View Full Version : Health anxiety or Mis diagnosed heart disease please help me asap

03-08-2015, 12:05 PM
Health anxiety or misdiagnosed heart disease please help asap someone
Ok before I go into my symptoms I want to name all my tests I have had. I have had a echo test wich was normal and stress test wich was normal and 24 hour heart monitor wich was normal other than my heart rate went up to 140 beats per minute for no reason and I have have all kinds of blood work all normal and probably over 100 ekgs all normal. Now with that being said I am 25 years old I don't eat right at all and I have smoked since I was 13 and yes I'm trying to quit as we speak so here is what I have been going through that has now made me lose two jobs and almost lost custody of my son.

So everyday all day long I have sharp chest pains I get very crazy palpatations not a fast heart rate more like it beats off rythm and skipped beats extra beats it feels like a fish is flopping around in my chest I get left arm pain all day long to now I have a dull pain at the top middle of my back right behind my heart that's dosent go away either I also get very short of breath by just cleaning my room or walking to my car just sometimes it takes every inch of my to finish a sentence wile talking cuz I feel like I'm suffercating I also get muscle spasms twitching all over my body all day long non stop I fee like a walking bubbly machine. This happens every day all day long from the time I wake up to when I go to bed I literally almost go to the er everyday they think I'm crazy they have given me ct scans and ekgs chest X-rays blood work and say I'm fine it's anxiety but here is why I don't believe them

Ok so I will be happy just sitting there and boom I get saving chest pain and right after the left arm pain and I'm not even anxious I'll be happy as can be and this happens Like yesterday I was just standing watching te news and then all of a sudden i had to drop to my knees it felt like my heart stopped for a few seconds it was the scariest thing ever I felt my pulse and my heart was beating crazy off rythm.. I just don't understand f this is anxiety then why does it happen all day long for no reason no matter what I do it happens I can be happy and it happens I can be playing with my son and it happens it's all day long I'm having some chest pains and left arm pain right now just typing this I mean I can even walk to my car without my heart fluttering and skipped beats I can't even have a conversation and I get skipped beats fluttering in my chest that make me stop whatever I'm doing..

Someone anyone please help me do yhall think this is anxiety???? Yes I'm young but I'm very unhealthy and I have gained weight to wich also makes me beleiev its heart disease Im not fat but I ised to be very skinny and now for the past few months I have gained about 25 pounds and people are talking about how big my belly has gotten but seriously can anyone else here tell me if this could possibly be heart disease that they haven't found in my testing or am I so obsessed with my heart that I'm creating these problems myself?? I just don't believe that I'm creating these problems cuz I literally get these symptoms all day long everyday even when I tell myself don't worry it's just anxiety it still dosent go away ever Someone please help me..

03-08-2015, 02:17 PM
Anxiety is a great liar, and an incredible salesman.

The best way to sell an idea or product is by using emotion. It's certainly doing that to you. Selling you the idea that you're sick while accompanying it with the emotion of fear.

That's immensely powerful stuff, but it's possible to break the spell when you know what's happening.

03-08-2015, 04:49 PM
Health anxiety or misdiagnosed heart disease please help asap someone
Ok before I go into my symptoms I want to name all my tests I have had. I have had a echo test wich was normal and stress test wich was normal and 24 hour heart monitor wich was normal other than my heart rate went up to 140 beats per minute for no reason and I have have all kinds of blood work all normal and probably over 100 ekgs all normal. Now with that being said I am 25 years old I don't eat right at all and I have smoked since I was 13 and yes I'm trying to quit as we speak so here is what I have been going through that has now made me lose two jobs and almost lost custody of my son.

So everyday all day long I have sharp chest pains I get very crazy palpatations not a fast heart rate more like it beats off rythm and skipped beats extra beats it feels like a fish is flopping around in my chest I get left arm pain all day long to now I have a dull pain at the top middle of my back right behind my heart that's dosent go away either I also get very short of breath by just cleaning my room or walking to my car just sometimes it takes every inch of my to finish a sentence wile talking cuz I feel like I'm suffercating I also get muscle spasms twitching all over my body all day long non stop I fee like a walking bubbly machine. This happens every day all day long from the time I wake up to when I go to bed I literally almost go to the er everyday they think I'm crazy they have given me ct scans and ekgs chest X-rays blood work and say I'm fine it's anxiety but here is why I don't believe them

Ok so I will be happy just sitting there and boom I get saving chest pain and right after the left arm pain and I'm not even anxious I'll be happy as can be and this happens Like yesterday I was just standing watching te news and then all of a sudden i had to drop to my knees it felt like my heart stopped for a few seconds it was the scariest thing ever I felt my pulse and my heart was beating crazy off rythm.. I just don't understand f this is anxiety then why does it happen all day long for no reason no matter what I do it happens I can be happy and it happens I can be playing with my son and it happens it's all day long I'm having some chest pains and left arm pain right now just typing this I mean I can even walk to my car without my heart fluttering and skipped beats I can't even have a conversation and I get skipped beats fluttering in my chest that make me stop whatever I'm doing..

Someone anyone please help me do yhall think this is anxiety???? Yes I'm young but I'm very unhealthy and I have gained weight to wich also makes me beleiev its heart disease Im not fat but I ised to be very skinny and now for the past few months I have gained about 25 pounds and people are talking about how big my belly has gotten but seriously can anyone else here tell me if this could possibly be heart disease that they haven't found in my testing or am I so obsessed with my heart that I'm creating these problems myself?? I just don't believe that I'm creating these problems cuz I literally get these symptoms all day long everyday even when I tell myself don't worry it's just anxiety it still dosent go away ever Someone please help me..

That is definitely anxiety. I had sharp pains in my chest and back. Also extremely bad heart palpitations, where I thought I was having a heart attack. Same symptoms as you. I could be having a good stress free day and all of a sudden they would appear which frightened me even more. Imagine a coke bottle inside your chest... When you have little stresses, it builds up inside of you and one day this bottle gets so full that it bursts.... This can burst on a good day. Hence why you get palpitations when you are feeling ok that day. I had a few ECGs and they all came back fine. Something has set yours off? I didn't realise what mine was until I spoke to someone with anxiety. Don't worry... What you have is very common. Maybe speak to a therapist so you can find what triggers them. Hope this helps x

03-08-2015, 07:07 PM
That is definitely anxiety. I had sharp pains in my chest and back. Also extremely bad heart palpitations, where I thought I was having a heart attack. Same symptoms as you. I could be having a good stress free day and all of a sudden they would appear which frightened me even more. Imagine a coke bottle inside your chest... When you have little stresses, it builds up inside of you and one day this bottle gets so full that it bursts.... This can burst on a good day. Hence why you get palpitations when you are feeling ok that day. I had a few ECGs and they all came back fine. Something has set yours off? I didn't realise what mine was until I spoke to someone with anxiety. Don't worry... What you have is very common. Maybe speak to a therapist so you can find what triggers them. Hope this helps x thank u so so so much for replying but my next question is can these symptoms happen all day long for months from the time u go to sleep to the time u wake up its all day long even when I'm just sitting in the house all day I'm doing it now just laying here typing this I can't even bend over and pick up a basket of laundry without getting crazy irregular beats and the pains r so real all day long and the random left arm pain

03-09-2015, 04:48 AM
thank u so so so much for replying but my next question is can these symptoms happen all day long for months from the time u go to sleep to the time u wake up its all day long even when I'm just sitting in the house all day I'm doing it now just laying here typing this I can't even bend over and pick up a basket of laundry without getting crazy irregular beats and the pains r so real all day long and the random left arm pain

Your welcome. Yes of course... I expect because you are worrying/panicking about them, the palpitations etc will get worse. Once I knew what mine were, they started to get a little better. They have not completely gone but at least I know that there is nothing wrong with my heart. It is very scary when it happens, but try to tell yourself that it is normal to have these symptoms. Hope you find the route cause x

03-09-2015, 05:28 AM
Health anxiety or misdiagnosed heart disease please help asap someone
Ok before I go into my symptoms I want to name all my tests I have had. I have had a echo test wich was normal and stress test wich was normal and 24 hour heart monitor wich was normal other than my heart rate went up to 140 beats per minute for no reason and I have have all kinds of blood work all normal and probably over 100 ekgs all normal. Now with that being said I am 25 years old I don't eat right at all and I have smoked since I was 13 and yes I'm trying to quit as we speak so here is what I have been going through that has now made me lose two jobs and almost lost custody of my son.

So everyday all day long I have sharp chest pains I get very crazy palpatations not a fast heart rate more like it beats off rythm and skipped beats extra beats it feels like a fish is flopping around in my chest I get left arm pain all day long to now I have a dull pain at the top middle of my back right behind my heart that's dosent go away either I also get very short of breath by just cleaning my room or walking to my car just sometimes it takes every inch of my to finish a sentence wile talking cuz I feel like I'm suffercating I also get muscle spasms twitching all over my body all day long non stop I fee like a walking bubbly machine. This happens every day all day long from the time I wake up to when I go to bed I literally almost go to the er everyday they think I'm crazy they have given me ct scans and ekgs chest X-rays blood work and say I'm fine it's anxiety but here is why I don't believe them

Ok so I will be happy just sitting there and boom I get saving chest pain and right after the left arm pain and I'm not even anxious I'll be happy as can be and this happens Like yesterday I was just standing watching te news and then all of a sudden i had to drop to my knees it felt like my heart stopped for a few seconds it was the scariest thing ever I felt my pulse and my heart was beating crazy off rythm.. I just don't understand f this is anxiety then why does it happen all day long for no reason no matter what I do it happens I can be happy and it happens I can be playing with my son and it happens it's all day long I'm having some chest pains and left arm pain right now just typing this I mean I can even walk to my car without my heart fluttering and skipped beats I can't even have a conversation and I get skipped beats fluttering in my chest that make me stop whatever I'm doing..

Someone anyone please help me do yhall think this is anxiety???? Yes I'm young but I'm very unhealthy and I have gained weight to wich also makes me beleiev its heart disease Im not fat but I ised to be very skinny and now for the past few months I have gained about 25 pounds and people are talking about how big my belly has gotten but seriously can anyone else here tell me if this could possibly be heart disease that they haven't found in my testing or am I so obsessed with my heart that I'm creating these problems myself?? I just don't believe that I'm creating these problems cuz I literally get these symptoms all day long everyday even when I tell myself don't worry it's just anxiety it still dosent go away ever Someone please help me..

IF you were going to have a heart attack/heart failure/etc, it would most likely have happened by now... Serious. You are a healthy 25 year old playing mind games. Believe me... Been there, done that. Once in a while I still do at 42... Hahahaha...
You're fine.

03-09-2015, 07:13 AM
Totally understand even though you have had all the test say that your fine your don't believe it. I have been the same way for awhile you have to believe and trust the doctors that it is only your anxiety.

03-10-2015, 11:19 PM
You're heart is almost certainly fine. How are you on really busy days where you have a lot to do?

03-11-2015, 12:42 AM
All of us here have experienced the "What if the doctor missed something?" trip. When heart stuff worries you, go ahead and take all the tests with a Cardiologist, and once you are told all is normal and it is just anxiety, you have found your answer. But it will not make you happy because Anxiety is mainly an internal mental and behavioral problem. That internal problem, needs to be addressed and adjusted. That is why reassurance doesn't work. People can tell you everything is ok 50 times a day bit it is not enough! That is why you don't see me on here holding someone's hand caressing them that all is well, because I know that only lasts for a few hours at best!

Anxiety healing is a process that involves calming down and healing the body and nervous system and taking all your effort to retrain the brain and create productive and positive thinking and behavioral changes that will eventually lead you back to a normal life.