View Full Version : Need advice, this is driving me crazy

02-25-2015, 09:24 PM
Hi, I have been experiencing something which is very weird (and embarrassing to admit) for the past month. I have been getting into fake "happy" moods for no reason at all, I feel like smiling, and it gets very difficult to have a serious conversation with someone, even a normal conversation is difficult. I smile or laugh on things I wouldn't otherwise, and its difficult to keep a straight face.

I'm unable to express myself the way I want. It's like this fake happiness takes over my emotions, as if I'm high. This is very distressing, what could be the reason? I'm not able to find anything regarding this and it feels like this problem is unique to me. Could it be a nutritional deficiency? I also suffer from generalized anxiety. I have noticed that it seems to happen during winter (I think I had this once before last year). Also happens with greater intensity when I'm stressed, tired or hungry.

Please Advice. How can I get rid of this? What should I do?

02-26-2015, 01:16 AM
First off, Welcome to the community :)

I would say, you may want at some point to look into some for of therapy (if you've not already done so), and try to figure out why your feelings are "happy" without proper cause.

Hey, go with the joy and blissful Happy moments in your life. I (truly) don't think/feel our feelings our "fake", rather, they might be due in cause to the awkward social anxiety disorder. Sometime, those of us that suffer from this often react in ways that may feel insincere, but they are our mind way of 'coping'

Stress certainly causes our mind to trick us into feeling some strange things at times, and going without food can also increase those feeling's.

I'm no qualified to give you the proper advice, but I hope you will do what is best for you, and possible look after yourself well.

Best wishes and hopefully other here will have better advise to you on nutrition, and overall help you enjoy you life.

02-26-2015, 04:59 AM
Try therapy may be it could help you.

02-26-2015, 08:54 AM
Hi, I have been experiencing something which is very weird (and embarrassing to admit) for the past month. I have been getting into fake "happy" moods for no reason at all, I feel like smiling, and it gets very difficult to have a serious conversation with someone, even a normal conversation is difficult. I smile or laugh on things I wouldn't otherwise, and its difficult to keep a straight face.

I'm unable to express myself the way I want. It's like this fake happiness takes over my emotions, as if I'm high. This is very distressing, what could be the reason? I'm not able to find anything regarding this and it feels like this problem is unique to me. Could it be a nutritional deficiency? I also suffer from generalized anxiety. I have noticed that it seems to happen during winter (I think I had this once before last year). Also happens with greater intensity when I'm stressed, tired or hungry.

Please Advice. How can I get rid of this? What should I do?

My guess is it's a stress release thing. After I had my first serious episode of anxiety I remember this phase where I just laughed like a maniac. It was when I was with my boyfriend (who was pretty funny) so not just anyone, but I don't think what he was saying was THAT funny.

So basically it's yet another symptom of anxiety. Try and release it in other ways, like physical exercise, and I reckon you won't get it as much. Even crying is the same sort of mechanism, so allow yourself to cry if you feel anxious.

Oh and if it happens more in Winter you might need Vitamin D supplements because we get more anxious/depressed when we don't get enough sun.

All the best :)
Gypsy x

02-26-2015, 02:37 PM
If you're not having mood swings so severe you're wondering if you're bipolar, you're not putting enough energy into having brutal panic attacks, imo. ;)

This is quite a normal symptom to experience when feeling stressed. It will go as your stress levels return to normal. In the mean time, the suggestions on how to do that in this thread appear sound. Meditation is also great for balancing the emotions.

02-27-2015, 09:46 AM
Thanks guys for all your replies, yeah I think it is stress related. I guess I'm just too sensitive to stress, any good way to desensitize myself?
It's not exactly feeling happy, its difficult to explain. I'm just more susceptible to laughing or smiling at things that might not even me that funny, and I get this annoying urge to smile sometimes when I'm talking.

02-27-2015, 10:00 AM
This happens to me frequently. I refer to it as being "painfully happy". It helps me to stop and do 200 jumping jacks, not joking!