View Full Version : Am I taking too many supplements?

03-23-2015, 06:05 AM
I feel like I already know the answer. Here's what I take daily:

Chelated Magnesium
Chamomile Flowers
Passion Flower Extract
Green Tea Extract
PharmaGaba chewables
Apple Cider Vinegar tablets
Virgin Coconut Oil tablets

I have no known medical issues (besides anxiety obviously) and take these as a preventative measure due to my health anxiety. Thoughts?

03-23-2015, 08:19 AM
While I am not a doctor, and therefore am not qualified to give medical advice, I strongly suspect that you are taking too many supplements. The medical evidence that supports taking supplements -- for those who are generally healthy, have an adequate diet, and have no identified vitamin deficiencies -- is quite weak. And some supplements can cause harm as well as benefits.

What I would do this this: Go to a really well qualified internal medicine doctor (GP), have a complete physical including appropriate blood work, and then ask the doctor which of the supplements you are taking you should continue to take and which you should stop taking. Don't be surprised if the doctor tells you to stop taking ALL of these supplements.

You might feel OK doing that if the advice came from a well qualified doctor who had examined you and reviewed your labs. And of course that would end up saving you a fair amount of money as well -- though I realize this decision is not primarily a financial one.

Eat a well balanced diet and try to get enough sleep and exercise. That is probably much more valuable than taking all these pills and herbs and whatever.

Best wishes.

03-23-2015, 10:36 AM
Kuma nailed it.

A good quality probiotic, multivitamin, and a balanced diet is all I would recommend.

Also exercise.

Keep in mind that the supplement industry is no different then the medicine industry. They want you to think that you're either sick or that taking their pill will magically prevent all diseases medicine has yet to learn how to cure.

In addition, at least in America, the supplement industry isn't regulated. This means they can put whatever they want in the product, and on the labels, and no one will correct it if it's not true. Your green tea extract is a dandelion? Too bad.

That's not to say ALL supplements are bad, but taking that many as a preventive measure is unnecessary and not backed with much evidence. You can get the benefits of say, green tea extract, simply by incorporating the tea into your diet. And that is safe, and healthy.

I can relate with you. I used to try all kinds of things when I had health anxiety. You must learn, however, that you are taking the supplements in place of confronting the depths of your anxiety. They are a placebo that can suppress your symptoms, but the symptoms return because your thought processes remain.

Don't sell yourself short, do the work to invest in real health through diet and exercise (If you already are, awesome!) and do the mental work to bring out your anxieties, and conquer them.

Edit: If you don't believe me yet, consider your reasoning for this post. As you began to take more supplements in an attempt to control your anxiety, you began to wonder if you were actually hurting yourself as you do not really know much about the supplements at length. Thus, your anxiety isn't a physical one that is cured through supplements, it is a mental one. What is the cause then? Only you will know, evaluate your experiences.

In MY experience health anxiety tends to be related to:
Issues with death
Issues with changing or altering a planned lifestyle
Financial issues behind having a health issue
Fear of dying with regrets

Perhaps these could serve as a place to start reflection?