View Full Version : Hello to everyone and glad I found you

02-03-2015, 05:47 PM
Hello everyone! My name is Jeff and I'm 36 years old living in Texas! I'm so glad I found this forum as I have been experiencing panic attacks on and off for 12 years now and there starting to get worse! My first attack was 12 years ago when my grandma died. I felt like I couldn't breathe. I started waking up in the middle of the night unable to breathe after. I wouldn't sleep and became scared to fall asleep! I was finally able to overcome it after a bad attack in which my chest was hurting! I was rushed to er but everything was fine. Fast foward about 3 years later and they started again as chest pain and just worrying. Again er visit with nothing! They found my blood pressure had begun to get higher with these! I once again was able to kick them for about 3 years before recently having some bad ones! I was diagnosed with afib a few months ago as my heart was beating on avg at 110 per minute and 200 when excited ! I more take meds for that and I'm on citalpram! My worse attacks now are at night! Wake up feeling tingles on hands and feet with burning sensations on my back and arms! I have only been on the meds for 2 weeks after being off for 3 months thinking I kicked the panic attacks! I was wrong. I try to hold up best for my daughter and wife but boy is it hard! Haven't looked at theory yet but I may! One thing that does help the attacks are when I'm at home I grab my boxer dog and pet her head and play with her! Always found animals to be key in attacks!

02-04-2015, 02:55 AM
Sup Jeff! Nice to meet you.

That's a fair while to be suffering from attacks. The first one's always horrible, isn't it? Wow, I'll never forget my first. Such alien sensations!! I guess you can't say the rest are that much better though. :)

If you do want to check out some theory, I have a pretty good ebook on my laptop that may be able to help you. I'll send it through to you. Everybody responds to different styles of learning. Given your story, I think this one will help you.

Luckily you've got a boxer dog and not one of those little ones. I'm guessing when the adrenaline's flowing those pets can get pretty rough!

02-04-2015, 08:51 AM
Sup Jeff! Nice to meet you.

That's a fair while to be suffering from attacks. The first one's always horrible, isn't it? Wow, I'll never forget my first. Such alien sensations!! I guess you can't say the rest are that much better though. :)

If you do want to check out some theory, I have a pretty good ebook on my laptop that may be able to help you. I'll send it through to you. Everybody responds to different styles of learning. Given your story, I think this one will help you.

Luckily you've got a boxer dog and not one of those little ones. I'm guessing when the adrenaline's flowing those pets can get pretty rough!

I'm willing to try anything! I did notice one I was pulled of citalapram for a few
Months that the attacks came back 2 times as hard! Yeah my boxer loves to give hugs and can sense when your bugging out! I'm always up for good ebooks! I've grown use to them all though we all know there usually never the same!