View Full Version : Just got home and only NOW taking a BREATH of Fresh Air.

01-15-2015, 05:59 PM
I've been uptight ALL day over certain people bullying other people and having to witness this BS and blatant abuse of public authority, and hating the fact that I can't do a Go- Darn,_____ Thing about it. Gee I might get a LETTER of complaint in my PERSONAL Personnel File and, have been warned by a newbie upper authority that that means The End of show Biz Folkz!!!

So what the heck am I supposed to do, "Grin and Bear IT?" Well as I close my eyes , and shut my mouth; i also tighten the left side of my mouth and jaw over frustration and anger, and a tad of anxiety too. Now, unfortunately the side of my mouth is asymmetric.

It's from all these years of putting up with various friggen bullies in my life, and there isn't much to do about it until I win the Lottery some day. I will go buy my own island, open my own business, stay away from ALL who annoy me, and live Happily Ever After in fairy land, la tee dah.