View Full Version : Head feels like it will explode

01-07-2015, 09:21 AM
Head feels like it's going to explode/crack...Anyone else ever feel like this? I know it's common when coming off ssri's... But I stopped taking those back in November. Can I still get these effects this long after?

I also feel I am super sensitive to noise, it's almost as though when I hear a loud noise I feel it in my head.. Sounds crazy typing that!

01-07-2015, 07:34 PM
Eesh, yeah, I remember this. Horrible symptom. My eyes would often water too. I was seriously worried my head was gonna blow. LOL. It used to come and go.

Do you do any daily relaxation exercises? If not, I think you need to start ASAP. Daily meditation is what I prescribe. Could it be cause of the SSRIs? I dunno, maybe, but either way it's almost certainly because there's too much of a stress reaction happening inside of you. That's why the relaxation is essential.

01-07-2015, 08:18 PM
Eesh, yeah, I remember this. Horrible symptom. My eyes would often water too. I was seriously worried my head was gonna blow. LOL. It used to come and go.

Do you do any daily relaxation exercises? If not, I think you need to start ASAP. Daily meditation is what I prescribe. Could it be cause of the SSRIs? I dunno, maybe, but either way it's almost certainly because there's too much of a stress reaction happening inside of you. That's why the relaxation is essential.

I don't do as much relaxation as I probably should but that's because I get so busy with the baby!! I really should set aside 30mins nightly to just unwind!!!