View Full Version : Worried

01-05-2015, 04:46 AM
I have my laboratories worked out.. my blood, my xrays, ecg(3×), 2d echo, holter test came back negative.,
So why does everytime i have a panic attack i always try to convince myself my heart is healthy... still i cant seem to take it off my head...
Anyone here feels the same?
Or anyone here can convince me i'm just a stupid freak?
Its just only a month now since i have been experiencing this disorder...
Really struggling....

01-05-2015, 06:17 AM
I have my laboratories worked out.. my blood, my xrays, ecg(3×), 2d echo, holter test came back negative.,
So why does everytime i have a panic attack i always try to convince myself my heart is healthy... still i cant seem to take it off my head...
Anyone here feels the same?
Or anyone here can convince me i'm just a stupid freak?
Its just only a month now since i have been experiencing this disorder...
Really struggling....

I told you in 2 of the other 4 (emergency) threads to get the fear worked out first. Take your meds for fear. The fear of anything.

I told you to not listen to the husband. Or anyone other than you.Now that the tests are negative, they will ignore your pleas even more, with less compassion, less understanding. And believe more that you are making it up.

I warned you to not listen, and to start on fear medicine.

Request Lorazapam (ativan) from the doctor, and let no one shame you into not taking it.

After I told you this, I also mentiontioned you would not listen, and I was correct.

Call your doctor, and have him give you a script. Then you will be in better shape, calmer, to start to work on the anxious thoughts. You can do nothing in panic. But produce more of it.

01-28-2016, 10:49 AM
All a panic attack is sudden surge of overwhelming anxiety and fear. It feels like you're having a heart attack all you need to remember is to breathe from your stomach but we forget to. Truth me I know how panic attacks feel I have had several. I thought I was dying and I needed to go the hospital! I agree with the advice above take medication for your anxiety. Do not suffer in silence.

10-02-2017, 03:39 PM
You’re not crazy. Worrying about having a heart attack is considered a symptom of anxiety, just like the fear of going crazy.

06-28-2018, 05:24 AM
Yeah, true.

09-21-2019, 06:45 PM
I used to have issues with anxiety, although I've never had panic attacks.

But I never did worry about my heart while having a nerve wracking day.

And I'm glad I didn't, because back then I had a lot of other things to be worried about on a day where I was feeling very nervous.