View Full Version : visible physical symptoms effecting people I interact with

04-19-2015, 09:11 AM
This is my first post on this forum, just seeking some advice on how to deal with my issue with social anxiety. Long story short my main issue is facial tension, especially my eyes and forehead. The tension is visible on my face and I tend to make others uncomfortable. It's very demoralizing when im trying to work on my SA by talking to people....but then end up making them uncomfortable to a point where they seem to not want to interact with me. I even make my friends and family uncomfortable, which is the worst. Any advice on how to deal with facial tension would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.

04-19-2015, 09:52 AM
This is exactly how I felt most of the time when my social anxiety was at it's highest. It managed to gradually decrease as the time went by and I noticed that when I managed to get closer to the person then all of the tension vanished. It appears only when I don't know the person well enough. Not sure if it's like this to you as well. Try looking at their nose when talking instead of making eye contact, I think that should reduce the anxiety.

04-19-2015, 10:11 AM
This is my first post on this forum, just seeking some advice on how to deal with my issue with social anxiety. Long story short my main issue is facial tension, especially my eyes and forehead. The tension is visible on my face and I tend to make others uncomfortable. It's very demoralizing when im trying to work on my SA by talking to people....but then end up making them uncomfortable to a point where they seem to not want to interact with me. I even make my friends and family uncomfortable, which is the worst. Any advice on how to deal with facial tension would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.

Smile... :)

(problem solved, in many more ways than you can imagine).

04-19-2015, 03:24 PM
Thanks for your reply Nec. I think our situations are similar. My anxiety is not as bad if I stay really engaged in the conversation to keep my mind off of my anxiety symptoms.....but once I start thinking about my facial tension (in particular my eyes), then it all goes downhill and I become withdrawn. It was really bad this weekend where I was a groomsman for a wedding, a lot of people I don't know. I may be thinking to negative, but I feel some people glare at me thinking something is wrong and are hesitant to talk with me. I hope it gets better with time, I have been suffering this for the pasts 4 years.....thanks again with the looking at the nose tip I will try it out!

04-19-2015, 03:29 PM
Thanks Im-Suffering, I'll try to stay positive and smile. Really tough though in anxiety provoking situations, my mind is so strongly drawn to my negative inner thoughts....but i'll keep trying :).

04-19-2015, 03:41 PM
Thanks Im-Suffering, I'll try to stay positive and smile. Really tough though in anxiety provoking situations, my mind is so strongly drawn to my negative inner thoughts....but i'll keep trying :).

I meant that literally. You cannot smile and frown at the same time. Next time you find yourself tensing up, smile.