View Full Version : Getting anxiety under control and question about nighttime tremors

02-10-2015, 09:52 AM
Hey guys! Doctor recently found out part of my problem with anxiety was my cardiologist originally had me on 25mg for meds to keep my heart beat at a normal
Level ! Well found he he rewrote it for 50mg twice a day!!the last pill I take in the day was this pill and it was basically giving me fits! Some of my anxiety has also been happending at night! I'm waking up at 2 or 3 in the morning and I look around and stretch! Next thing you know I start to shake or I believe the correct term is tremors! They just hit me out of the blue! I don't know if this is panic attack related or sleep issues!doctor decided to have me on citalpram 20mg and some sort of sleep stimulate .05 mg before I go to bed! Hoping this helps as these shakes didn't start til I started the metropol from my cardiologist!