View Full Version : The struggle continues..

03-31-2015, 09:51 PM
I'll cut right to the chase... I recently visited with a naturopathic doctor and we ran some tests over the past couple months. Her diagnosis for me is as follows: severe adrenal fatigue, neurotransmitter imbalances, food allergies (but unsure what food/s), very low Vitamin D, low thyroid function.

So certainly, it is no surprise I've been having panic attacks like crazy for months now.

She "prescribed" me several supplements to be taking for adrenal support, neurotransmitter support, vitamin d, and a mineral tranquilizer. She also told me to stop eating gluten, and take a daily multivitamin.

Overall, I was pleased with my visit with her. She seemed to really care about my well being and gave me several tips on managing the anxiety symptoms in my daily life. Here's my problem though... For awhile now ive been terrified of taking any kind of "medicine". I have severe health anxiety and I'm always worried that something I take might just kill me. So I researched the supplements she gave me...

One of them contains Magnesium Aspartate.. I researched this and found this study that says aspartate reacts much like aspartame (the artificial sweetener in diet sodas) and can kill off brain cells. I also found that it can interact negatively with vitamin d. What the hell?? So now I have anxiety over my anti-anxiety supplements.

The Vitamin D supplements I bought from her also have soy in them, much to my surprise. Soy has been proven to suppress thyroid function... I already have a thyroid problem, so why does she not know things like this?

Sigh... Anxiety is exhausting. Like I said, I felt good about my overall experience with the naturopath. But now I'm unsure just how much I should trust what she's given to me.

Is a little peace of mind so much to ask for? :( I feel like I can't trust anyone.

04-01-2015, 09:15 PM
I'll cut right to the chase... I recently visited with a naturopathic doctor and we ran some tests over the past couple months. Her diagnosis for me is as follows: severe adrenal fatigue, neurotransmitter imbalances, food allergies (but unsure what food/s), very low Vitamin D, low thyroid function.

So certainly, it is no surprise I've been having panic attacks like crazy for months now.

She "prescribed" me several supplements to be taking for adrenal support, neurotransmitter support, vitamin d, and a mineral tranquilizer. She also told me to stop eating gluten, and take a daily multivitamin.

Overall, I was pleased with my visit with her. She seemed to really care about my well being and gave me several tips on managing the anxiety symptoms in my daily life. Here's my problem though... For awhile now ive been terrified of taking any kind of "medicine". I have severe health anxiety and I'm always worried that something I take might just kill me. So I researched the supplements she gave me...

One of them contains Magnesium Aspartate.. I researched this and found this study that says aspartate reacts much like aspartame (the artificial sweetener in diet sodas) and can kill off brain cells. I also found that it can interact negatively with vitamin d. What the hell?? So now I have anxiety over my anti-anxiety supplements.

The Vitamin D supplements I bought from her also have soy in them, much to my surprise. Soy has been proven to suppress thyroid function... I already have a thyroid problem, so why does she not know things like this?

Sigh... Anxiety is exhausting. Like I said, I felt good about my overall experience with the naturopath. But now I'm unsure just how much I should trust what she's given to me.

Is a little peace of mind so much to ask for? :( I feel like I can't trust anyone.

I think you should trust her if you had a good feeling overall. The internet can be a bit of a problem in that you can find "bad" things about pretty much anything if you search hard enough. It's like Googling medical problems and no matter what it is you end up thinking you have cancer. I don't think anything "prescribed" by a Naturopath could be that harmful. So go with your gut feeling which was that she knows what she's doing, rather than the internet.
