View Full Version : Funny how parents always know wrong thing to say

02-23-2015, 11:32 AM
This is just an observation, I'm 49 single male, as so Valentines day always gets me down...but not this year. I planned an evening at home with my favorite person "me", steaks, wine, movies etc. I actually felt good about this, instead of sitting home and sulking I was celebrating me. Now picture this VD morning my Dad shows up to my house expectantly( I don't like that) Anyway we talk a few minutes before he leaves and he ask what my plans were, I say nothing just spending the night at home I had been out with friends the night before. His reply was "that's just sad" Whyywould anybody say that? Fortunately I did not allow myself to dwell on it and had a great evening.

02-23-2015, 11:50 AM
This is just an observation, I'm 49 single male, as so Valentines day always gets me down...but not this year. I planned an evening at home with my favorite person "me", steaks, wine, movies etc. I actually felt good about this, instead of sitting home and sulking I was celebrating me. Now picture this VD morning my Dad shows up to my house expectantly( I don't like that) Anyway we talk a few minutes before he leaves and he ask what my plans were, I say nothing just spending the night at home I had been out with friends the night before. His reply was "that's just sad" Whyywould anybody say that? Fortunately I did not allow myself to dwell on it and had a great evening.

Oh parents are masters of saying the wrong thing! In my case it's my mother.

But Valentines Day was a while ago.. Are you dwelling on it? :)

02-23-2015, 12:59 PM
Oh parents are masters of saying the wrong thing! In my case it's my mother.

But Valentines Day was a while ago.. Are you dwelling on it? :)

No, I don't think so. I do think of it but more in a "really" funny ha ha way as opposed to flying into a rage or sinking into a depression, rolling in self pity or indulging in binge/stress eating and drinking. I think I have taken it in stride, but I think about it just like I think about other events that happen during week.

I want to post sooner but just have been busy.

02-23-2015, 06:26 PM
No, I don't think so. I do think of it but more in a "really" funny ha ha way as opposed to flying into a rage or sinking into a depression, rolling in self pity or indulging in binge/stress eating and drinking. I think I have taken it in stride, but I think about it just like I think about other events that happen during week.

I want to post sooner but just have been busy.

Oh okay. I must admit I dwell on stuff my mother says. It's hard when your parents say negative things because basically we still react to them as children. I have changed that to some degree but mum can still send me into an emotional frenzy with the stuff she says and I hate it.

02-24-2015, 06:26 AM
Oh okay. I must admit I dwell on stuff my mother says. It's hard when your parents say negative things because basically we still react to them as children. I have changed that to some degree but mum can still send me into an emotional frenzy with the stuff she says and I hate it.

I usually allow this to happen to..but I am really trying to break the cycle and just let it role off my back. My Dad and I have always had an odd dynamic, were he criticizes everything and I react. I am choosing to no longer react, sometimes I scratch my head thinking really...but its his problem not mine anymore. Good luck with your Mom. You are worthy of love and respect.