View Full Version : Masturbation vs. Anxiety (Men)

03-07-2015, 02:07 PM
Hi. I think there is a correlation in anxiety and masturbation. Let me know if you think the same. Here is what I want to say:
My most annoying symptom of anxiety is a trembling body. I had situations twice when I did not masturbate for 4 days and the second time for a week.
Both times I felt really calm and I remember having no symptoms at all. I am not a doctor but as far as I know when we masturbate, then we lower our testosterone and when our testosterone is low then our cortisol level gets higher. How do these hormones relate to anxiety and its symptoms? Today I felt really like loosing control of that trembling. It was very noticeable. I thaught: ok I go to the gym and I will do a solid workout with quite heavy weights (because it always gets testosterone higher) and guess what. One hour after that workout I am nearly not shaking at all.

Good gym workout and not masturbating are the most effective things to alleviate my anxiety symptoms. What do you guys think about what I have written?

03-07-2015, 02:17 PM
The effects of masturbation on testosterone are pretty negligible and can easily be made up via food intake. Anxiety itself is a symptom - your mind is calling out for change. Yes, keeping fit and treating your body well are good for you in the long run, but you must care for the mind as well or the benefits will not be as great.


03-07-2015, 02:24 PM
There must be something magical in not masturbating as it alleviates my symptoms of anxiety. Can someone explain why is it happening?

03-07-2015, 02:36 PM
As far as I'm aware masturbating doesn't have a significant affect on testosterone, whatever changes happen are minimal.

I found that it did well alleviate anxiety when I was having issues with it.

I think it is probable that you are looking for a reason for the way that you are feeling, and lack of masturbation is having a placebo effect.

With anxiety and it's symptoms (trembling, nervousness, etc), what you believe mentally will have very real results physically. Believing a medicine can work can alleviate all issues and believing you are sick can cause an infinite amount of symptoms.

Working out works wonders for this stuff is both the short term, and the long term, so you are probably getting real benefits from that. Also, if your abstaining from sexual activity your testosterone should be higher, making the workout more impactful.

03-07-2015, 05:07 PM
Hi. I think there is a correlation in anxiety and masturbation. Let me know if you think the same. Here is what I want to say:
My most annoying symptom of anxiety is a trembling body. I had situations twice when I did not masturbate for 4 days and the second time for a week.
Both times I felt really calm and I remember having no symptoms at all. I am not a doctor but as far as I know when we masturbate, then we lower our testosterone and when our testosterone is low then our cortisol level gets higher. How do these hormones relate to anxiety and its symptoms? Today I felt really like loosing control of that trembling. It was very noticeable. I thaught: ok I go to the gym and I will do a solid workout with quite heavy weights (because it always gets testosterone higher) and guess what. One hour after that workout I am nearly not shaking at all.

Good gym workout and not masturbating are the most effective things to alleviate my anxiety symptoms. What do you guys think about what I have written?

Four days without masturbating is an achievement? :-P

03-07-2015, 05:12 PM
In my experience, I find exercise sustained over a long period of time will give you greater control over the negative aspects related to anxiety. I find sustained masturbation over a long period of time, leaves me feeling empty. Whilst masturbation might appear to relieve tension, it only dose so in the same way when I used to smoke. Good for a quick buzz, but extremely short lived. One may attempt to draw out the process, but ultimately ... it's comes down to the same thing. In this context ... simply a quick fix.

Mind Set! - I figure it's all in the approach. As an X avid Body Builder, I would say Arnold knows well of such phycology. Mind Set that is. It's one thing to step up on the plate and start flexing at random as opposed to digging in and really carving out impressive posses. The same can be said for racing around the back of the shed for a quick bat that leads to those highly sort out - deep breaths, as opposed to learning how much more can be derived from taking ones time and learning from that instead.

Anxiety? I think again of the question entitled in this thread -> Masturbation Vs Anxiety (Men) - I don't think gender matters in this context (I think women have as much to offer with respect to answering such a question) ... both genders are pretty much the same with respect to the Anxiety most humans seek to relieve. We all get stressed regardless of measured levels of this or that.

STRESS. There seems to be good research out there on Masturbation relieving stress. But one still has to "learn" which brings it back to mind set - ones approach. No doubt - different for different people. Some religious folk hand out serious punishments for people who masturbate. Women are still mutilated and some men too. People are murdered for such things. Hmmmm - what is the relevance of that? I mention it as there seems to be some kind of link that makes humans and animals different with respect to masturbation and the so called "Benefits" such brings. I think its our conscious mind that makes it more problematic for us humans. Specifically the emergence of religion.

Masturbation is most certainly a natural act. Just yet another natural instinct we humans have soured and misunderstood. Bla Bla Rar Rar - finding the middle ground to gain any real benefit most like requires finding balance between the extremes. Gym Junkie vs Moving Forward for Health's Sake. All those chemicals we talk ourselves into as beneficial for this and that is no different than the selling campaigns of medications that promise to do this or that. The mentality that now sees most of us clinging to pills (which now make up a larger percentage - in and out of the Gym) whenever any kind of natural instinct takes place; is rather unbalanced and makes us weak despite claims of making us strong.

Racing to the Gym to pump out a couple of low heavy sets and or flog yourself to death on a treadmill with yet another flogging session when you get home; is about the mentality of modern mans resolution to combating stress. Masturbation does not Vs Anxiety - It is we who Vs Ourselves.

It's taken me a longgggg time to realize that, although time being relatively short ... so too has the experience of chasing those few quick breaths. Pumping weights is like a high and the fitter I get, the more I can masturbate ... but to what end ... what goes on inside ones head is not something I relish given how unbalanced I be ... As a youth, As a single man, As a father, As a Husband ... As all those things during all those times ... I found within the person I was and now be ... that masturbation can be both good and quite empty at the same time. It's a tool that can help when stress is built up, but more so only when I let nature take its course without giving it any thought at all. Perhaps the best piece of advice I can give to all this rambling thus far. None the less ... what I do before getting to such a climax, very much sets the stage for how things will end.

Don't fight the urge - there is no VS for me, other than just doing what comes naturally. The act is rather insignificant and naturally wanes as one ages - clinging to such things will certainly cause me more anxiety than the peace, bliss seekers claims it to appease. such types typically race around and will drop their pants at the first sign of stress. hahahhaahahhaha - also log in here and ask for whatever pills to take next. "Hey Bud ... no anywhere I can get some roids?" Part and parcel of where we humans are at. No matter - we all end up in the same place ... regardless of BS promises that require you don't keep your hands warm. The is no wrong or right ... just a bit of learning along the way. Just be careful to leave a bit of skin on and check out those chemicals if your using lube. whatever way you go ... go in peace!

......and that's all I have to say about that.

hmmmm - I have a strange urge ... best not fight it hey - OR Maybe - I'll savor this one for later.

I really don't know ... I know I can't complain.

Later all. ;)

03-07-2015, 05:15 PM
Four days without masturbating is an achievement?

LOL - passes out a badge.

I must admit for all my waffling ... I am often in this category as well. If not for my religious upbringing, I dare say I would need a prosthetic. Well actually now that I don't have religion ... I may have to research for one yet. :D

Balance is key!

03-07-2015, 05:22 PM
LOL - passes out a badge.

I must admit for all my waffling ... I am often in this category as well. If not for my religious upbringing, I dare say I would need a prosthetic. Well actually now that I don't have religion ... I may have to research for one yet. :D

Balance is key!

Haha. The OP wasn't really saying it's an achievement but I couldn't resist. Still, I don't think women would even be aware of such things (whether they went 4 days without or 4 months). At least, not me.. I am the master of my domain :)

03-07-2015, 05:25 PM
Hi. I think there is a correlation in anxiety and masturbation. Let me know if you think the same.
NO! There is no connection. Don't try and reinvent the wheel. Just do what others have done to overcome anxiety and you will too.

03-07-2015, 05:27 PM
no! There is no connection. Don't try and reinvent the wheel. Just do what others have done to overcome anxiety and you will too.


03-07-2015, 06:18 PM
NO! There is no connection. Don't try and reinvent the wheel. Just do what others have done to overcome anxiety and you will too.
I would Not say there in NO! connection (! is kind of absolute) - I believe one aspect can certainly drive the other and what works for one person may not another.

Lol @ master of my own domain. I like that. I think there is a danger there. Whilst many of us think we are in control, we usually are not. Such is the weakness of our minds when it comes to such pleasurable pursuits. The imprinting that goes on in today's world with our highly advance connections that carry highly advance influencing strategies; pretty much makes many of us simply, think we are the masters of our own world.

I guess many of us masturbate so much in an effort to at least control some aspect of our lives ... otherwise dictated by our grand societies great idealistic pursuits and geographic landscape already mapped out for us. Which faction shall we choose. When in doubt - Masturbate!

03-07-2015, 07:31 PM
Four days without masturbating is an achievement? :-P

If you visit a few prominently male forums, you'll find many men who believe going four days without masturbating is physically impossible. :p

They'd regard the OP here as something of a wizard.

03-07-2015, 07:40 PM
Medication can easily fix that issue, but usually goes the other end of the scale. No drive at all.

I can see the evolutionary chart on the wall now - from monkey to man walking with a penthouse magazine in one hand and a bunch of pills in the other.

Human kind forging forward into the future!

03-07-2015, 10:23 PM
If you visit a few prominently male forums, you'll find many men who believe going four days without masturbating is physically impossible. :p

They'd regard the OP here as something of a wizard.

Can we guess these people do not earn a good income and probably need to work more on something more productive?

03-07-2015, 10:25 PM
Can we guess these people do not earn a good income and probably need to work more on something more productive?

I don't know about their incomes, but the guys I was referring to are on the bodybuilding forum. Don't know whether you'd call that productive. It depends on whether you're a fitness junkie, I guess.

03-07-2015, 10:48 PM
I don't know about their incomes, but the guys I was referring to are on the bodybuilding forum. Don't know whether you'd call that productive. Guess it depends on whether you're a fitness junkie, I guess.

You think any guy got rich wacking it 3 times a day?

03-07-2015, 10:52 PM
You think any guy got rich wacking it 3 times a day?

You think any guy that whacks it 3 times a day even wants to be rich? He has everything he needs to be happy and entertained.

03-07-2015, 10:53 PM

You guys are a blast.

edit - Takes a breath .... & ahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrr

that was priceless Jesse .... Priceless ....!!!!!

edit - yet again - I'm still rolling on the floor laughing at this one .... ahahahahah ....

wipes the tears from his eyes .... hahahahahhaaaaaaa

I'm just happy in there moment here .....

Sigggghhhhhh .... Thanks guys ... really needed that ..... phewwwww ahahahahahahahaaaaaa

03-08-2015, 12:41 AM

You guys are a blast.

edit - Takes a breath .... & ahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrr

that was priceless Jesse .... Priceless ....!!!!!

edit - yet again - I'm still rolling on the floor laughing at this one .... ahahahahah ....

wipes the tears from his eyes .... hahahahahhaaaaaaa

I'm just happy in there moment here .....

Sigggghhhhhh .... Thanks guys ... really needed that ..... phewwwww ahahahahahahahaaaaaa


Bodybuilders are wankers :) eh someone had to say it!

03-08-2015, 12:55 AM
Four days without masturbating is an achievement? :-P

haha no but I was very calm and my heart wasn't pounding as hard as it usually pounds.

03-08-2015, 01:57 AM

Bodybuilders are wankers :) eh someone had to say it!

It's been said many times, but means little to me as someone who's aspired to such a practice. Having said that though - I find the tradies and all most people knocking off work, heading off the the gym for a bit of tossing ... fit that category well. I'm glad a lot of gyms are starting to remove their mirrors. Might almost be worth thinking of going to one again ... almost.

I think wanker defines a wide variety of people. :)