View Full Version : Incredibly Worried-on pristiq.

03-31-2015, 07:57 PM
Hi everyone. Recently new. Trying to find a safe haven to express my thoughts and feelings to people who ACTUALLY understand what's going on with anxiety and panic attack episodes. So i've been constantly worrying for my entire life, probably since i was 14 and i am 23 now. I have held all of my thoughts in and they finally exploded one night leaving me in the hospital and on medication because my entire body was shaking profusively.

I am now worried about every little thing. Ihave lost my friends and everything. I'm on pristiq as of last week and i switched from celexa. Is anyone in my situation? Please let me know. Please..

03-31-2015, 10:23 PM
Hi Stephanie and welcome :)

I'm 41 but have suffered from severe anxiety since my teens. I'm a lot better now but I do know how horrible and debilitating it can be. Meds can make a huge difference once you find the right one for you.

I hope you find some help here - it's a great support network.

Gypsy x