I was living a happy life, going to the beach as many days I could with good friends, getting bigger and stronger even wanted to train to enter a powerlifting meet, getting decent grades at school. I felt like I was on top of the world.
Little over a year ago I had my first few what I believe to be panic attacks. One day I was surfing and my heart started racing. It didn't feel like a regular pump from exercising. The next day the same thing happened during dinner, and the day after that at the gym. The ones at the beach bothered me but I was okay. When the dinner one happened I kind of froze up and let the restaurant immediately and went home. I awoke the next day went to the gym and it happened again so I left the gym and went home where my mom took me to the ER.
The doctors at the ER said nothing as wrong, they took blood, did a EKG, and all kind of other stuff. I went to many more doctors after that heart, nerve doctors, etc. They all found nothing was wrong.
Somthing I did notice tho was the day that I went to dinner from the moment I woke up I felt a little weird. I noticed that every kind of light was bothering me. I would see glares from any light source at any time day or night.
The days to follow after the ER I would have a hard time sleeping I would have head aches and the same vision problem.
So skipping way ahead to the present now I have not had that heart feeling much anymore or if so I never noticed, but this visual problem, and feeling like your in a dream has never gone away through this whole period.
As I said I was one that would be at the beach or gym every day of my life If I could. But now I havnt been surfing in nearly 4 months now, havnt been to the gym for almost a year, however I did go back a few times after the incident as I thought I would just have to try and push through it. I dropped out of collage because I could not stay in class. Use to cruz with my friends, now I see them maybe once every two weeks. Safe to say that anxiety has ruined my life...
Not only is this troubling me if affects my family very much. I find myself fighting with my parents more than ever because they want to help. They try to push me, take me out of the house, get me to do things, and I agree im sure I need to do those things. But for a while now ive been trying to push myself. I read on “how to beat anxiety” and alot of people say that you just gotta keep getting out there and pushing yourself. So I do I tried going out doing my normal things I would usually do workout, go beach, go shopping, whatever it may be in every day life. Not 1 day did I ever get better so I feel like giving up.
Brought up a Christian got baptized even went on mission trips to Indonesia. Prayed for healing. Prayed for Knowledge. Prayed for Understanding. Prayed to show me the path I need to take to get over this. Nothing has changed I lost my faith.
So I post this as one last act if anyone has any information, any tips, something to help me make sure that what I am dealing with is anxiety, if it is how to beat it, or anything please I sure could use it right now.

Safe to say Anxiety Ruined my Life

I cannot help you but I can tell you I'm in a very similar situation.. Same with my parents too, they try to get me out but it kills me every time I go. I know they're trying to help but it's not helping. The exposure therapy does not work for me, no matter how I hard I try..

So, just know you are not alone! Hang in there. I'm trying to, too!

04-29-2015, 11:48 PM
"I noticed that every kind of light was bothering me. I would see glares from any light source at any time day or night.
The days to follow after the ER I would have a hard time sleeping I would have head aches and the same vision problem.
So skipping way ahead to the present now I have not had that heart feeling much anymore or if so I never noticed, but this visual problem, and feeling like your in a dream has never gone away through this whole period".

It seems to me that your panic / anxiety attacks may well be triggering depersonalisation (in which people feel that they are not real) or derealization (in which people feel as though the world is unreal; insubstantial).

The following is from about.com

"Depersonalization symptoms:

What can be more frightening than feeling as though you are detached from yourself? This is the central feature of depersonalization. It is a feeling of being outside of yourself without any sense of control. Some sufferers often describe the sensation as observing themselves from outside of the body.

Other sensations of depersonalization may include:

feeling unhuman or robot-like
feeling foreign or unrecognizable to oneself
feeling invisible or unreal

Derealization symptoms:

Where depersonalization focuses on one’s sense of self, derealization focuses on one’s sense of his or her surroundings. Sufferers often describe the sensation of derealization as being in a dream-like state where the environment seems unreal, foggy or hazy.

Other sensations of derealization may include:

feeling cut off from one’s surroundings
feeling like being trapped in a glass bubble
feeling like surrounding objects are unreal or cartoon-like

What You Need to Know:

If you have anxiety- or panic-related symptoms of depersonalization or derealization, it is important to understand what these symptoms are and what they are not. First, they are fairly common occurrences for those suffering from panic disorder or other types of anxiety disorders. Second, they are not dangerous. And third, they are not an indication of psychosis. Although the symptoms seem bizarre, one does not lose touch with reality. Sufferers continue to be able to discern and perceive the symptoms as “feelings” and not as events that are actually happening.

It is important to note that symptoms of depersonalization or derealization may indicate a more serious medical or psychological disorder. And, a condition called depersonalization disorder can exist on its own. Therefore, self-diagnosis is not advised. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms outlined above, see your doctor or other healthcare provider. He or she will be able to tell you whether or not your symptoms are anxiety-related or part of another illness".

Regard DP/DR as being purely temporary.

Advice from other therapists, and sufferers: When affected, run your hands under cold water for several minutes. Adapt the following to your situation: Look around and find 5 colours; feel 4 different textures; smell 3 different odours, and taste 2 different things. Focus on your hands for several minutes, multiple times daily. Try snapping a rubber band on your wrist, lightly, at first, then increasingly harder; remove afterwards, and pocket.

Neo-Reichian therapy has been recommended for DP/DR, but I suggest using the above treatments for at least several weeks, as they may well be all that are required. Also view Wikipedia about DP/DR but TMS (radiation exposure) and naloxone (see drugs.com ) should be kept in reserve, as last resorts, due to their relative risks.

Derealization, by Frederic P. Miller, Agnes F. Vandome, and John McBrewster, & Overcoming Depersonalization Disorder: A Mindfulness & Acceptance Guide to Conquering Feelings of Numbness & Unreality by Fugen A. Neziroglu, & Feeling Unreal: Depersonalization Disorder and the Loss of the Self, by Daphne Simeon and Jeffrey Abugel, and Depersonalization: A New Look at a Neglected Syndrome, and The Stranger In The Mirror by Marlene Steinberg and Maxine Schnall, and Depersonalization Disorder Medical Guide by Qontro Medical Guides, and The Haunted Self: Structural Dissociation and the Treatment of Chronic Traumatization (Norton Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology) by Onno van der Hart, Ellert R. S. Nijenhuis, and Kathy Steele, from your bookstore, or amazon.com

Google DP/DR chat sites & forums, such as anxietyzone.com & dpselfhelp.com/forum and ask what worked for them, such as: dpselfhelp.com/forum/index.php?/topic/20892-the-holy-grail-of-curing-dpdr/

Avoid fluorescent lights as much as possible; Perform an internet search for the terms: "depersonalization + derealization; fluorescent lights".

I don't know whether tinted glasses would help, but they are one of the suggestions for things to try with migraine. Indoors, perhaps a yellow tint would better enable adequate vision, and it would let people see your eyes, which many regard as being important for good communication.
Migraine headaches often have visual "auras" before their onset, although I can't know what you mean by "glares". They can also be triggered by fluorescent, or flickering / strobing lights.

More later.

04-30-2015, 01:45 AM
The possibility that an insufficiency of vitamin D may either be the cause of, or exacerbating your anxiety / panic disorder occurred to me, since you mention that you haven't been surfing for around 4 months, and it was recently wintertime in the Northern hemisphere, so you would probably have been wearing a wetsuit, and not getting adequate exposure to full sunlight on unprotected skin for the generation of vitamin D from UVB rays.

From vitamindwiki.com/Handout+on+Vitamin+D+%28Hormone+D%29+and+sleep+-+Gominak+2012

"If you have a neurologic problem that is severe enough to see a neurologist, you probably do not heal your body in sleep as perfectly as you once did. Most of us who have headaches, tremor, balance difficulties, vertigo, burning in the feet, depression, body pain, or memory loss have abnormal sleep and, surprisingly, fixing the sleep can fix the neurologic problem. From 2005-2009 I performed sleep studies on most of my patients and used medications or sleep masks to try to help their sleep. In 2009 I accidentally discovered that most of my patients had abnormal sleep because they were vitamin D deficient. Vitamin D deficiency is probably why you are coming to see me today even though you don’t know it. Though we might end up talking about vitamin D I am not really as interested in vitamins as I am in sleep".

vitamindwiki.com/Search+Results?hl=en&oe=UTF-8&ie=UTF-8&btnG=Google+Search&q=anxiety&domains=vitamindwiki.com&sitesearch=vitamindwiki.com has about 183 results from a search of anxiety related items.
Perform an internet search for the terms: "anxiety, vitamin d deficiency".

If supplementing vitamin D, (the non preferred method, according to vitaminDcouncil.org ) use only vitamin D3. Also view vitamindcouncil.org/about-vitamin-d/how-do-i-get-the-vitamin-d-my-body-needs/ & sawyer.com/understanding-uva-uvb/ & articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2014/10/19/cholesterol-sulfate.aspx Consider the UV meter shown in vitaminDcouncil.org at Sunfriend.com

Australia has the highest rate of melanoma (skin cancer) in the world; even so, the Australian Cancer Council has now recognised the importance of maintaining adequate vitamin D levels for not only general health, but it also reduces the overall rate of melanoma (and provides a better outcome for those affected).

They now recommend 30 minutes of sun exposure, daily. Your shadow should be shorter than you, for best generation of vitamin D, but in midsummer it can be sensible to either avoid the hours around noon, when the UV index is at its highest, depending on the latitude of your location, or sun yourself under 50% density shadecloth, because the highest ratio of UVB to UVA occurs around noon, and only UVB light produces vitamin D.

"UVB light hits the skin and, (if above the minimum threshold intensity) changes 7 dehydrocholesterol to D hormone; cholecalciferol, which is vitamin D" - Dr. Gominak. (my emphasis)

Maintaining optimal levels of vitamin D (59% of Americans have levels that are depleted, or deficient; 95% for those with greater melanin pigmentation) will reduce the risks of contracting many diseases, and speed recovery.

The govt. RDI of 400 IU daily is long outdated, according to vitaminDwiki, and Dr. John Cannell, at vitaminDcouncil.org, Dr. Weil, at drweil.com, Dr. Ben Kim, at drbenkim.com, Dr. Axe, at draxe.com, Dr. Gominak, a neurologist at drgominak.com and Dr. Mercola, at mercola.com all agree that an RDI of 5000 IU daily is not excessive, although higher levels may be required as people age, and / or put on weight. My doctor, on the basis of several peer reviewed studies, also agrees that an RDI of 5000 IU daily is not excessive, and it is virtually impossible to get the required amount from dietary sources, without the risk of toxicity.

There are currently differing medical opinions on what is the ideal range for achieving maximal benefits, with minimal risks; I formerly adopted 45-52 ng/ml (115-128 n mol/l), but am now opting for 60 ng/ml - 80 ng/ml (150 n mol/l - 200 n mol/l) with 60 ng/ml (150 n mol/l) as my target.

More information on vitamin D is at your-mental-health.weebly.com on page 3, about Seasonal Affective Disorder. It is also important to maintain sufficient of its co-factors, zinc, boron, magnesium, and vitamin K2. You can get them from health food, vitamin stores, or online.

You could enhance your microbiome (both the beneficial and harmful bacteria in your digestive tract, which produce a large proportion of your neurotransmitters, and some vitamins) by regular consumption of fermented foods, such as sauerkraut, tofu, soy sauce, or natto, and take a probiotic, preferably one with an enteric coating; Google supplies, or mercola.com have some. "Those same colonic bacteria actually supply 4, of 8 B vitamins that we need to feel good, so there are secondary B vitamin deficiencies that may have to be corrected for the sleep to return completely to normal" - drgominak.com

Adopt a diet with minimal sugars and / or highly processed grain products, with more non starchy vegetables, protein, some complex carbohydrates, such as legumes, (beans, peas, lentils and chickpeas) and brown rice, some sourdough rye bread or seed and nutloaf, and 2, or 3 pieces of fruit, as well as probiotic yoghurt.

04-30-2015, 02:02 AM
I suggest that you either consult another doctor, or preferably a neurologist, and have your vitamin D levels checked, but print my above posts, and take them along, because a lot of the information would not have been covered in medical school, and they are unlikely to have encountered all of it since. There are now more than 28,000 articles on vitamin D, with 90% of all current knowledge about it being discovered in the last 10 - 15 years. A less expensive option is for blood spot vitamin D testing, via vitaminDcouncil.org at the top of their webpage. Click there, if interested.

This may provide some direction in your search for the cause, and treatment of your headaches:

Take folate & a natural vitamin B complex.Enter "migraine" in the searchbar at mercola.com & drweil.com/drw/u/ART03106/Migraine-Headaches.html Identify, and avoid, your "triggers". These include: bright/flashing/flickering lights (including fluorescents), loud music/noises, certain odours, red wine, yoghurt, nuts, wheat, and other grain products, sugar, nitrates/nitrites, (processed meats) Lima beans, stress, fatigue, lack of sleep (see Insomnia, at your-mental-health.weebly.com/1.html ) caffeine products, (see OCD, on page F, at weebly.com for a list) chocolate, cheese, sulphites, Aspartame (Nutrasweet, Equal, or AminoSweet), saccharin, MonoSodium Glutamate, (see OCD, on page F, at weebly.com) and dehydration.
Dr. Mercola advises that migraines can be reduced by 80%, if you avoid sugar, wheat and grain products, and drink only water, in sufficient quantities (many people don't). See articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2001/09/29/migraine-treatment.aspx and enter "migraine" in the searchbar, and check out the articles, like "Vitamin B2 Helps Prevent Migraines" & "Green Apple Scent Cuts Migraine Pain" & articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2008/12/27/important-vitamin-d-update.aspx He also recommends practising the EFT for this.

Another trigger for some people can be a drop in barometric pressure: for those people, keep an eye on the isobars on the weather map, so you can at least be ready for them. Watch for those low pressure fronts moving in, often in the winter months, outside tropical/subtropical zones. Try taking 10 TEASPOONS of CAYENNE PEPPER in a glass of water. See squidoo.com/migraineheadache/ Feverfew is a traditional herbal remedy for treating migraines. plantcures.com/ and natural-herbalremedies.com/ See: erowid.org/herbs/valerian/valerian.shtml Exercise helps; see medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=150434

A natural remedy is Butterbur: (75ml, twice daily) when combined with Melatonin, it is said to reduce migraines by half. If you read the section on page O, at weebly.com about insomnia, however, it may interfere with normal melatonin production, and affect the sleep of some people: if this applies to you, try the other remedies on that page, and page 1, using some of the solutions. Acupuncture, or acupressure can be effective. See and lifepositive.com Magnesium supplements, ( articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2001/08/25/migraine-part-one.aspx ) and vitamin B complex (the high quality, more expensive, easily digested natural ones, certified 100% from natural sources, from vitamin stores) are recommended. Google the new tiara like Cefaly electrostimulation device, which may be worth renting, to see if it is effective in your case.

Apply a cold compress to the forehead, or behind the neck. Massage the ears and ear lobes. Massage the "crown" of the head: that ring of tissue where a crown would sit. At earthclinic.com cold showers are recommended, but I have not tried this treatment. Since the "alternative mental health" website (above) advises using relaxation methods, practice a relaxation method, daily, and when needed, such as drcoxconsulting.com/managing-stress.html or altmedicine.about.com/cs/mindbody/a/Meditation.htm or wikihow.com/Meditate or Yoga Nidra, (a series of easy mental exercises only; no flexibility required) on page L at your-mental-health.weebly.com ). Check out pages B, and L, at weebly, where there are several to choose from.

Some people are still dismissive of them, but scientific testing has demonstrated conclusively that they increase activity in the left prefrontal cortex, when practised. Also check out page 7, at weebly.com, if the above is insufficient; your migraine may be related to food allergies, and an elimination diet could help identify, and treat it. Topiramate will only prevent migraine headaches. Topamax is used to prevent or treat migraine headaches. See drugs.com about risks and side effects; keep them in reserve, as a last resort. USA free call Headache Foundation 1-800-843-2256. Google: "peptide injections; migraine reduction".

"Tinted Glasses to Fight Migraines", from drweil.com/drw/u/WBL02256/Minor-Ailments-Boost-Dementia-Risk.html
If you have migraines preceded by a visual aura (such as flashes of light or intense patterns) special precision tinted lenses may help stave off headaches. The lenses have to be custom made for every patient, according to a researcher at Michigan State University who just published results of a small study. The research demonstrated that the specially tinted lenses helped normalize brain activity that occurs when migraine patients experience auras of patterns and light. The clinical trial included only 22 participants, 11 of whom suffered from migraines and 11 who did not. During the study, each participant was asked to wear precision lenses. By using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) the researchers were able to monitor the effects of wearing the lenses on abnormal brain activity (known as hyper-activation) that occurs with the visual patterns associated with migraines. The results showed that the migraine patients reported 70 percent less pain when wearing the special lenses. The study was published in the May 26, 2011 issue of Cephalalgia. Larger studies with more migraine patients are now needed to confirm the positive results seen in this small group.

Hypnosis is merely a heightened state of suggestibility, in which you are better able to communicate with your subconscious mind. 85% of people are suggestible, to some degree, so you could either preferably seek professional hypnotherapy, or, if not an option, check out "headache" at belleruthnaparstek.com and asktheinternettherapist.com has: Headache and Migraine Relief. View patrickholford.com/index.php/advice/nutritionalglossary/

"There are many causes of headaches and migraines, ranging from blood sugar drops, dehydration and allergy to stress and tension, or a critical combination. Peaks and troughs in adrenalin and blood sugar can bring on a headache. Often they go away with optimum nutrition. If they persist, look carefully at the possibility of allergy. See if you can notice any correlation between the foods you eat and the incidence of headaches. For migraine sufferers, instead of taking an aspirin, or migraine drugs that constrict the blood vessels, try taking 100–200mg of vitamin B3 in the niacin form, which is a vasodilator. Start with the smaller dose: this will often stop or reduce a migraine in the early stages. It is best to do this at home in a relaxed environment, so the customary warm blushing sensation will probably not bother you. Diet advice: Eat little and often and avoid long periods without food, especially if you are stressed or tense. Also make sure you drink regularly. Avoid sugar and stimulants like tea, coffee and chocolate. Supplements : 2 x Multivitamin and multimineral. Vitamin C 1,000mg. Vitamin B3 (niacin) 100mg" - from Yahoo!Answers.

This is all the information I have on migraine triggers and treatment; I hope the above results in a considerable improvement in your condition. Be advise that some doctors would prescribe anxiolytics (anti-anxiety) medications such as Lexapro, Paxil, or benzodiazepines, for panic / anxiety attacks. All of them carry risks, and the possibility of side effects, sometimes severe, occasionally permanent, rarely, but sometimes causing kidney failure. Lexapro, Paxil and other SSRI anxiolytics / antidepressants are unsuitable for those under the age of around 24, as they have been shown to increase the risks of homicidal, suicidal, or aberrant behaviour.

See "Psychiatrist: Anti-depressants not for kids", at au.news.yahoo.com/a/10122373/psychiatrist-anti-depressants-not-for-kids/
Benzodiazepines are addictive, with a very long weaning off period, and long term use considerably increases the risks of dementia.
I usually suggest trying the natural and alternative treatments first, as they are generally safer, before even considering medications.