View Full Version : Please, I need advice

04-22-2015, 08:05 PM
Hello everyone, I started taking Celexa around 5-6 years ago. I am now 23 years old and I want to make changes. I have trouble building relationships with people at work and outside of work. I am always paranoid of what people think of me and fear large groups. The only thing that has changed is I dont get panic attacks like I used to when I was younger. But at the same time I became addicted to opiates and cocaine and I've been sober for the past two years (Not including a slip 7-8 months ago) I dont know what to do I want to stop taking Celexa and hope I feel better but I dont want to lose my mind or my job. I feel like my brain is numbed to emotions. I don't have any real friends anymore either... I always get nervous and avoid conversations at work it sucks.. Does anyone have experience with this who can offer advice please?

04-22-2015, 10:24 PM
Hello everyone, I started taking Celexa around 5-6 years ago. I am now 23 years old and I want to make changes. I have trouble building relationships with people at work and outside of work. I am always paranoid of what people think of me and fear large groups. The only thing that has changed is I dont get panic attacks like I used to when I was younger. But at the same time I became addicted to opiates and cocaine and I've been sober for the past two years (Not including a slip 7-8 months ago) I dont know what to do I want to stop taking Celexa and hope I feel better but I dont want to lose my mind or my job. I feel like my brain is numbed to emotions. I don't have any real friends anymore either... I alwayscelexa get nervous and avoid conversations at work it sucks.. Does anyone have experience with this who can offer advice please?

Why do you want to stop celexa?, if that's probably whats helping you with your panic attacks, what you need to do is concentrate on staying off the opiates and cocaine.

04-22-2015, 10:58 PM
I am off drugs now I only take Celexa. The panic attacks were really bad when I was younger so I am afraid they will come back if I stop taking Celexa. I don't know what I really want but I do want to feel normal and not feel paranoid around people or social gatherings. I feel like the Celexa is not helping in situations like that. My emotions feel numbed. So do I stop taking it to see how I feel? and see if I can progress in my life with situations like that or do I stay on it. I was put on Celexa when I was 16-7 when I was depressed and had panic attacks non stop. But its been a while and I want to see if I can be normal again.

04-23-2015, 04:59 AM
1) The panic attacks were really bad when I was younger so I am afraid they will come back if I stop taking Celexa.

2) I don't know what I really want but I do want to feel normal and not feel paranoid around people or social gatherings.

3) I feel like the Celexa is not helping in situations like that.

4) My emotions feel numbed.

5) I was put on Celexa when I was 16-7 when I was depressed and had panic attacks non stop.

1) Don't stop it yet. You are not mentally ready to deal will the flood of emotions that may come forward. Relapsing into 'other' drugs.

2) You do know what you want
A) To feel normal (anxiety free, healthy, without the 'numbness' or depression)
B) To feel good around people in social situations without paranoia
C) To stay drug free
D) To be accepted for who you are, loved, and not drowning yourself in drugs
E) To be valued, contribute, to feel important, proud, confident
F) To feel alive and vibrant

3) It is not 'hurting' either. Stay with it for the time being. It is suppressing the emotions that you don't know how to deal with yet. You must deal with them first and slowly open the flood gates in a controlled environment - therapy.

4) Yes they do, but this issue is far deeper than you would suppose, and has been with you since early childhood. Way before you care to remember, and also before the drugs of any kind.

5) This was done as a last resort, your family was afraid of what you might do to yourself and in a way they were scared they could not control what was happening. And so better to numb you up than deal with the fears and problems of the household. Another words they did not have to look at themselves as often. That whole time was a diversion, a game of pretend that everything was OK. Or going to be ok. A coverup.

This is not just a matter of 'stop the celexa' and everything will be OK. There is much going on inside you, emotionally (since a very early age), that needs releasing (you shut down). This is to be the first order, in therapy. As you begin to open up again, everything else will fall into place.

Start therapy to find your heart again. And accept that you cannot see anything clearly for the moment while this cloud surrounds you. In fleeting moments the truth does manage to peek out, these are moments of clarity when you want to feel 'normal' again. So take advantage of them by seeking help in sorting out your feelings and value judgments about your life. At 23 you are now ready to do the 'adult' work to help yourself and begin the new life that awaits you.

04-23-2015, 06:06 PM
You are right. I will book a appointment with a therapist I haven't seen one in a long time. Thank you so much.