View Full Version : doctor told me several times my muscle twitches are from anxiety is this possible??

04-02-2015, 08:10 AM
I apologize for posting this twice but I think I posted this in the wrong thread the first time.

I started having a muscle twitch in my arm 3 months ago, then it quickly spread to my whole whole body, ie; arms, legs, butt, face, legs, hands, back, stomach, feet. I also have tingling in my legs and arms as well. Doctor said this points away from ALS. I recently had a neurological exam done by my family doctor and everything was fine. I saw another doctor and they agreed with my family doctor. My thyroid is a bit low but treatment made me feel worse, ie: more twitches. I was told that I need to deal with my stress and anxiety. I started looking up my symptoms and I became worried of ALS.

I also have no muscle wasting or weakness. I do have some muscle cramps that move around but my doctor told me that too much thyroid hormone can do that. He took me off my thyroid medication. He also stated that with ALS twitches do not jump around the body at random, same goes for the minor cramps I have. I have mentioned my fear of ALS to him several times and he seemed to getting annoyed with me. I am at a very very stressful point in my life.

The twitches vary in strength all throughout my body.If I get up and move around the twitches and cramps stop and I generally feel better. But when I sit down they start up again. I have seen my doctor 3 times in a month and he thinks it is all stress related. I am very stressed and I have an ongoing fear of ALS as a result of goggling my symptoms.

My GF is a also a doctor and she has tested my reflexes and performed some strength tests and she see's nothing that would suggest ALS. But I am still very worried due to my muscles twitches. Does this sound like anxiety and stress to anyone else??

04-02-2015, 08:28 AM
I have similar symptoms of tingling, twitching and cramping. Right now I am waiting on results of my vitamin D test because I strongly suspect there is a link. I have been taking D3 and also magnesium for a few weeks and I have noticed some decrease in symptoms. I am going to start including more calcium in my diet too, although if my test comes back very low I know none of this will be a quick fix. There is a thread on vitamin D in the Depession forum I think you should check out.

04-02-2015, 08:28 AM
I apologize for posting this twice but I think I posted this in the wrong thread the first time.

I started having a muscle twitch in my arm 3 months ago, then it quickly spread to my whole whole body, ie; arms, legs, butt, face, legs, hands, back, stomach, feet. I also have tingling in my legs and arms as well. Doctor said this points away from ALS. I recently had a neurological exam done by my family doctor and everything was fine. I saw another doctor and they agreed with my family doctor. My thyroid is a bit low but treatment made me feel worse, ie: more twitches. I was told that I need to deal with my stress and anxiety. I started looking up my symptoms and I became worried of ALS.

I also have no muscle wasting or weakness. I do have some muscle cramps that move around but my doctor told me that too much thyroid hormone can do that. He took me off my thyroid medication. He also stated that with ALS twitches do not jump around the body at random, same goes for the minor cramps I have. I have mentioned my fear of ALS to him several times and he seemed to getting annoyed with me. I am at a very very stressful point in my life.

The twitches vary in strength all throughout my body.If I get up and move around the twitches and cramps stop and I generally feel better. But when I sit down they start up again. I have seen my doctor 3 times in a month and he thinks it is all stress related. I am very stressed and I have an ongoing fear of ALS as a result of goggling my symptoms.

My GF is a also a doctor and she has tested my reflexes and performed some strength tests and she see's nothing that would suggest ALS. But I am still very worried due to my muscles twitches. Does this sound like anxiety and stress to anyone else??

Yes, nerves. Or spinal (chiropractic nerve irritation due to posture/pinched/etc.). When you move - the muscle becomes engaged and stops twitching, when at rest, it can act up again.

Use magnesium supplement 250-500 dose daily. And if you take some focus off of it, it will subside on its own.

04-02-2015, 08:31 AM
Thanks for your reply. I had all vit level's checked, and they came back normal. Just thyroid was low. My doc said that I'm obsessed with my fear, anxiety of having something serious.

04-02-2015, 08:36 AM
Thanks for your reply. I had all vit level's checked, and they came back normal. Just thyroid was low. My doc said that I'm obsessed with my fear, anxiety of having something serious.

yes, try the magnesium. and watch your posture, movement. you may be aggrevating nerves by exercise, sitting position, crossed legs but most likely if they are body-wide...........it is indeed nerves. and i am coming from direct experience. they WILL subside on their own.

04-02-2015, 08:40 AM
ok, thank you!! I have been taking small amounts of magnesium but perhaps not enough. Have also started taking some stress medication. My anxiety did not start until I started goggling my symptoms. Since then I have been a mess with stress, worry, anxiety and fear. I focus on every little twitch, cramp etc.

04-02-2015, 08:46 AM
ok, thank you!! I have been taking small amounts of magnesium but perhaps not enough. Have also started taking some stress medication. My anxiety did not start until I started goggling my symptoms. Since then I have been a mess with stress, worry, anxiety and fear. I focus on every little twitch, cramp etc.

yep, we all twitch ! but it comes and goes as you learn to 'forget' about them, or say 'screw it, twitch if you must !" Magnesium at 300-500 is a good recommendation, anything above 600 daily is IMO a little high. i myself take 250. for what its worth. they will stop !!

04-02-2015, 09:01 AM
Glad I am not the only one who twitches!! Its very worrisome when just one day start twitching all over, I ALWAYS think worse case scenario

04-03-2015, 03:04 AM
Hi Help2015:

Please read the below link, which is my thread about vitamin D3. Most doctors are quite uminformed about the correct D3 test and type, the correct level of D3 in the system, specifically for neurotic patients.



04-03-2015, 08:05 AM
Hi Thanks. Yeah, I'm not sure if my doctor tested my Vit. D levels or not. He may have not since I heard that most doc's don't for routine blood tests.