View Full Version : Hello Everyone

02-01-2015, 06:03 AM
This is my first time here and I appreciate you reading my post :-) I've frequented many social anxiety sites but never considered joining, so I thought this may be a positive change. I'm currently out of school and unemployed, which is a great source of anxiety for me, but not the worst of my issues. I guess I'm just wondering if the feelings that I'm having are "normal". I feel anxiety ALL of the time and I constantly have energy. I don't drink caffeine or take any stimulants but I always have this restless energy and I usually can't sleep. I think in time I will be able to channel this anxiety into something constructive, but right now I feel stuck. I desperately want to get out more and start creating a life for myself but I'm anxious around people as well. Just people in general, I feel that they can feel this anxiety of mine and I wonder if they think I'm weird or off, somehow. I worry that people will read it as a "bad vibe" but my intentions are pure as can be. I really want the other person to just feel comfortable in my presence, but I guess that won't happen until I am comfortable with myself? I think this would be less of a problem if I hadn't been called weird in the past, although I don't do anything in particular that stands out, making me "weird". I feel it's just my whole being that has this weirdness to it, and many times I try having a serious conversation with people, I get the "you're so weird" or they laugh at me, but it's frustrating because I am not trying to be funny. I think it's also possible that I've been surrounding myself with the wrong people. I just always feel my weirdness is going to show and it has seriously stunted my relationships. I'm already so self conscious and I feel like even admitting these things makes me a "weirdo" but I can't ignore these feelings!! I have the tendency to think and over-analyze everything (including my thoughts and feelings) but I don't know how to stop being so hyper-aware. AGH :mad:

02-01-2015, 07:09 AM
This is my first time here and I appreciate you reading my post :-) I've frequented many social anxiety sites but never considered joining, so I thought this may be a positive change. I'm currently out of school and unemployed, which is a great source of anxiety for me, but not the worst of my issues. I guess I'm just wondering if the feelings that I'm having are "normal". I feel anxiety ALL of the time and I constantly have energy. I don't drink caffeine or take any stimulants but I always have this restless energy and I usually can't sleep. I think in time I will be able to channel this anxiety into something constructive, but right now I feel stuck. I desperately want to get out more and start creating a life for myself but I'm anxious around people as well. Just people in general, I feel that they can feel this anxiety of mine and I wonder if they think I'm weird or off, somehow. I worry that people will read it as a "bad vibe" but my intentions are pure as can be. I really want the other person to just feel comfortable in my presence, but I guess that won't happen until I am comfortable with myself? I think this would be less of a problem if I hadn't been called weird in the past, although I don't do anything in particular that stands out, making me "weird". I feel it's just my whole being that has this weirdness to it, and many times I try having a serious conversation with people, I get the "you're so weird" or they laugh at me, but it's frustrating because I am not trying to be funny. I think it's also possible that I've been surrounding myself with the wrong people. I just always feel my weirdness is going to show and it has seriously stunted my relationships. I'm already so self conscious and I feel like even admitting these things makes me a "weirdo" but I can't ignore these feelings!! I have the tendency to think and over-analyze everything (including my thoughts and feelings) but I don't know how to stop being so hyper-aware. AGH :mad:

Hello and welcome :)

You have a good vibe I think. Yes what you describe is totally normal for anxiety.

You're probably right in thinking you're surrounding yourself with the wrong people. It's hard to find the right people though when you're "weird", I know. They are out there though! It makes me sad when I read things like this because basically you feel like you can't be yourself around these people, which sucks.

Hang in there.. Plenty of "weirdos" here :)
Gypsy x