View Full Version : Does anyones anxiety get worse after exercise

02-02-2015, 05:25 PM
As a bit of background I have been going through a 5 - 6 months type of anxiety disorder which started after a bout of excessive drinking which brought on a panic attack which has then morphed into a prolonged anxiety / panic disorder which I am going through now and trying to recover from somehow.

Everywhere I keep reading that exercise will save me or cure me or is the key to solving my anxiety, however, whenever I exercise, even at a fairly moderate level such as swimming or even a long walk my symptoms become worse. Not immediately - during and straight after the exercise I do feel a little better but as the day progresses my anxiety gets worse than it normally is - if I do vigorous exercise it can sometimes make my symptoms worse for 2 - 3 days! As you can imagine, this is putting me off doing any exercise. .

Anyone else get this or any explanation for it? Should I just do the exercise anyway? I don't feel inclined to do things that make my anxiety worse and the fact that it makes it worse increases my sense that this is not anxiety but some form of illness (which is a lot of where my anxiety stems from, a type of health anxiety) Especially as everywhere is telling me that exercise makes anxiety better but it makes mine worse! My natural conclusion is, ok I don't have anxiety, I have some other form of illness.

02-02-2015, 08:25 PM
I think it has a lot to do with higher heart rate, the moment you exercise can be difficult. I had a few panics attack on treadmill and biking in the park, when I am not suppose to. Contact with Nature calms me down. Always had. Regular exercise can help, you know that mind over the body but mind need a healthy body to overcome anxiety. I had notice that my anxiety was not existing in gym and two to three house after exercise. It started to build up around 5 pm..
I started back practicing meditation, which help big time.
Unfortunately situation got out of control and I went back on meds. Not SRRi, I do not tolerate them. Right now my anxiety seems to be controlled well, with minimum of meds, meditation and spending a lot of time on my hobbies :))
Lemon balm tea helps too:)

02-02-2015, 08:27 PM
It seems like perhaps it worsens for you after exercise, but for me, exercise really helps my anxiety. It feels pretty good after working out.

Maybe you should try to use relaxation techniques instead if exercise intensifies your symptoms, perhaps right after working out?

02-02-2015, 08:36 PM
I agree with ^^ :) relaxation would be good after exercise. I just have a question to OP. Do you eat something within 45 minutes of finishing exercise? For a long time my blood sugar was low after exercise and I do not eat before lunch, with the early morning exercise and not eating for house, it was unstable. I talked to my doc and she advised to have a protein shake and it took care of low blood sugar.
Symptoms of low blood sugar can occur suddenly. They include: blurry vision, rapid heartbeat, sudden mood changes, sudden nervousness, unexplained fatigue, pale skin, headache.

02-03-2015, 12:00 PM
Ok thanks some good advice here so far. Protein shake / food straight after with a deep relaxation exercise when I get home after the workout. Will try both these things and gradually build up my level of exercise.

02-03-2015, 12:45 PM
Good, keep us posted, please :)

02-03-2015, 09:59 PM
As a bit of background I have been going through a 5 - 6 months type of anxiety disorder which started after a bout of excessive drinking which brought on a panic attack which has then morphed into a prolonged anxiety / panic disorder which I am going through now and trying to recover from somehow.

Everywhere I keep reading that exercise will save me or cure me or is the key to solving my anxiety, however, whenever I exercise, even at a fairly moderate level such as swimming or even a long walk my symptoms become worse. Not immediately - during and straight after the exercise I do feel a little better but as the day progresses my anxiety gets worse than it normally is - if I do vigorous exercise it can sometimes make my symptoms worse for 2 - 3 days! As you can imagine, this is putting me off doing any exercise. .

Anyone else get this or any explanation for it? Should I just do the exercise anyway? I don't feel inclined to do things that make my anxiety worse and the fact that it makes it worse increases my sense that this is not anxiety but some form of illness (which is a lot of where my anxiety stems from, a type of health anxiety) Especially as everywhere is telling me that exercise makes anxiety better but it makes mine worse! My natural conclusion is, ok I don't have anxiety, I have some other form of illness.

You know what, when you have anxiety smelling a rose can trigger an attack. Exercise is what every human being on the planet needs so keep it up. If you aren't eating good and your blood sugar gets really low, maybe you can feel like crap which triggers anxiety, but the thing is, you have anxiety so anything can do this. Sometimes the heart going faster may make you go "oh shit!" which can trigger anxiety. But most likely, exercise makes you feel something> you get scared> then YOU trigger the anxiety. I suggest yoga 3-4 days a week for now, as that will take care of stretching, cardio, resistance, positive environment, and will feel amazing afterwards all in one. Then later on incorporate cardio and weight training. But the #1 regular exercise for anxiety sufferers I believe is walking and yoga.

02-04-2015, 12:44 AM
Because exercise can resemble a panic attack, it can sometimes feel uncomfortable to do when you have anxiety.

Find a base level that you're happy with, that doesn't make you feel bad, then work on from there. As has been mentioned, yoga can be a great place to start if that's your thing.

02-04-2015, 04:31 PM
Yoga sounds good, was thinking about trying that. A lot of people mentioning blood sugar so maybe that has something to do with it. Will start out with some light walking and yoga and go from there.

02-04-2015, 09:48 PM
Do you by any chance have back pain/problems? Normally exercise helps my anxiety, but when my back stares flaring up it makes me very anxious and irritable.

02-04-2015, 10:43 PM
Yoga sounds good, was thinking about trying that. A lot of people mentioning blood sugar so maybe that has something to do with it. Will start out with some light walking and yoga and go from there.

Remember, everything with getting anxiety better is a long term process. You don't have to do it all at once, but you do need to keep progressing and moving forward. The road is not perfectly linear and you get bumps along the road.

Do you think maybe you trigger the panic from weird feelings after exercise such as really hungry, low blood sugar, etc.? When I had really bad anxiety I was so ultra sensitive to every little sensation. But don't let your brain equate exercise as bad. Exercise is the key to health! In a big workout, everyone's blood sugar is low, and some bodybuilders even take large amounts of sugar in their protein shakes after. I am not recommending that, but pointing out that is it possible you just get ultra sensitive to that use up blood sugar feeling which triggers you to go "Oh shit!" and trigger anxiety?

I was lucky to live 1 minute walking distance to a yoga studio when I as deepest in my anxiety. I went 3-4 times a week and NEVER had a panic attack in yoga class. I really suggest you do it regularly. It has so many helpful attributes to people with anxiety.

02-05-2015, 06:05 AM
Yoga sounds good, was thinking about trying that. A lot of people mentioning blood sugar so maybe that has something to do with it. Will start out with some light walking and yoga and go from there.

I used to get very light-headed and panicky after exercise too. I thought it might be blood sugar. I bought one of those cheap devices to check, but never found anything significant. If you think blood sugar could be an issue, it's worth picking one up and doing a couple of checks throughout the day to see what's going on. They don't cost more than about $15. I think it was good for me to rule out lots of health-related things such as sugar levels, nutritional deficiencies, blood pressure etc, just so I could say, "Yeah, this is a mental thing."

When you're turning your back on panic (regular panic, not PanicCured), it's good to do it with 100% conviction. The "buts what ifs" are killer when you're an anxious person. Get them all ruled out early.

02-05-2015, 09:53 AM
I had this problem when I first started working out...so bad I went Dr over the feelings after some test we realized I also had Reactive Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) It feels an awful lot like an anxiety attack. After changing my diet some, I now enjoy working out and it is one of my best anxiety relievers.

02-05-2015, 10:11 AM
Exercise releases the same chemicals we get during the fight or flight response. Ergo, you can feel anxious when exercising. Continue exercising and these symptoms will lessen.


02-06-2015, 12:11 AM
Ok thanks, yes I do think I trigger the panic from weird feelings after exercise. I have come to realise that my anxiety is a kind of panic about panic. I have a fear of fear. So when I exercise my internal scanner must work on overdrive due to unusual symptoms / feeling different. I am so hypersensitive these days that I can always hear my heart beat in my head and feel the blood pumping through my veins. I could count my pulse just sitting here. I don't need to feel my wrist. So I guess exercise is going to make me feel different and therefore my internal "scanner" as I call it will be working in overdrive.

02-08-2015, 05:37 AM
Ok thanks, yes I do think I trigger the panic from weird feelings after exercise. I have come to realise that my anxiety is a kind of panic about panic. I have a fear of fear. So when I exercise my internal scanner must work on overdrive due to unusual symptoms / feeling different. I am so hypersensitive these days that I can always hear my heart beat in my head and feel the blood pumping through my veins. I could count my pulse just sitting here. I don't need to feel my wrist. So I guess exercise is going to make me feel different and therefore my internal "scanner" as I call it will be working in overdrive.

It sounds like you have brilliant insight into your condition and I can fully relate and understand exactly what you mean. Read what you wrote again! It took me so long to realize that I caused my panic attacks from that tiny split second of "Oh shit!" Like the fearful sensations creep up and then I would go "Oh shit!" boom! Attack. I was so convinced for so long my heart would go out of control to 160 beats per minute on it's own, until I came to terms that my mind triggered the fight or flight response. I didn't have a heart problem.

Of course some people do have heart problems, so that is why you have to get the check up and get diagnosed as anxiety.

I also used to feel the strong pulsations. If I did like 10 pushups I felt like my body was throbbing in pulsations. Now I don't feel that same feeling, but TRY and get my heart to beat fast. Funny how my heart beating fast was my worst nightmare, now I do my best to make it beat fast for health! Make sure you are not hyperventilating. Also, getting in shape will help too.

Truly understand the concept to not add 2nd fear.

08-18-2018, 01:52 PM
i know this is an old thread, but whir35, you seem to be the only person who ive been able to find that has an increase in anxiety after exercise. i also experience this and i also have it last for a few days after. This has been very dificult for me because exercising is one of my favorite thing to do. was wondering if you have found out anymore as to what was causing this or any recs on how to manage this. any help appreciated. thanks

08-20-2018, 01:43 AM
I have to agree with this....theres been a number of times i have come home from less than 2hrs of gym sessions and then gone home and got myself into a right state...
my guess is your body works harder when your exercising and so your hormones go out of place and so it kinda gets in your head

have you found someone that you can go and do exercise with so it can be more enjoyable?

Kindest regards