View Full Version : New Job- help!

03-04-2015, 09:08 PM
Hello all.

I have serious life problem. I recently quit my job of 3 years to pursue a job in the field which I obtained a advanced degree in ( my previous job did have some relation to this field). I have very little experience in this aspect of the field ( new job) and have not practiced these skills for quite some time ( 4.5 years). My new employer was aware of this when they hired me. However, immediately when I started Monday I was assigned tasks for that week which I am not quite comfortable with as I have not been able to refresh my skills. I am feeling very overwhelmed at the amount I will have to learn and how soon I will need to apply it. My new job directly effects others lives and it makes me uneasy/nervous to be doing something that I feel I am doing wrong when it impacts others. Ever since the first day I have had this urge to quit. I have never felt like this after starting a new job. I feel like maybe this type of career is not for me anymore, and that the ship has sailed. The way I have felt for the past 3 days is unlike any feeling I have felt before. I feel like I may have made one of the worst decisions in my life. I feel as though I will get fired eventually if I do not quit. Even if this is not true- I feel awful and like I am doing a disservice to my clients. If I quit I will have to look for a new job ( going back to my old job is not an option), and am scared not to have health insurance. I guess I could get COBRA for a little.

Sometimes I think I should just leave my current field all together and do something else. But this is VERY nerve racking. For the past three days I have cried everyday and felt the urge to bolt. My husband of course is disappointed in this, but I feel so unprepared and incompetent. I really do not feel this is only because of my anxiety either. I really feel like I have no idea what I am doing. I should be sleeping right now...

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Thank you,

03-05-2015, 03:59 AM
Hello all.

I have serious life problem. I recently quit my job of 3 years to pursue a job in the field which I obtained a advanced degree in ( my previous job did have some relation to this field). I have very little experience in this aspect of the field ( new job) and have not practiced these skills for quite some time ( 4.5 years). My new employer was aware of this when they hired me. However, immediately when I started Monday I was assigned tasks for that week which I am not quite comfortable with as I have not been able to refresh my skills. I am feeling very overwhelmed at the amount I will have to learn and how soon I will need to apply it. My new job directly effects others lives and it makes me uneasy/nervous to be doing something that I feel I am doing wrong when it impacts others. Ever since the first day I have had this urge to quit. I have never felt like this after starting a new job. I feel like maybe this type of career is not for me anymore, and that the ship has sailed. The way I have felt for the past 3 days is unlike any feeling I have felt before. I feel like I may have made one of the worst decisions in my life. I feel as though I will get fired eventually if I do not quit. Even if this is not true- I feel awful and like I am doing a disservice to my clients. If I quit I will have to look for a new job ( going back to my old job is not an option), and am scared not to have health insurance. I guess I could get COBRA for a little.

Sometimes I think I should just leave my current field all together and do something else. But this is VERY nerve racking. For the past three days I have cried everyday and felt the urge to bolt. My husband of course is disappointed in this, but I feel so unprepared and incompetent. I really do not feel this is only because of my anxiety either. I really feel like I have no idea what I am doing. I should be sleeping right now...

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Thank you,

Hello there :)

Can you speak to someone and tell them you feel overwhelmed? There must be someone approachable and they did say they were aware of your experience when they hired you. Usually these things can be sorted out if you just get them out in the open.

All the best,
Gypsy x

03-05-2015, 05:41 AM
Hello all.

I have serious life problem. I recently quit my job of 3 years to pursue a job in the field which I obtained a advanced degree in ( my previous job did have some relation to this field). I have very little experience in this aspect of the field ( new job) and have not practiced these skills for quite some time ( 4.5 years). My new employer was aware of this when they hired me. However, immediately when I started Monday I was assigned tasks for that week which I am not quite comfortable with as I have not been able to refresh my skills. I am feeling very overwhelmed at the amount I will have to learn and how soon I will need to apply it. My new job directly effects others lives and it makes me uneasy/nervous to be doing something that I feel I am doing wrong when it impacts others. Ever since the first day I have had this urge to quit. I have never felt like this after starting a new job. I feel like maybe this type of career is not for me anymore, and that the ship has sailed. The way I have felt for the past 3 days is unlike any feeling I have felt before. I feel like I may have made one of the worst decisions in my life. I feel as though I will get fired eventually if I do not quit. Even if this is not true- I feel awful and like I am doing a disservice to my clients. If I quit I will have to look for a new job ( going back to my old job is not an option), and am scared not to have health insurance. I guess I could get COBRA for a little.

Sometimes I think I should just leave my current field all together and do something else. But this is VERY nerve racking. For the past three days I have cried everyday and felt the urge to bolt. My husband of course is disappointed in this, but I feel so unprepared and incompetent. I really do not feel this is only because of my anxiety either. I really feel like I have no idea what I am doing. I should be sleeping right now...

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Thank you,

There will be a turning point soon. The fog will lift and before you the promised land. Columbus felt uneasy, the world was flat, with no sight of any land, surely he will fall off the earth, and he and his crew shall perish ! This must be a certainty.

So what kept him sailing? Well, if you figure out what special magic he used, in his mind, you will meet with the same success.

Or you could retreat and hide in your bed.

Failing at what you set out to do.

Of course you may become apprehensive about your original intent, (to have the job you studied for), everyone has this feeling at some point. There was the story of the old oil prospector that slaved day and night digging for years, and finally one day gave up in the face of seeming failure, criticism, and strong opposition. A young man purchased second hand tools and bought the plot for pennies, started digging, and not more than 20 feet struck the largest oil vein known to man. What did this young man possess to make him the richest man in the world?

Belief, faith. An unwavering decision, backed by courage. Even in the face of the unknown.

Do I know the secret that all men and women possess (but few use) when they reach a similar point in life? Yes.

And I have shared it with you today, hidden between the lines.

What ever will you do? The world awaits your decision with bated breath.

03-05-2015, 06:21 AM
There will be a turning point soon. The fog will lift and before you the promised land. Columbus felt uneasy, the world was flat, with no sight of any land, surely he will fall off the earth, and he and his crew shall perish ! This must be a certainty.

So what kept him sailing? Well, if you figure out what special magic he used, in his mind, you will meet with the same success.

Or you could retreat and hide in your bed.

Failing at what you set out to do.

Of course you may become apprehensive about your original intent, (to have the job you studied for), everyone has this feeling at some point. There was the story of the old oil prospector that slaved day and night digging for years, and finally one day gave up in the face of seeming failure, criticism, and strong opposition. A young man purchased second hand tools and bought the plot for pennies, started digging, and not more than 20 feet struck the largest oil vein known to man. What did this young man possess to make him the richest man in the world?

Belief, faith. An unwavering decision, backed by courage. Even in the face of the unknown.

Do I know the secret that all men and women possess (but few use) when they reach a similar point in life? Yes.

And I have shared it with you today, hidden between the lines.

What ever will you do? The world awaits your decision with bated breath.

And if I have my story correct, didn't the gent that sold the rights to the oil field eventually make his fortune in business or sales because of the lesson he learned from the poor prospector that struck it rich with that oil strike? That one could do anything with the right mindset and attitude?

03-05-2015, 10:13 AM
That one could do anything with the right mindset and attitude

Yes. The OP is not up against insurmountable odds. Merely a simple change. The OP needs a focus shift, from the impossible to the possible, and enlist the help of others in tasks until self sufficient in some regard. Express herself and not suppress and hide.

There is not other surefire way to fail, other than to quit.

The OP should stay with it, learn, ask for help, even if she feels inadequate - delve into the tasks given with determination. In this case that is the highest regard for self. Soon, these current feelings will be replaced by satisfaction and achievement, 2 qualities unattainable while hiding under the covers in bed.

03-05-2015, 10:48 AM
Best to be upfront now. Tell someone before you stew on it any more.

03-08-2015, 09:01 AM
Thanks for the responses everyone. I have not quit as of yet, and feel slightly more confident. However, I still do not like the job. Not sure if the field is for me anymore. Sometimes I just want to do something with less stress. The pay for what I do probably isn't work the mental stress.

:( cry

03-08-2015, 07:32 PM
Thanks for the responses everyone. I have not quit as of yet, and feel slightly more confident. However, I still do not like the job. Not sure if the field is for me anymore. Sometimes I just want to do something with less stress. The pay for what I do probably isn't work the mental stress.

:( cry

Well what I would do is hang in there and start thinking about other possibilities. It doesn't sound like you have the option of leaving (financially)? But you don't have to stay there forever..

03-08-2015, 07:52 PM
Well what I would do is hang in there and start thinking about other possibilities. It doesn't sound like you have the option of leaving (financially)? But you don't have to stay there forever..

I would be okay for a few months, but don't know how long it would take to find a new job. I have been questioning the field I am in since going to school for it. I feel like I need to get out now while I am still relatively young, or will never have the chance. I just can't think of what to do! It is so hard for me to even put the effort in or listen while I am at the new job. Not sure if I am just lazy or scared or crazy!

03-08-2015, 08:12 PM
I would be okay for a few months, but don't know how long it would take to find a new job. I have been questioning the field I am in since going to school for it. I feel like I need to get out now while I am still relatively young, or will never have the chance. I just can't think of what to do! It is so hard for me to even put the effort in or listen while I am at the new job. Not sure if I am just lazy or scared or crazy!

LOL. Probably just scared. You seem to have gotten over the worst of it though?

03-08-2015, 08:17 PM
Gotten over the worst of it? Not quite sure what you mean? I don't think so. If I don't quit the next two weeks will be sheer embarrassment, and me being lost. Either I will make it through or get fired.

Thanks for listening/responding.

03-08-2015, 08:35 PM
Oh it sounded like you were doing a little better. And at least you're still there!

03-08-2015, 08:55 PM
I am doing about the same. I just didn't go into details because what is there to say?
I have been on verge of tears all weekend, and drank more than I should. Basically ignoring reality. I also planned to study today for my new job today, I even cancelled plans I made with someone today because I was going to study. But instead I barely looked at anything. I slept off my night and then just lay in bed dreading tomorrow for a few hours.

I did study for 6 hours yesterday, but ya...

I am too scared to quit. Basically I am bad at being a real person. Unsure of what I am doing, cant make decisions etc. Not good when you are learning something new that must be applied immediately. The uncertainty of what I am doing, if I am doing it okay makes me feel out of control. IDK

03-15-2015, 05:43 PM
Hi everyone. It has been two weeks now and I still feel clueless. I have no idea what I am doing and everyone just assumes I know. I feel HORRIBLE. All I can think about it how much I hate it how bad I feel and quitting. I can not even concentrate. I feel so sad. A few people told me to just quit if it's that bad, but I will feel bad even if I quit. I do think will get fired though once I dont complete any tasks I should....ugh. Worst decision ever.

Have any of you ever quit a job after a few weeks? why? and what happend?

03-15-2015, 06:41 PM
Hi everyone. It has been two weeks now and I still feel clueless. I have no idea what I am doing and everyone just assumes I know. I feel HORRIBLE. All I can think about it how much I hate it how bad I feel and quitting. I can not even concentrate. I feel so sad. A few people told me to just quit if it's that bad, but I will feel bad even if I quit. I do think will get fired though once I dont complete any tasks I should....ugh. Worst decision ever.

Have any of you ever quit a job after a few weeks? why? and what happend?

Have you ever though about coming clean to your superior and asking for some guidance?

I quit walmart after one week because the supervisor was a dick about my having back pains. As if getting off work an hour early, willing to lose pay mind you, because I'm on the verge of crying pain was such a bad thing.

03-15-2015, 06:54 PM
Did you get another job quickly?

I do plan on discussing it when I quit. I feel that even with guidance I will not catch up anytime soon. I just feel hopeless. I am fairly certain I will quit tomorrow. I just feel so guilty. I really thought I could complete all the job duties, but it is too much! Everyone is so busy they dont have time to explain things to me, and sadly a lot of stuff I should know, but I forgot after not using it for 4 years. Also, I have never really been fully on my own in this field- ever. I have been thrown into a sink or swim situation and it is not going well. I feel so guilty because they trusted me to get the job done and I have a lot of obligations already. However, I am not up to par. This job may be too much responsibility.

I even scared to talk to them about quitting.

I am so depressed.