View Full Version : anxiety??? please help new to site

01-12-2015, 05:43 PM
Hi I'm new to this site and also anxiety. I've never had any problemsproblems with anxiety till I started to smokepot about 4 years ago I would get panic attacks. About a month I had the worst panic attack yet so I plead that I would ever touch the drug again only thing is I feel as if the panic attack never went away. I get some pressure in my headandthen start to worry about it till I feel like I'm going to pass out but never do I went to my doctor and he sent me for a series of tests including a EKG chest xray a cat scan and also a MRI with and without contrast. Only thing they found was I was low on b12 and d3 also I have a heart arrethimia but so does my father. When I do something like make lunch by the timee I'm done eating I feel as if I made lunch yesterday I feel like I'm tressing myself out cause this is all I can think about night and day can someone please help and give me some advice?

01-12-2015, 05:44 PM
Also when I feel like I can pass out I take a oxycodone everything seems to go away within a hour then I feel OK

01-12-2015, 06:28 PM
Hi I'm new to this site and also anxiety. I've never had any problemsproblems with anxiety till I started to smokepot about 4 years ago I would get panic attacks. About a month I had the worst panic attack yet so I plead that I would ever touch the drug again only thing is I feel as if the panic attack never went away. I get some pressure in my headandthen start to worry about it till I feel like I'm going to pass out but never do I went to my doctor and he sent me for a series of tests including a EKG chest xray a cat scan and also a MRI with and without contrast. Only thing they found was I was low on b12 and d3 also I have a heart arrethimia but so does my father. When I do something like make lunch by the timee I'm done eating I feel as if I made lunch yesterday I feel like I'm tressing myself out cause this is all I can think about night and day can someone please help and give me some advice?

Ah, good ol weed. The Mary Jane. Pot. Grass. Wacky tobaccy. Smoke.

Call it what you like but that shits sure knows how to begin the panic cycle.

Lots of people here have discovered their anxiety and panic issues thanks to bong hits

I will let them give you some better tips than I could since smoking that just made me sleepy

But welcome to the Forum. Hope your stay is short!

01-12-2015, 06:33 PM
Ah, good ol weed. The Mary Jane. Pot. Grass. Wacky tobaccy. Smoke.

Call it what you like but that shits sure knows how to begin the panic cycle.

Lots of people here have discovered their anxiety and panic issues thanks to bong hits

I will let them give you some better tips than I could since smoking that just made me sleepy

But welcome to the Forum. Hope your stay is short!

Lol yea I deff miss it just wish it didn't do this to me haha

01-12-2015, 06:43 PM
Hi I'm new to this site and also anxiety. I've never had any problemsproblems with anxiety till I started to smokepot about 4 years ago I would get panic attacks. About a month I had the worst panic attack yet so I plead that I would ever touch the drug again only thing is I feel as if the panic attack never went away. I get some pressure in my headandthen start to worry about it till I feel like I'm going to pass out but never do I went to my doctor and he sent me for a series of tests including a EKG chest xray a cat scan and also a MRI with and without contrast. Only thing they found was I was low on b12 and d3 also I have a heart arrethimia but so does my father. When I do something like make lunch by the timee I'm done eating I feel as if I made lunch yesterday I feel like I'm tressing myself out cause this is all I can think about night and day can someone please help and give me some advice?

This is most likely your problem

was I was low on b12 and d3

Take it from me as someone who was low on D3...my level was 17. I've been taking 10,000 Iu with magnesium now everyday and am 80% better. Many people have had their panic cured getting their vitamin D up. Not all but some that spring out of nowhere, yes. I'm most certain it is not the weed. You probably just developed the deficiencies while you were smoking weed. I was blaming my feelings on my birth control, but it continued after being off of it, so I know better now. Get both your b12 and vitamin D up. Make sure to take METHYL b12 as it is the most easily absorbed, take more or around 1,000-5,000 mcg a day.

01-12-2015, 06:50 PM
In addition, might want to read the comments at the bottom of this http://www.easy-immune-health.com/could-vitamin-d-deficiency-cause-anxiety-and-panic-attacks.html

and also this http://www.lef.org/Newsletter/2013/2/Decreased-Vitamin-D-Levels-Linked-To-Panic-Depression/Page-01

01-12-2015, 07:06 PM
I've been taking 2000 d3 for 3 weeks and 1000 b12 with the mythl thing you were saying before. I'm just so scared of the feelings I'm getting in my head cause it came out of nowhere after the bad panic I had after smoking it just never went away for over a month now and I've had so many tests done but all negative so idk why I but this is all I can think about night and day and when I'm thinking about it it gets worse and worse until I panic and feel like I'm gonna pass out when I feel like that I just try not think about it and it eventually goes away

01-12-2015, 07:31 PM
I've been taking 2000 d3 for 3 weeks and 1000 b12 with the mythl thing you were saying before. I'm just so scared of the feelings I'm getting in my head cause it came out of nowhere after the bad panic I had after smoking it just never went away for over a month now and I've had so many tests done but all negative so idk why I but this is all I can think about night and day and when I'm thinking about it it gets worse and worse until I panic and feel like I'm gonna pass out when I feel like that I just try not think about it and it eventually goes away

If you have low vitamin D 2000 aint going to cut it. That's a maintenance dose for people with normal levels. You need around the 8000-10,000 Iu level along with magnesium 200 mg or so to make sure it's activated. It's also going to take around 2 months or more to get your vitamin D and b12 levels up. I know what you are feeling, I felt it myself. As I have said in my own posts, I was taking vitamin D for my low level until I released the dose I was on was too little to correct a deficincy. These feelings do tend to go away because panic attacks usually last up to an hour. But they keep coming back to let us know that something is wrong. It's going to take around a month or two of the increased vitamin D for you to really feel the effects, but gradually you will feel better day by day, with minor setbacks.

01-12-2015, 07:42 PM
If you have low vitamin D 2000 aint going to cut it. That's a maintenance dose for people with normal levels. You need around the 8000-10,000 Iu level along with magnesium 200 mg or so to make sure it's activated. It's also going to take around 2 months or more to get your vitamin D and b12 levels up. I know what you are feeling, I felt it myself. As I have said in my own posts, I was taking vitamin D for my low level until I released the dose I was on was too little to correct a deficincy. These feelings do tend to go away because panic attacks usually last up to an hour. But they keep coming back to let us know that something is wrong. It's going to take around a month or two of the increased vitamin D for you to really feel the effects, but gradually you will feel better day by day, with minor setbacks.

Oh alright thank you you've been so helpful I'm going back to my doctor tomorrow so now ill be able to bring up the vitamin thing to. Do you think I should ask about anxiety medication till I get my levels back up? I just feel like I'm stuck and can't get my mind off of this ever and I don't like being alone when feeling like this either I get very scared and idk what for. Its like I'm coming down from a scary high all the time and I can't understand why

01-12-2015, 07:56 PM
Oh alright thank you you've been so helpful I'm going back to my doctor tomorrow so now ill be able to bring up the vitamin thing to. Do you think I should ask about anxiety medication till I get my levels back up? I just feel like I'm stuck and can't get my mind off of this ever and I don't like being alone when feeling like this either I get very scared and idk what for. Its like I'm coming down from a scary high all the time and I can't understand why

If you are okay with taking anxiety medication then I think so. At the very least they can provide peace of mind. I take xanax. I'm directed to take it anytime I feel an attack coming up to 3 times per day. It takes a few weeks for it to take effect so they say. Until you can get your levels back up it can be comforting just to have it so you feel like you have something to take when you are helpless. It helped my grandma a lot. Many people describe panic attacks differently but it definitely sounds like they'd treat it as panic disorder, and you will likely be prescribed xanax or something stronger if needed.

01-13-2015, 12:45 PM
Hi I'm new to this site and also anxiety. I've never had any problemsproblems with anxiety till I started to smokepot about 4 years ago I would get panic attacks. About a month I had the worst panic attack yet so I plead that I would ever touch the drug again only thing is I feel as if the panic attack never went away. I get some pressure in my headandthen start to worry about it till I feel like I'm going to pass out but never do I went to my doctor and he sent me for a series of tests including a EKG chest xray a cat scan and also a MRI with and without contrast. Only thing they found was I was low on b12 and d3 also I have a heart arrethimia but so does my father. When I do something like make lunch by the timee I'm done eating I feel as if I made lunch yesterday I feel like I'm tressing myself out cause this is all I can think about night and day can someone please help and give me some advice?

Mine also started by smoking that crap. I've never touched one since. Anxiety can be conquered though.
The feelings you are having are basically defence mechanisms of your body. You have an 'unreal' feeling, which the body uses to protect you. One thing to remember is, if you stop being afraid of the anxiety and the panic attacks, they have no power over you any more. It may sound easier said than done, but it is the only way to stop it forever.

01-13-2015, 06:42 PM
Mine also started by smoking that crap. I've never touched one since. Anxiety can be conquered though.
The feelings you are having are basically defence mechanisms of your body. You have an 'unreal' feeling, which the body uses to protect you. One thing to remember is, if you stop being afraid of the anxiety and the panic attacks, they have no power over you any more. It may sound easier said than done, but it is the only way to stop it forever.

I feel like I get head pressure to which can turn to headaches and lightheadedness doctor says I'm fine tho it usually happens when I'm on my laptop for a long time

01-13-2015, 09:09 PM
I feel like I get head pressure to which can turn to headaches and lightheadedness doctor says I'm fine tho it usually happens when I'm on my laptop for a long time
Hey hope ur Doin ok. Just thought it was REALLY interesting what u said there - about the laptop.
When ur suffering with anxiety all sorts of physical manifestations can pop up and we think "oh God what now?!" Tightened neck and shoulder muscles/ tendons ligaments and nerves - we have SO MANY from the shoulders up. And when u think if it this can b a cause of the anxiety. U ever strain UR neck? It HURTS! All I'm sayin is - just b mindful of what u are doing when the "head feelings" start- U may find a pattern there. Be well. U will get there

01-13-2015, 09:45 PM
pikuldude, if your laptop is making you lightheaded, I believe that you are either...

1) Staring at your laptop for too long, and it is giving you a headache.


2) You are focusing too hard on your bodily sensations, causing yourself to feel some sort of pressure or strain.

For example: If you consciously think that your screen is very bright, and THEN feel the lightheadedness, it is most likely caused by
your focusing, as you weren't feeling it before you made an observation.

01-13-2015, 10:31 PM
I also don't think you should put your faith in vitamin D. It has not been proven to be an effective anxiety treatment. The same goes for b12 (Does it really sound probable that eating more chicken will cure your anxiety?). The treatment method proven to be the most effective at treating anxiety is therapy by a trained psychologist. This is effective because they help you to understand more about yourself and also provide practical solutions for your daily life.

If you would like to talk more about this I would be happy to share a conversation.

01-14-2015, 07:32 AM
I also don't think you should put your faith in vitamin D. It has not been proven to be an effective anxiety treatment. The same goes for b12 (Does it really sound probable that eating more chicken will cure your anxiety?). The treatment method proven to be the most effective at treating anxiety is therapy by a trained psychologist. This is effective because they help you to understand more about yourself and also provide practical solutions for your daily life.

If you would like to talk more about this I would be happy to share a conversation.

Considering how many people had their anxiety cured by vitamin D treatment I'd beg to differ. Mine sprung out of nowhere and I only started to show symptoms when it was found my vitamin D was low. I find it troubling that you advise people against not putting their faith in vitamin D, like it's some pseudo science. My therapist didn't do jack squat for me or even make in interest in cbh. They kept pushing the subconscious agenda which pissed me off because I could "feel" my anxiety coming from a place that was not mental in origin. I'm glad therapy worked for you, but but if someone has a low level of vitamin D, they can only help themselves by getting it back up. I'm not saying other methods at treating anxiety are ineffective just that they can be used for different types of anxiety, or used in conjunction with something that is physical in origin. If someone's anxiety is physical in origin, it isn't going to be "cured" by psychological means.

01-14-2015, 12:49 PM
I got prescribed Sertraline and I took my first pill last night after dinner and it made me really tired then went to bed at 330 in the morning I woke up and felt the weird numb feeling on the right side of my head I freaked out for about 15 to 20 mins then started to calm down it took me till 430 to fall back asleep then. Woke up today at 1230 and just felt horrible probably the worst I've felt I then played down with my eyes closed but not sleeping I'm starting to feel better now but this is so scary I hate feeling like this and its so scary...is it normal I mean I've had so many tests a MRI with and without contrast cat scan EKG chest xray and gave blood 3 times so if it was something serious it would have showed up right? I'm just so sick of feeling like this

01-14-2015, 01:21 PM
Considering how many people had their anxiety cured by vitamin D treatment I'd beg to differ. Mine sprung out of nowhere and I only started to show symptoms when it was found my vitamin D was low. I find it troubling that you advise people against not putting their faith in vitamin D, like it's some pseudo science. My therapist didn't do jack squat for me or even make in interest in cbh. They kept pushing the subconscious agenda which pissed me off because I could "feel" my anxiety coming from a place that was not mental in origin. I'm glad therapy worked for you, but but if someone has a low level of vitamin D, they can only help themselves by getting it back up. I'm not saying other methods at treating anxiety are ineffective just that they can be used for different types of anxiety, or used in conjunction with something that is physical in origin. If someone's anxiety is physical in origin, it isn't going to be "cured" by psychological means.

Confusedpanic, while I respect that you feel strongly in your belief, I think that there are reasons to think otherwise. The reasons that these kind of treatments are regarded as

alternative or holistic medicine is because when they are put to the constraints of scientific research, they fail to produce meaningful results. If they were proven effective, they would not

be labeled as "alternative" because they would then be a part of mainstream science. This is why we cannot rely on people's subjective experiences as evidence of a product's

effectiveness. There are many variables which can lead us to draw the wrong conclusion about our own experiences. Scientific research accounts for these various conditions and

attempts to control them, so that the only condition they introduce is the treatment they are trying to study. Even when something is proven effective, it is only adopted as a reputable

treatment once the experiment has been repeated countless times, in many different ways and conditions, with the same results.

I am sorry that you had a bad experience with seeing a psychologist. I am sure that some are better than others. That doesn't change the fact that it is the most proven method of

treating anxiety, even compared to drugs. I actually have never been to see a psychologist. I managed to overcome anxiety without that or any drugs. It was a long (probably much

longer than necessary) and upsetting period of my life. Having said that though, I have no problem with advising someone to focus on what has been proven effective by the scientific community over what has not.

01-14-2015, 01:35 PM
You know what, people are tired, they are sick and tired of suffering with this every single damn day. I'm giving people this method of "fixing" anxiety that has worked for me, and if you want to call it "alternative" go ahead, but if you think that low vitamin D levels aren't going to cause ill effects in people you'd be dead wrong. We need vitamin D, we were meant to be in the sun. Does it cause any wonder why colder societies with more dark periods to have higher suicide and depressed rates??? Low levels itself can cause rickets. Go ahead and read some of the sticky posts here as well. Some people have had themselves in a much better state with magnesium or amino acid supplements and they are trying to help others by telling what worked for them.

If people are sick and tired of trying to treat their anxiety at the psychological level and it just isn't working, why on earth would you keep suggesting that they find a better psychologist? People have options, and I give them one. Your recommendation for treating anxiety is no less important in the whole picture than mine. I can find countless stories of people who have been cured by getting their vitamin D levels up, just as I can find plenty as well who've had it cured by cognitive behavioral therapy. I don't understand what you are NOT getting. If there is a nutritional deficiency in the body, fixing that can only help, at least then you can start to eliminate possible causes if that wasn't it already. If you want to get psychological help in the meantime, sure, why not, but just leaving a deficiency to get worse is not going to make things better. Watch yourself before you knock any method that has helped some people. These nutrients are essential for bodily functions and with the way many eat nowadays, many of us aren't getting all the nutrients we need. A lack of iron for example can make someone extremely lethargic, but I guess if you don't understand these deficiencies you would just tell them to find someone who can psychologically motivate them. Not going to fix the problem. Lack of b12 can cause nerve damange and constant headaches, but I guess just popping the tyelnol and having the person work out their stress through a psychologist would be the best route to take? Yeah, that's not going to fix it.

I never went to see a psychologist either. I saw a therapist and I said, we weren't getting anywhere because the feelings I was getting didn't lie from some "subconsious" stress/worry. Have I told people to not go seek in your words "proven" science to treat these disorders? No, I have simply said for people to check out something else that might be the cause. Your anxiety you dealt with, can stem from a much different place than someone else's.

01-14-2015, 01:47 PM
blood 3 times so if it was something serious it would have showed up right? I'm just so sick of feeling like this

They often do not test for vitamin D, magnesium, b12, or iron. I have been told everything is fine, your blood results are normal, you should be okay, when things were clearly NOT, but low and behold my school was smart enough to include vitamin D on their blood test, something the other blood tests didn't. Or I'd be in deep crap right now because I stay inside a lot.

I do not trust the health care system much anymore.

01-14-2015, 06:08 PM
With all due respect, the two claims are not equal. One is supported by evidence, the other is not.

the suicide rate argument is not very strong. Consider the fact that Greenland is number 1 on the list, while Iceland is number 41. There is a host of southern countries in between the two, as well as many northern countries which are lower on the list than southern countries. Clearly vitamin D is not the be all and end all.

The links which you provide are not very convincing either. Both links are websites which sell supplements. The author of one says she used to be a nurse (no specific qualifications listed) then says she became a functional health practitioner, where in all that is required to enter the training program is your money. The other article you linked talks about an article from what seems to be a non-peer reviewed journal (not subject to the same scientific scrutiny as a peer reviewed journal).

I am not suggesting that nutritional deficiencies can not have effects, but you must also realize that mentally healthy people walk around with nutritional deficiencies everyday. They might go from stages of deficiency and sufficiency regularly. All of this does not result in anxiety disorders. Anything that is making you freak out and have panic attacks is not going to be caused by a moderate deficiency. If it were, people would develop anxiety disorders off and on routinely. The fact that you are prescribing doses to someone on the internet is what you should find disturbing. Its either a very serious illness or anxiety. Sounds like OP has taken the tests to ensure its not a serious illness. Therefore anxiety. Don't worry OP it gets better.

01-14-2015, 07:32 PM
With all due respect, the two claims are not equal. One is supported by evidence, the other is not.

the suicide rate argument is not very strong. Consider the fact that Greenland is number 1 on the list, while Iceland is number 41. There is a host of southern countries in between the two, as well as many northern countries which are lower on the list than southern countries. Clearly vitamin D is not the be all and end all.

The links which you provide are not very convincing either. Both links are websites which sell supplements. The author of one says she used to be a nurse (no specific qualifications listed) then says she became a functional health practitioner, where in all that is required to enter the training program is your money. The other article you linked talks about an article from what seems to be a non-peer reviewed journal (not subject to the same scientific scrutiny as a peer reviewed journal).

I am not suggesting that nutritional deficiencies can not have effects, but you must also realize that mentally healthy people walk around with nutritional deficiencies everyday. They might go from stages of deficiency and sufficiency regularly. All of this does not result in anxiety disorders. Anything that is making you freak out and have panic attacks is not going to be caused by a moderate deficiency. If it were, people would develop anxiety disorders off and on routinely. The fact that you are prescribing doses to someone on the internet is what you should find disturbing. Its either a very serious illness or anxiety. Sounds like OP has taken the tests to ensure its not a serious illness. Therefore anxiety. Don't worry OP it gets better.

Well it didn't take you long to make friends, did it? LOL. 😉

Welcome to the Forum by the way

01-14-2015, 07:55 PM
I smiled when I saw Nixon's response. But Anxiety-Free makes some very good points. People can take whatever medications or supplements they want -- and they can believe whatever they want. But we should not confuse those things that have been established through rigorous scientific inquiry with those things that have not.

I have no problem at all with someone who says "standing on my head and quacking like a duck makes my anxiety feel better" -- but that should not be put in the same category as, say, "Cisplatin tends to prolong survival for patients with bladder cancer."

In any event, I don't think anyone should be taking their medical advice from internet forums.

01-16-2015, 08:22 PM
Thank you Nixon. I assure you I am a friendly person. Sometimes the claws come out though. ;)

And to Confusingpanic, I respect that you have strong belief in what you are saying. Like you, I must also say what I think is helpful.

01-16-2015, 09:18 PM
And I'm not saying you aren't at liberty to.

01-17-2015, 09:11 AM
*Important to note : Magnesium carries an electrical charge.

It is recommended. (supplement or foods) For example 1 cup black beans @ 240mg = half RDA.

(black beans and rice ((gluten free)) combine to form a complete protein with all amino acids)

Peanut butter, nuts, spinach. Easy to incorporate in the diet. And a highly therapeutic effect on nervous sensations. Apropos for this forum.


Palpitations (skips/irregular)
Nerve pain
Muscle tension/ache
Fasciculations (benign)
Brain fog
Heartrate (HR) By acting (slowing/regulating) on the pause between contractions (opposite to calcium)

Use any marked improvement you see to examine the mind from a calmer, clearer state for the explanations, psychologically. Not as a band-aid to go about your merry way as unconscious as before, so to speak.

01-17-2015, 09:56 AM
Do you try to avoid gluten in your diet then Im-Suffering?


01-17-2015, 10:09 AM
Do you try to avoid gluten in your diet then Im-Suffering?


Just wanted to mention that for anyone sensitive to it. Interestingly, eating 'healthier' automatically excludes anything with gluten (for the most part). So I suppose I do (try my best).