View Full Version : Help! Severe Anxiety and Panic with Hemorrhoids

03-22-2015, 01:56 PM
I need help. I have severe anxiety and panic associated with hemorrhoids. I have chronic hemorrhoids that run in my family and I have had them since I was very young. I am now 30 and since about 20 or so I have had severe anxiety and panic during hemorrhoid flare ups. I am seeing a psychologist for psychotherapy and a psychiatrist for medication (also for OCD, depression, and ADHD symptoms) but I can't seem to get a handle on this.

Whenever I have a flare up I seem to lose myself to panic symptoms (such as feeling like I'm going to lose control and I can't stand this anymore.)

I know hemorrhoids are just part of life and in my case more than others. I try to think of the logical reasons why this isn't a big deal but it doesn't seem to help. I feel extremely self-conscious and want to withdraw and be alone until the flare up is over (sometimes a day or two). Psychotherapy (specifically exposure therapy) seems to make sense in theory but I can't seem to apply it to my situation.

Please help if anyone has any advice or a similar situation as I'm feeling like my life is spiraling out of control.

Thank you very much.

03-22-2015, 02:55 PM
I need help. I have severe anxiety and panic associated with hemorrhoids. I have chronic hemorrhoids that run in my family and I have had them since I was very young. I am now 30 and since about 20 or so I have had severe anxiety and panic during hemorrhoid flare ups. I am seeing a psychologist for psychotherapy and a psychiatrist for medication (also for OCD, depression, and ADHD symptoms) but I can't seem to get a handle on this.

Whenever I have a flare up I seem to lose myself to panic symptoms (such as feeling like I'm going to lose control and I can't stand this anymore.)

I know hemorrhoids are just part of life and in my case more than others. I try to think of the logical reasons why this isn't a big deal but it doesn't seem to help. I feel extremely self-conscious and want to withdraw and be alone until the flare up is over (sometimes a day or two). Psychotherapy (specifically exposure therapy) seems to make sense in theory but I can't seem to apply it to my situation.

Please help if anyone has any advice or a similar situation as I'm feeling like my life is spiraling out of control.

Thank you very much.

Change your diet. Away from water absorbing foods that deplete the intestines of moisture (rice for example and heavy meats or dry meats) and toward water saturating foods - vegetables, etc. (do the research).

Ease up on processed food and cheeses, ice cream and high fiber content. Foods that intentionally add high fiber. Fiber can block you up- or make you go to much (raw broccoli or flax), both irritants - if in excess.

And the condition will ease, softening stool, less irritation.

Supplement with Metamucil if necessary intermittently and drink plenty of water.

Get busy and start researching all of this. And make the appropriate changes. The veins can return to normal. And work on the belief with your therapist, it probably never occurred to either of you, "They run in my family so there is nothing to be done".

That is a false belief, on many levels. From 'hereditary' to 'I am stuck with them', and so forth.

You are meant to read the signs of your body and stay in tune with it - and make the necessary adjustments to lifestyle and thinking to cooperate in keeping self healthy, regardless of the illusion of DNA or inherited dis-ease.

You inherited it (psychologically) because you saw them suffer from it and became scared at a young age. Just as a woman who witnessed multiple breast cancers in her own family -

This is the major reason for the discomfort, not the genes. So until you can 'believe' that, through therapy, adjust your diet as given.

Adopt a clean, healthy lifestyle. Yes keep that area clean, not with soaps or detergents (no soap in the shower to that area), but running water and baths - keep yourself clean daily, and do not wipe until you are raw after movements, use wet tissue or soft wipes.

You are not separate from your own body, the veins do not attack you of their own accord. And so you lose touch with the most important and most intimate part of you, the body.

Research that too. The mind body connection. Do the work instead of all the ointment and anxiety.

Bring this post to your therapist, and show them what they should have told you to do, and work on mentally -

03-22-2015, 07:00 PM
The gut is called the second brain for a reason! There are a number of neurons within your digestive system, anything irritating your gut enough to cause hemorrhoids is possibly contributing to anxiety as well. For me, it is grains and high fiber foods and fiber supplements that cause the most problems.

If I were you I would start with drinking enough water for your weight, avoiding processed foods and foods that bother you, and introducing some fermented foods or probiotics. Magnesium helps keep things moving, but introduce that gradually. Also you might consider adding more vitamin c rich foods to your diet to support your veins.

I dealt with hemorrhoids for many years, and despite having a family history myself they are not a problem for me anymore. It's not something you have to resign yourself to living with forever.

03-22-2015, 10:09 PM
Freud would have a field day with this!