View Full Version : New Meds and New here any advise would be appreciated

02-04-2015, 11:25 AM
So today I saw a new doctor, he was not personable at all and never looked up and made eye contact with me during our initial appointment. Although he did ask me a ton of questions, about 10 mins into the appointment he says I am going to give you Amblify to take and continues writing, he then proceeds with take 10mg of buspar in the am and at night with the Amblify. I am all kinds of anxious, as I have taken two new meds over the last week and to no avail horrible side effects in which one ended me to the ER. To take these two meds together knowing there is a "moderate" risk of "Using busPIRone together with ARIPiprazole may increase side effects such as dizziness, drowsiness, and difficulty concentrating. Some people may also experience some impairment in thinking and judgment" has gotten me all out of sorts. Has anyone ever taken the two together? Any advise would be greatly appreciated.

02-05-2015, 12:41 AM
Hey Lisad.

About a year or so ago that drug combination was really popular on this forum. It's hard to say if it will work or not, or how it might affect you, as everyone really is so different. Some really liked it. Some came off of it after a month or so.

Why did you end up in the ER, by the way?

02-06-2015, 06:41 PM
So today I saw a new doctor, he was not personable at all and never looked up and made eye contact with me during our initial appointment. Although he did ask me a ton of questions, about 10 mins into the appointment he says I am going to give you Amblify to take and continues writing, he then proceeds with take 10mg of buspar in the am and at night with the Amblify. I am all kinds of anxious, as I have taken two new meds over the last week and to no avail horrible side effects in which one ended me to the ER. To take these two meds together knowing there is a "moderate" risk of "Using busPIRone together with ARIPiprazole may increase side effects such as dizziness, drowsiness, and difficulty concentrating. Some people may also experience some impairment in thinking and judgment" has gotten me all out of sorts. Has anyone ever taken the two together? Any advise would be greatly appreciated.

I've never been on this combination but I googled Aripiprazole and it's an anti-psychotic.. I've been on a couple of those and I didn't like them at all. They're good short-term for knocking you out basically. Buspar I've never been on and don't know much about it at all.

I hate reading about these kinds of doctors and unfortunately they're not uncommon. You're better off talking to people here than some doctor who can't even look you in the eye. If you can manage it you should try and find another doctor who is more personable.. I do know how hard it is though when you're suffering from anxiety.

Anyway see how you go on those meds. You can always post here about how you're feeling.

Good luck :)
Gypsy x

02-07-2015, 12:18 AM
Unfortunately they hand out antipsychotics like antidepressants these days. Be very careful about the cocktails you end up on. You'll have to research them yourself and just see how you go. [not just the individual drugs but also the reaction when mixing this with that.]

You could always "advice" that doctor that you'll also consider his advice as really "they can't just tell you what to take" Doctors with attitudes like that handing out meds do a lot of damage.

Anyways - it seems your wise enough to be asking for help and Gypsy is giving you good advice.

Take it slow and don't expect anything ---- just make your own conclusions based on your own experience. I'd consider finding a new doctor, however I understand that is not so easy for many of us. In that case - do your best to take control of the sessions you have, even if it means reminding the doctors of their role to care. Keep records and gauge things as best you can. Don't forget the meds are just aids - you are so much more than the prescription, labels and so on.

Keep focused on your grip.

best wishes on all that.

02-07-2015, 01:32 AM
Unfortunately they hand out antipsychotics like antidepressants these days. Be very careful about the cocktails you end up on. You'll have to research them yourself and just see how you go. [not just the individual drugs but also the reaction when mixing this with that.]

You could always "advice" that doctor that you'll also consider his advice as really "they can't just tell you what to take" Doctors with attitudes like that handing out meds do a lot of damage.

Anyways - it seems your wise enough to be asking for help and Gypsy is giving you good advice.

Take it slow and don't expect anything ---- just make your own conclusions based on your own experience. I'd consider finding a new doctor, however I understand that is not so easy for many of us. In that case - do your best to take control of the sessions you have, even if it means reminding the doctors of their role to care. Keep records and gauge things as best you can. Don't forget the meds are just aids - you are so much more than the prescription, labels and so on.

Keep focused on your grip.

best wishes on all that.

I know (re antipsychotics like antidepressants) and it's pretty irresponsible if you ask me. At least I was given them by a psychiatrist I'd been seeing for years, and he explained what they were and why he was giving them to me (suspected Bipolar II). They're very serious drugs and as I say, good for severe anxiety for a short time, but long-term they can have some awful side-effects. I'm not sure what dosage the OP has been prescribed? I hope it's small..

Well I did a bit more reading on Abilify and this is what Wikipedia says re use in Major Depressive Disorder:

"Major depression
Aripiprazole is an effective add-on treatment for major depressive disorder; however, there is a greater rate of side effects such as weight gain and [[akathisia]|movement disorders].[26][27][28][29] The overall benefit is small to moderate and its use appears to neither improve quality of life nor functioning.[27]"

The weight gain was one of the side effects I had from the anti-psychotics (Seroquel) and it was quite significant. I also found it made my heart race, which I mistook for anxiety because I had no idea it was the medication. So I felt like I was getting worse, which made me more anxious.

Obviously your experience could be quite different but I'm wary of these medications more than any other.

02-09-2015, 10:54 PM
So today I saw a new doctor, he was not personable at all and never looked up and made eye contact with me during our initial appointment. Although he did ask me a ton of questions, about 10 mins into the appointment he says I am going to give you Amblify to take and continues writing, he then proceeds with take 10mg of buspar in the am and at night with the Amblify. I am all kinds of anxious, as I have taken two new meds over the last week and to no avail horrible side effects in which one ended me to the ER. To take these two meds together knowing there is a "moderate" risk of "Using busPIRone together with ARIPiprazole may increase side effects such as dizziness, drowsiness, and difficulty concentrating. Some people may also experience some impairment in thinking and judgment" has gotten me all out of sorts. Has anyone ever taken the two together? Any advise would be greatly appreciated.

I don't have any experience with Abilify but I've been on Buspar since December. My doctor added it to my Cymbalta because I was still experiencing depression and anxiety. I've experienced some drowsiness and very minimal dizziness from using it. The first few weeks I got dizzy from standing too quickly but after that it went away.
It seems like anymore pretty much just about every med has the potential to cause drowsiness, dizziness and difficulty concentrating. I'm with Ponder in terms of the idea of finding a new doc if possible.

02-10-2015, 05:16 AM
Hey guys thanks for the kind words, I have found a new doctor and really liked her upon the first visit. We are currently waiting on a medication profile through genesight to come back. Seems as though I don't metabolize medication very well? Right now I am not taking anything just using breathing techniques and trying to stay calm. I do have klonopin if I feel as though I need it. This is all just a little scary!

02-13-2015, 05:02 AM
Hey guys thanks for the kind words, I have found a new doctor and really liked her upon the first visit. We are currently waiting on a medication profile through genesight to come back. Seems as though I don't metabolize medication very well? Right now I am not taking anything just using breathing techniques and trying to stay calm. I do have klonopin if I feel as though I need it. This is all just a little scary!

I have since begin taking the klonopin which helped tremendously, and will begin taking latuda tomorrow. She has also added vitamin B complex liquid and my vitamin D was quite low I think itwas 17 should be double that from what my doc says. Has anyone had any luck with the vitamins?

03-11-2015, 11:41 AM
I took buspar a few years ago. It made palpitations worse.