View Full Version : Anxiety and paranoia made me a creep and now I'm freaking out please help

04-09-2015, 07:07 PM
Thanks for the advice.

04-09-2015, 08:12 PM
This might be all over the place and I might sound crazy so I apologize for that in advance.

I used to have an account on a social media site, but I deleted it not too long ago simply because I don't care for the site anymore. I met a lot of cool people on there, but there's one person that doesn't like me. I have no negative feelings towards them, but they didn't like me and I never did figure out why.

Anyway, so my paranoia was telling me that since I was gone they were super happy and talking badly about me and they were turning our (few) mutual friends against me. I know it sounds insane but I couldn't help it. I ended up checking their account every once in a while (like once a day for the past week or so) just to stop my obsessive thoughts because when I saw that they weren't talking about me it helped me calm down. I went on their account last night and they made a post saying that I need to stop going on their page because I'm acting borderline obsessive and they're tired of it. I didn't know they knew I was going on there, and I wasn't doing anything other than looking for two seconds. I closed the window and I told myself I'd look in a few minutes and it would be the last time. So I did, and they deleted that post and simply said 'please tell me what you want or leave me alone' and that's the last time I ever went on their page and it's the last time I ever will.

I know it was about me and I feel so awful for making them feel bad. I'm having obsessive thoughts about them and I have been for a while because I'm not good with people not liking me. I've always gotten on well with everyone and knowing that someone doesn't like me just freaks me out and I went overboard. I feel sick. I'm scared that they're talking badly about me and telling everyone that I'm a creepy stalker, but they really are a good person and I highly doubt they're really even thinking about me but I can't stop these fucking thoughts and I can't eat and I'm losing my mind.

I know I sound insane and if anything this has shown me that I should get professional help to deal with my paranoia and anxiety and to stop my obsessive thoughts. I'm just so scared. I need someone to tell me to calm down and that I'm not a bad person because I feel like the worst person in the world and that everyone hates me now and I don't know what to do.

Hey I know about this from the first post.. So you "stalked" them and they knew? How the hell did they know?? I stalk people on Facebook all the time lol and pretty sure that doesn't tell people if you've looked at their page. I hope not haha.

Anyway calm down! This is social media and this kind of thing happens all the time. Just leave the whole thing alone for a while (don't go there) and it will all blow over, I promise. Hang out here instead with us anxious people.. We don't hate you!


04-09-2015, 08:23 PM
Hey I know about this from the first post.. So you "stalked" them and they knew? How the hell did they know?? I stalk people on Facebook all the time lol and pretty sure that doesn't tell people if you've looked at their page. I hope not haha.

Anyway calm down! This is social media and this kind of thing happens all the time. Just leave the whole thing alone for a while (don't go there) and it will all blow over, I promise. Hang out here instead with us anxious people.. We don't hate you!


aww.... sweet : )

04-09-2015, 08:29 PM
aww.... sweet : )

LOL. That's me ;)

04-09-2015, 11:16 PM
LOL. That's me ;)

Kindness is healing : )

04-10-2015, 02:05 AM
I think you should definitely get professional help. Why not? Go seek out a qualified therapist and tell this to hm/her. In life, I have found, we can't worry too much what others think of us, because it's wasted time and effort. I heard this once: "It is none of my business what you think of me." But we also need to abide by certain social rules and part of that is the concept of space and not being too overbearing or creepy. You want to learn to be yourself but also follow certain social norms because if you weird people out, this will cause you problems. If you are coming across as creepy or a talker then learn from it and don't act like that. We need to listen not just do whatever we want and say whatever we want. If you are overly obsessing on it, I think this is something you really should talk to a qualified therapist about. Maybe you think they are talking about you more than they actually are?