View Full Version : Zoloft - 1st Day

Felix Sky
03-18-2015, 06:36 PM
Hi there folks. I started taking 25mg this morning.
Within hours I had diarrhea. And then once more a few hours later.
What also sucks is that I have the damn flu, so I feel like crap =)

I know this is one of the side effects, but I am just curious if I should wait it out and see if it goes away? And how long does it usually take to subside
I do have a sensitive digestive system so I am wondering if this something that might go away. I will obviously have to stop taking it if the diarrhea does not go away

PS. What are your general thoughts about Zoloft for GAD?

Your input is appreciated

03-18-2015, 08:21 PM
Hi there folks. I started taking 25mg this morning.
Within hours I had diarrhea. And then once more a few hours later.
What also sucks is that I have the damn flu, so I feel like crap =)

I know this is one of the side effects, but I am just curious if I should wait it out and see if it goes away? And how long does it usually take to subside
I do have a sensitive digestive system so I am wondering if this something that might go away. I will obviously have to stop taking it if the diarrhea does not go away

PS. What are your general thoughts about Zoloft for GAD?

Your input is appreciated

Hi Felix and welcome :)

I've been on Zoloft (and Prozac and Lexapro) and these meds do wreak havoc on you initially. I've not had stomach upsets from them I don't think but it doesn't surprise me at all. It should go away - the bad symptoms go away after a few weeks. So don't give up too quickly.

The good news is they can work wonders with things like GAD.

Gypsy x

Felix Sky
03-18-2015, 09:16 PM
Thank you. I am in this for the long run. I've tried to avoid meds for far too long, but I think it is time to give it a try.
I am not anti meds, but with all the side effects, plus some of the reviews, I was just not sure I wanted to put my self through it
I do hear some good things about Zoloft so I am going to give it a try. I just hope the side effects are not in it for the long run as well =)

03-18-2015, 09:31 PM
I had the same problem when I started my meds, I was sick for about two weeks until my body adjusted.

Felix Sky
03-18-2015, 09:41 PM
I am very glad to hear that. I will be patient =)

03-18-2015, 10:58 PM
Hi there folks. I started taking 25mg this morning.
Within hours I had diarrhea. And then once more a few hours later.
What also sucks is that I have the damn flu, so I feel like crap =)

I know this is one of the side effects, but I am just curious if I should wait it out and see if it goes away? And how long does it usually take to subside
I do have a sensitive digestive system so I am wondering if this something that might go away. I will obviously have to stop taking it if the diarrhea does not go away

PS. What are your general thoughts about Zoloft for GAD?

Your input is appreciated

I would kill for some diarrhea, honestly. I'm going on my 4th week of 50mg Sertraline and I can never take a decent dump. When it finally does come, it's a 10 pound beast of burden.

Best wishes to you. Stay strong!

03-18-2015, 11:11 PM
i would kill for some diarrhea, honestly. I'm going on my 4th week of 50mg sertraline and i can never take a decent dump. When it finally does come, it's a 10 pound beast of burden.

Best wishes to you. Stay strong!


Two One
03-19-2015, 10:07 AM
SSRIs are pretty rough on you upon starting them. Gastrointestinal side effects are very common as 80% of the body's serotonin is within the GI tract. The diarrhea should subside as your body adjusts to the medication. When I first started Lexapro, I was extremely worried about the side effects as an emetophobic (fear of vomiting) as nausea is very common. But the funny thing is I noticed I was causing the nausea, not the medication. I was so worried about it being a side effect that I made it happen. When I stopped caring about it, it went away within a few days.

03-19-2015, 11:29 AM
I'm also on sertraline and my god the nausea has been terrible. My appetite for food has taken a major hit too. My gp said the side effects should subside between weeks 5 and 6. The therapeutic effects kick in after about 3 weeks so you need to be patient with it.

Felix Sky
03-26-2015, 03:44 PM
Thank you for the replies

I increased to 50mg and I am having some nausea. Its not really bad, but I can definitely feel it. Also, today I simply cannot eat anything. Have some discomfort around the kidney area. May around the liver area. Always freaks me out if I have discomfort there since I have a family history of various cancers in that area, plus the nausea, plus I had the flu and now have really bad bronchitis. The combination of everything is driving me up the wall with the guessing of what illness\medicine could be causing what symptom =(

Do you know think the nausea and loss of appetite is due to Zoloft or should I go to the doc to get checked out on the physical symptoms?

03-26-2015, 07:52 PM
Thank you for the replies

I increased to 50mg and I am having some nausea. Its not really bad, but I can definitely feel it. Also, today I simply cannot eat anything. Have some discomfort around the kidney area. May around the liver area. Always freaks me out if I have discomfort there since I have a family history of various cancers in that area, plus the nausea, plus I had the flu and now have really bad bronchitis. The combination of everything is driving me up the wall with the guessing of what illness\medicine could be causing what symptom =(

Do you know think the nausea and loss of appetite is due to Zoloft or should I go to the doc to get checked out on the physical symptoms?

Hi I'm at least six weeks into 100mg of sertraline now and my appetite is back to normal. Also the nausea has completely gone, I even take it with my morning cup of coffee and on a empty stomach with no ill effects. The nausea and loss of appetite is most likely due to starting sertraline, its pretty bad in the beginning.. Do get it checked out with your gp if you are getting kidney pain though.

Felix Sky
03-26-2015, 08:29 PM
When did you nausea start and did it last all the way through the 6th week?
Its just frustrating to me because I don't know if its the flu\bronchitis that's causing me to feel sick or the Sertraline? Anyway, I'll try to be patient