View Full Version : Could use some tips/advice?

03-27-2015, 07:18 PM
Hi all, I was hoping maybe someone here could give me some tips/guidance.

I've suffered with anxiety for a long time (OCD since a child and that has gradually progressed to other types of anxiety too). While i'd say i'm pretty good at dealing with the other types of anxiety (Thanks to the wonderful therapist i've had and medication) I am really struggling with one aspect: Body sensitivity. In particular my teeth and gums. I struggled with depression through my teens and early 20s and as a result, did not really look after myself and my teeth suffered quite a bit. Thankfully, most of the big problems have since been resolved and my dentist is happy to see me every 6 months as usual. However, I do have periodontal disease and as a result have some deep pockets. I had some discomfort off and on and my dentist kindly showed me an xray of my tooth to reassure me everything was fine and that my discomfort was coming from the gum. Unfortunately, i've now fixated on that and all of sudden, on a couple of occasions that particular area has bled quite a bit after brushing (more than it use to when my gums hadn't been treated) and then gets very sore and then I just cannot get it out of my mind. I can sit and rationalise that it's most likely a case of brushing too hard, or flossing too roughly, or that particular gum is just a bit more delicate than the rest (as the bleeding doesn't happen every time I brush) but it's not really helping. Now I'm starting to feel aches and pains all over my mouth and I know logically that's my anxiety being an ass but I just don't know how best to deal with it. I'm finding it impossible to concentrate long enough to meditate, or read, or watch a movie or any of my usual distraction techniques. I've also tried to really focus on my anxiety in an attempt to let it bring itself down but i'm not having any luck. I'm loathed to go back to the dentist because I know it will just be reassurance that will only last a few days.

Does anyone have any experience with a similar problem and have any tips on how to regain some control over my anxiety? Thanks.

03-27-2015, 07:43 PM
Hi all, I was hoping maybe someone here could give me some tips/guidance.

I've suffered with anxiety for a long time (OCD since a child and that has gradually progressed to other types of anxiety too). While i'd say i'm pretty good at dealing with the other types of anxiety (Thanks to the wonderful therapist i've had and medication) I am really struggling with one aspect: Body sensitivity. In particular my teeth and gums. I struggled with depression through my teens and early 20s and as a result, did not really look after myself and my teeth suffered quite a bit. Thankfully, most of the big problems have since been resolved and my dentist is happy to see me every 6 months as usual. However, I do have periodontal disease and as a result have some deep pockets. I had some discomfort off and on and my dentist kindly showed me an xray of my tooth to reassure me everything was fine and that my discomfort was coming from the gum. Unfortunately, i've now fixated on that and all of sudden, on a couple of occasions that particular area has bled quite a bit after brushing (more than it use to when my gums hadn't been treated) and then gets very sore and then I just cannot get it out of my mind. I can sit and rationalise that it's most likely a case of brushing too hard, or flossing too roughly, or that particular gum is just a bit more delicate than the rest (as the bleeding doesn't happen every time I brush) but it's not really helping. Now I'm starting to feel aches and pains all over my mouth and I know logically that's my anxiety being an ass but I just don't know how best to deal with it. I'm finding it impossible to concentrate long enough to meditate, or read, or watch a movie or any of my usual distraction techniques. I've also tried to really focus on my anxiety in an attempt to let it bring itself down but i'm not having any luck. I'm loathed to go back to the dentist because I know it will just be reassurance that will only last a few days.

Does anyone have any experience with a similar problem and have any tips on how to regain some control over my anxiety? Thanks.

Hi there Rosie,

I used to have nightmares about my teeth falling apart and in the last few years those nightmares have come true! I'm not exaggerating - I've had 5 root canals, 3 extractions, countless fillings and 2 abscesses in the last couple of years. I'm still in the process of dealing with this disaster (and waiting for an inheritance to come through so I can spend the tens of thousands I need to have "normal" teeth again).

I hope this doesn't make you feel worse lol. I'm just trying to put your problem in perspective I guess. Teeth can cause a lot of anxiety and I've had to face it head on.. I won't lie - it's been absolute hell - but you survive.

The one good thing about dental problems is they are simple compared to many other physical and mental problems. The evidence is right there in the x-ray and the solution is in that dentist chair. If you look at it like that, it's not such a big deal. (The big deal for me is the $$$ dentists charge).

All the best to you,
Gypsy x