View Full Version : Physical Pain...please help?

04-01-2015, 06:15 AM
Hey everyone, new here but looking if someone else has dealt with this. About a week ago my husband went out of town to get his mom from the hospital (she had an operation related to her cancer, more on that later). I was home with our kids and some pretty bad anxiety came on. The only other time this has happened before was after his mom was diagnosed with terminal cancer several months ago. I had terrible anxiety for a week, maybe two, and then it kind of went away. During that time I had numbness in my hands and even my face. That freaked me out even more but I chalked it up to stress. This time around I started having upper back pain, nerve pain in my neck, ice pick headaches. The same day my husband got home I started having random pains throughout my body (but the headaches and neck pain were gone). They only last a few seconds and are bilateral. One second it might be in my finger, then in my knee, then in my toe, then in my elbow, then in my chest etc. Sometimes I'll have an hour without any pain, but not often. My husband and my best friend think this is a manifestation of the anxiety, especially since we are also moving right now. The problem is, I have health anxiety. So I have been freaked out by the pains, thinking it must be something very serious. To make matters worse my husband has called 7 different psych practices to get me an appointment (saw GP, he will only give me a referral) and NONE are taking new patients. The best we could get was on a waiting list that may see me in 2-3 months :( Today my anxiety seems to be a bit better...I feel more like my normal self but not quite 100%. Maybe because we are getting more settled in to our new home? However, the moving pains throughout my body are still there. For some reason I am having such a hard time believing the mind could cause random pain like that. A neck ache or a backache in one area, sure. But this pain is all over my body and so random. My mind just goes to cancer, ms, lupus or another degenerative disease. Anyone else ever dealt with pain like this that is caused from anxiety? I've also wondered if it could be fibromyalgia...I've read anxiety can also be a symptom of that.

Sorry this is so long, thank you for reading!

04-01-2015, 03:03 PM
Sounds like typical health anxiety to me.

Of course, get your check up, but this is textbook health anxiety...especially since your pain is flip flopping all over the place.

04-02-2015, 03:28 AM
Sounds like typical health anxiety to me.

Of course, get your check up, but this is textbook health anxiety...especially since your pain is flip flopping all over the place.

Thanks for your response! I just found out it could be from the thyroid medication I'm on so I will be calling that doc to see if this is plausible. Still doesn't explain the sudden anxiety though so. I just want my old life back :(