View Full Version : Should i be worried about something serious?

Tyler Patterson
01-25-2015, 02:41 PM
Since late june early august, i've been having some alarming symptoms. It all started when my father had a health scare than i developed muscle twitching or at least first noticed my muscle twitching. It started in the calf and then spread everywhere from there. They range from small ones i can barely feel to big giant ones that are visible through clothing. Late august i seen my GP, she asked me some questions did some blood work and diagnosed me with GAD and sent me on my way without really ever diagnosing me, well as the months go on i try therapy, medications, the whole 9 and nothing seems to work. In this time i develop some muscle jerks or spasms that make my whole arm or leg move without my having any control. They're only one quick motion then i have all control back. These have only happened about 10 times within the span of a 4-5 month period. All during this time having some what would be taken as perceived weakness on the left side of my body(although i believe it is actually weakness since even doing something as typing this paragraph my forearm starts to burn as if i haven't used it in forever or am working it out) Now suddenly i'm having sinus issues, a headache and a bit of brain fog. I'm wondering if i shouldn't go back to the doctor and have more tests done or if i should just not worry about it. I used to be mortally terrified of ALS, now i'm terrified of a brain tumor. It says the symptoms of a brain tumor are twitches, myoclonic seizures, headache and weakness on one side of body. Are these actual warning signs or am i connecting fictionary dots?

Just some background, 18, male,slightly overweight, family has had minimal cases of cancer in past, very few genetic predispositions, non smoker, and non drinker.