View Full Version : How to Improce My Worsening Relationship with My Mother?

01-30-2015, 12:25 AM
Hi everyone, just looking for some advice here:

I've basically had anxiety for my whole life but I didn't really get diagnosed until last year. I have a tendency to be forgetful etc as well as anxious (obviously) and this has led to my relationship with my mother and I worsening.

My parents and I went on a holiday over Christmas and I was more anxious than I ever had been. 2014 was my final year of high school, so it was pretty stressful, but I think I wasn't ready to go away and that made me almost constantly worried, although I did my best not to show it or ask my parents about it. Health anxiety is my main problem, and I became ill and got a chest infection and spent the rest of the trip coughing and with chest pain- I have asthma too, which made it worse- and so I got pretty worried eventually because I wasn't getting better and I was still feeling sick all the time. My mum definitely picked up on this and, while she did her best to reassure me, she ended up getting frustrated and mad that I couldn't relax and have a good time and stop worrying about it.

I'm starting university in March and have been looking for work etc; I told her I'd begin when I got back from holidays and we did so about a week ago. However, I have a tendency to procrastinate or genuinely forget about things and end up doing them a few days later than I said I would and the other day I was up until really early, as has been happening every night, and ended up missing an appointment because I slept through my alarm. I'm also depressed and therefore pretty apathetic about most things which is a problem for me and I think the reason I forget about stuff like that, as I'm not really invested in them even though I absolutely should be. I told my mother about this as I wasn't sure when to reschedule because I thought I had a family commitment coming up later in the week. Basically, she cracked it, and said I'm "effing lazy" and "effing selfish" (not sure if I can swear on this forum but she sure did!), "pathetic", she's "sick to death of worrying about (me)" and I just "sit around all day worrying about my health" and I "can't be effed to get out of bed". That was three days ago and she hasn't spoken to me face-to-face since.

I think everything she said is true and I don't mean to sound bitter if I do, but I believe the problem is she resents/doesn't really understand my anxiety. I can understand that it must be really stressful trying to deal with me a lot of the time and that she's frustrated because she cares about me and wants me to be successful in my future and not an abject failure! I try not to use it as an excuse for not doing things and I've promised to get my act together and be better organised, but I don't think me missing an appointment and forgetting to apply for a job is really what she's mad about. Even though she says she understands that I can't help it, I don't think she fully understands how crippling it can be sometimes (even though she does her best and it must be so annoying and aggravating to have to deal with me and try to help me). I think it's totally fair to call me selfish, because my parents both work and since I'm on holidays and haven't started uni I sort of just hang out with my friends and don't do much else. However, while I understand that I must be a massive burden, I don't think I'm pathetic or anything and I don't know that it was ok for her to have a go at me for having health anxiety.

Anyway, I'm probably overreacting and I've applied for some jobs since and generally tried to change my attitude then which will hopefully make her less mad, and because I need to. But can anyone give me some advice on how to maybe explain to her that I'm doing my best but sometimes I just get overwhelmed? And if anyone has any tips for motivating myself that'd be helpful too, as my mood tends to prevent me from being really motivated. I know a lot of this is just my bad attitude and my fault, which I'm working on and improving, but I do feel like there is an underlying resentment or frustration towards me from my mother due to my health anxiety, too and my reliance on her in particular for support. Sorry that this is really long, but I'm trying to provide as much context as possible so anyone who reads might better understand how my mother feels and why she feels that way or how I should broach this issue with her.

Thanks to anyone who takes the time to reply :)

01-30-2015, 07:25 AM
Hi everyone, just looking for some advice here:

I've basically had anxiety for my whole life but I didn't really get diagnosed until last year. I have a tendency to be forgetful etc as well as anxious (obviously) and this has led to my relationship with my mother and I worsening.

My parents and I went on a holiday over Christmas and I was more anxious than I ever had been. 2014 was my final year of high school, so it was pretty stressful, but I think I wasn't ready to go away and that made me almost constantly worried, although I did my best not to show it or ask my parents about it. Health anxiety is my main problem, and I became ill and got a chest infection and spent the rest of the trip coughing and with chest pain- I have asthma too, which made it worse- and so I got pretty worried eventually because I wasn't getting better and I was still feeling sick all the time. My mum definitely picked up on this and, while she did her best to reassure me, she ended up getting frustrated and mad that I couldn't relax and have a good time and stop worrying about it.

I'm starting university in March and have been looking for work etc; I told her I'd begin when I got back from holidays and we did so about a week ago. However, I have a tendency to procrastinate or genuinely forget about things and end up doing them a few days later than I said I would and the other day I was up until really early, as has been happening every night, and ended up missing an appointment because I slept through my alarm. I'm also depressed and therefore pretty apathetic about most things which is a problem for me and I think the reason I forget about stuff like that, as I'm not really invested in them even though I absolutely should be. I told my mother about this as I wasn't sure when to reschedule because I thought I had a family commitment coming up later in the week. Basically, she cracked it, and said I'm "effing lazy" and "effing selfish" (not sure if I can swear on this forum but she sure did!), "pathetic", she's "sick to death of worrying about (me)" and I just "sit around all day worrying about my health" and I "can't be effed to get out of bed". That was three days ago and she hasn't spoken to me face-to-face since.

I think everything she said is true and I don't mean to sound bitter if I do, but I believe the problem is she resents/doesn't really understand my anxiety. I can understand that it must be really stressful trying to deal with me a lot of the time and that she's frustrated because she cares about me and wants me to be successful in my future and not an abject failure! I try not to use it as an excuse for not doing things and I've promised to get my act together and be better organised, but I don't think me missing an appointment and forgetting to apply for a job is really what she's mad about. Even though she says she understands that I can't help it, I don't think she fully understands how crippling it can be sometimes (even though she does her best and it must be so annoying and aggravating to have to deal with me and try to help me). I think it's totally fair to call me selfish, because my parents both work and since I'm on holidays and haven't started uni I sort of just hang out with my friends and don't do much else. However, while I understand that I must be a massive burden, I don't think I'm pathetic or anything and I don't know that it was ok for her to have a go at me for having health anxiety.

Anyway, I'm probably overreacting and I've applied for some jobs since and generally tried to change my attitude then which will hopefully make her less mad, and because I need to. But can anyone give me some advice on how to maybe explain to her that I'm doing my best but sometimes I just get overwhelmed? And if anyone has any tips for motivating myself that'd be helpful too, as my mood tends to prevent me from being really motivated. I know a lot of this is just my bad attitude and my fault, which I'm working on and improving, but I do feel like there is an underlying resentment or frustration towards me from my mother due to my health anxiety, too and my reliance on her in particular for support. Sorry that this is really long, but I'm trying to provide as much context as possible so anyone who reads might better understand how my mother feels and why she feels that way or how I should broach this issue with her.

Thanks to anyone who takes the time to reply :)

Goodness.. This post could've been written by me twenty years ago.

Can I ask are you male or female? (I can't tell by your name here). It's not really relevant; I'm just curious :)

I think you're being very diplomatic towards your mother - I would've been a lot more resentful and angry (still am a lot of the time). So I think that's commendable. This is a tricky psychological situation so I'll just stick to your question about how to explain your anxiety to your mum..

What about finding a good webpage that explains anxiety and showing her that? I've done that with a few people and it seems to work.

Are you seeing a doctor about it? You could take your mum along with you.

My mother never really understood my anxiety (despite having it herself!) so I hope you have better luck.

All the best,
Gypsy x

01-30-2015, 07:59 AM
Goodness.. This post could've been written by me twenty years ago.

Can I ask are you male or female? (I can't tell by your name here). It's not really relevant; I'm just curious :)

I think you're being very diplomatic towards your mother - I would've been a lot more resentful and angry (still am a lot of the time). So I think that's commendable. This is a tricky psychological situation so I'll just stick to your question about how to explain your anxiety to your mum..

What about finding a good webpage that explains anxiety and showing her that? I've done that with a few people and it seems to work.

Are you seeing a doctor about it? You could take your mum along with you.

My mother never really understood my anxiety (despite having it herself!) so I hope you have better luck.

All the best,
Gypsy x

Thank you, that's a good idea; I'll try showing her a page on it. I know she's familiar to some degree with what I experience, since she's the one who suggested that I might have anxiety in the first place, but hopefully I can find one that really explains it in depth.

I was seeing a therapist last year but he took the view that there were no real
"strategies" etc you could use for generalised anxiety and, as such, that's not been helpful at all long-term, but I'm in the process of trying to find someone else to see.

I'm trying not to be mad with her because I think she believes she knows what I'm going through, so to her it's very frustrating and probably seems like I'm just not trying hard enough. I'm sorry to hear you and your mum don't see eye to eye on everything, btw.

Again, I'll try what you suggested- thanks for your reply :) I'm a girl btw.