View Full Version : Panic Disorder and Slightly hypochondriac

03-28-2015, 12:31 PM
Hello I'm a 16 year old teen, catholic, just joined the forums but been here for quite a while, Im from Dominican Republic and I'd like to post a helpful thread for all of those going through anxiety disorders.

My life was such an unpleasant trip since October 2014, where I thought I had an HIV infection not because of a sexual relationship but just a simple sports cut some guy had while we were playing basketball, I thought I was infected because after 1 and half week I was experiencing sore throat , flu like symptoms, etc.. I lived with that for around 3 months , I went to doctors, professionals who reassured me that the possibilities of getting infected was 1 in 1 million despite the knowledge if the guy was infected or not. I didn't know anxiety would function like that but for me I was HIV positive and my life was sentenced to death, the day my HIV/Hepatitis tests were supposed to come out I was walking home, my anxiety was so big that I could feel myself outside of the world, feeling like I've never walked through that street in front of my house, like I was living in a dream that day my brain couldn't handle anymore of the excess of energy it was wasting until I got forced to sleep by my brain, after that my mom woke me up, inside my bedroom on my PC saying : Ivan come here, I was so scared but as soon as I saw the word : NEGATIVE , I felt like I was the happiest guy in the world and something that was prisoner of I just got rid of that, but after a week I realized it was too late.

I was on my friend's house when I had that awkward, feeling of impending death, fear, heart racing, heart attack, paresthesia (running ants), feeling out of breath, something that never happened to me before, I entered my friend's grandma bedroom and woke her up instantly saying " I need help Im dying " she couldn't understand but after a couple of mins she could dress up and take me to the emergency room, I got out of the car shouting help, I'm dying everyone looked at me like I was crazy but I didn't care, I was fighting for my life and that was it. the nurse thought I had drink alcohol, energy drink or even used drugs I said no I've never used drugs in my life, or any energy drink, she looked at me like "yeah right" The hospital was not the best but for me It was ok to have at least oxygen, I was there for 4 hours where I had 2 severe panic attacks, I was moved by my mom to a better hospital where they ran an electrocardiogram and results were ok. I was given a tranquilizer and I got to sleep and I woke up in my house next day saying Oh God I'm alive.. later that day I was having an echocardiogram where results came out very good since Im very active in exercise.

After all those unnecessary studies I could focus on what was really making me a zombie , trying to kill me. "anxiety", I really used Dr. Google for good that time, self-diagnosing my GAD , Panic Disorder, Slightly hypochondriac. I went to a psychologist and he explained me what anxiety and panic does... I could understand and he told me to come next week to see if I needed a psychiatrist.. 2 days later I got another severe panic attack at 11 p.m that lasted until 3 a.m, 2 panic attacks, no anxiolytics could help me, until the nurse put me on COMA-like feeling, the worst feeling I had in my life, my body was in extreme danger but I couldn't do anything.. After that day I told my mom I can't take this no more I'm going to a psychiatrist, I told him everything what I had and he said , you're right, you do have panic disorder but what I want you to know is that no one has ever died from this or become insane. Im currently on SSRI (Zoloft) and just finished my benzos withdrawal (clonazepam) today. Im going to write down some tips I could learn from what I'm going through.

-Recognize your anxiety:
Seek for professional help, rule out any medical condition that you have and blame your anxiety.

-Accept your condition:
Accept the fact that you don't have anything else more than anxiety as your doctors said, It's not going to be easy but try.

Go and see a psychiatrist if you feel like something is not letting you live your life like it should be, trust the doctor, accept the process of medication and take them if needed.

-Accept the symptoms:

I swear I couldn't go out my house alone more than 30 meters.. I felt those shooting pains in my heart that forced me to come back home, anxiety can make you feel any symptom possible this helped alot. BLAME ALL ON YOUR ANXIETY.

Do not take rushed conclusions. Don't make yourself a prisoner of something that has not been judged yet, don't rush yourself up and make that negative conclusion that is going to torture yourself until the real answer came example: " I know the doctor is going to tell me that I have a really bad disease I have the exact symptoms", you've been waiting for that day living like you're already having that disease and couldn't enjoy your beautiful day until the doctor tells you: You are completely fine Mr/Ms.

If having a panic attack please don't make yourself think it's going to be catastrophic , breathe as if you're normally breathing and let it pass, you've been through it before and it won't kill you, its hard but when you can control it is very easy, my last panic attack was in January 24th.

I've been through every possible symptom that could make me feel I would die : left arm pain and chest and jaw discomfort (Im alive). head pressure (Im alive). If i keep telling you I wouldn't finish..

Anxiety is long-term and you have to eliminate it slowly, symptoms will slowly disappear , but the most important : no rushed conclusions on your symptoms and worries.

I've practically eliminated my strong anxiety and panic.. yeah in a couple of months giving credits to medications too..

You'll always have people surrounding you that won't understand what you're going through just telling you : ITS EASY NOTHING IS GOING TO HAPPY EVERYTHING IS OK.

Stop eating/drinking caffeinated drinks and foods like soda and chocolate or do it in a moderate ingestion, less caffeine the better.

Closest ones like my ex and some friends when I thought I could count on them they came out to be false.

I can tell you.. you're not alone in this I hope my first post could help any of you and we can talk privately too for more help I could give .. Message me, any question you can talk to me and I'll be glad to help.