View Full Version : I am 14 years old testicular torsion worries

03-18-2015, 01:53 PM
I am a 14 year old boy. In October, at school, I was doing some physical education (I was doing basketball outside). Suddenly, I felt a sharp sudden pain. I have had this sharp sudden pain a few times since then up to now including in November and I think I had a partial one just recently today. I am thinking that maybe I should tell my mother and see if I should get an operation to surgically secure my testicles to my scrotum. I have some questions though, how long would the surgery take ? What does the anaethstetic feel like ? What is it like waking up ? The pain ? What if I have testicular torsion at school ?

03-18-2015, 04:24 PM
I am a 14 year old boy. In October, at school, I was doing some physical education (I was doing basketball outside). Suddenly, I felt a sharp sudden pain. I have had this sharp sudden pain a few times since then up to now including in November and I think I had a partial one just recently today. I am thinking that maybe I should tell my mother and see if I should get an operation to surgically secure my testicles to my scrotum. I have some questions though, how long would the surgery take ? What does the anaethstetic feel like ? What is it like waking up ? The pain ? What if I have testicular torsion at

OK Buddy, take a breath. Before you start worrying that something is wrong you need find out if there is anything wrong. That said a couple of thoughts, you are 14, things have changed since you we're a little boy so I have a question or two. When playing sports, do you wear any type of support, jock strap or compression shorts, could be you are "wracking the boys" . It's just a thought.

But tell your Mom to make Doctors appointment for you and get checked out.

03-18-2015, 06:29 PM

Get it checked out, but you are more than likely fine.

As you get older its not uncommon for things to get temporarily twisted, or to get some sort of injury down there. Sometimes just sitting/walking funny will cause weird pains. And, since its sensitive, the pain doesn't always go away quickly.

Again, get it checked out, but don't start worrying yet.