View Full Version : my life

03-01-2015, 09:13 PM
every day symptoms , severe headache followed by unbalance , unsteadiness , brain fog , presure in ears feels like fullness . heavy head feeling ,stiffness , neck shoulders throat tightness , sudden tingling in left side of body ... severe anxiety followed by anxiety attacks , non stop running thoughts , sadness , fear ,wondering what is wrong with me . i keep pushing but there always something new i get anxiety when talking b cuz sometimes i slurr or mix words . adrenaline all i want is to sleep so i dont think nor feel. i feel so weird all the time i miss my life 6 years ago . i eat for comfort to bad i dont get any . im extremely over weight. makes me sader .. im tired and feel sleepy lately. i am constanly running away from my thoughts and how i feel so i decided to just free write . one thing is for sure i dont loose faith nor hope !

03-02-2015, 05:42 AM
i am constanly running away from my thoughts and how i feel so i decided to just free write

Make sure to read back what you write. Or you'll be running from that too. Study it. You are both the teacher and student. Learn about yourself from it. Continue to do it, more and more, deeper inside each time.