View Full Version : Feeling anxious after reading about the complication of anxiety and depression.

Zain Raza
04-02-2015, 08:32 PM
Has anyone really felt more anxious after reading about the complications that can result due to anxiety and depression. Up till now I have always felt relieved that it was a mental disease that wasn't causing much physical damage. However, recently I started reading on connections of anxiety, depression and panic attacks with heart diseases and other complications and it is making me more anxious. The research hasn't been able to strongly prove the connection, but just the idea of it makes me anxious now. Has anyone talked about it with their doctors and tried to find out if this risk is real or not?

04-02-2015, 10:56 PM
Getting anxious about anxiety seems counter-intuitive to me, so is something I've never let myself do. :)

Objectively speaking, we know stress is harmful, so feeling lots of it isn't going to do you much good. Same as eating too many burgers, really.

That being said, relaxation of the mind and body is possible, so I'd advise you strongly to try and shift your focus into that direction, or at least one that's just as positive. Then there's a chance you won't have to deal with this shit for longer than you have to.

Maybe to balance out the worry of developing a physical illness because of your mental illness you could take up meditation. That lowers cortisol (the stress hormone), and can protect against conditions like high blood pressure, which can eventually lead to complications.

04-02-2015, 11:04 PM
Has anyone really felt more anxious after reading about the complications that can result due to anxiety and depression. Up till now I have always felt relieved that it was a mental disease that wasn't causing much physical damage. However, recently I started reading on connections of anxiety, depression and panic attacks with heart diseases and other complications and it is making me more anxious. The research hasn't been able to strongly prove the connection, but just the idea of it makes me anxious now. Has anyone talked about it with their doctors and tried to find out if this risk is real or not?

If it makes you feel better my last blood pressure reading was "perfect" according to the nurse. I'm 41 and have suffered anxiety my whole life. The body is pretty tough. As Jesse says, don't add more anxiety to what you've already got.

Also learn how to breathe with your diaphragm. I'm convinced this is one of the best things you can do for your mental AND physical health.

Gypsy x

05-19-2015, 04:38 PM
I get this too, like you, I read about heart diseases that can be caused by anxiety, and I get panic attack from reading it, but every time, somehow, I come back alive... This is what also helps me get trough the day, If I haven't died yet ( one year of suffering) I won't die for a long period of time. Honestly I am starting to think that my mind is guilty for everything that is happening to me, and since I know so little about it, I don't know where to start to improve myself. I started meditating, I read a lot of psychological books, the one I am currently reading is Way of the Peaceful Warrior which can help you with your anxiety for sure, and open your mind a little bit, if you believe what books says is true. I don't know what to say, but many people are talking about connection your mind and body with the universe, and all the energies that affects us, I guess there is something that can help us 'cure' that way, there is something there, until I find it for sure, I won't give you false hope or anything, but I have to try, if I find the way out I'll share with you all... :)

05-28-2015, 09:49 PM
yeah I do that quite a bit myself. it used to freak me out a little at the start.. but its best if you don't really look into it too much. because it only fuels more anxiety.

05-29-2015, 04:10 AM
Has anyone really felt more anxious after reading about the complications that can result due to anxiety and depression. Up till now I have always felt relieved that it was a mental disease that wasn't causing much physical damage. However, recently I started reading on connections of anxiety, depression and panic attacks with heart diseases and other complications and it is making me more anxious. The research hasn't been able to strongly prove the connection, but just the idea of it makes me anxious now. Has anyone talked about it with their doctors and tried to find out if this risk is real or not?

We all been there. It's a pathway to nowhere. Just focus on getting rid of anxiety and getting healthy, and you will never have to worry about long-term effects.