View Full Version : Newbie

01-03-2015, 04:18 PM
Hi everyone! It's my first time here..
I've been suffering from panic disorder for almost a month now, so you would probably understand that I'm struggling right now.
I was hospitalized last month. All my laboratories was clear. Blood test, xray, ecg(3 times already), 2d echo holter test. They were all clear.
I have been researching for quite sometime, then i found my symptoms match "Anxiety attacks/panic disorder". My symptoms which many of you i hope can relate.. Headache, dizziness, shortness of breath, palpitation, hot flushes, chills and chest pain...
I'm looking for sites, now forums, that would help me understand what I'm going through. It would be a great help if I would know I'm not alone, and I'm far from having a heart attack and stroke....

01-03-2015, 05:45 PM
Hi everyone! It's my first time here..
I've been suffering from panic disorder for almost a month now, so you would probably understand that I'm struggling right now.
I was hospitalized last month. All my laboratories was clear. Blood test, xray, ecg(3 times already), 2d echo holter test. They were all clear.
I have been researching for quite sometime, then i found my symptoms match "Anxiety attacks/panic disorder". My symptoms which many of you i hope can relate.. Headache, dizziness, shortness of breath, palpitation, hot flushes, chills and chest pain...
I'm looking for sites, now forums, that would help me understand what I'm going through. It would be a great help if I would know I'm not alone, and I'm far from having a heart attack and stroke....

Ah, your story is like 90% of the people here

And welcome, Hannah

Your symptoms sounds like anxiety and your story mirrors my own

Not knowing what is going on and believing a heart attack or stroke are coming

Good news is you have been checked out and you can eliminate and real physical illness

Better news is that anxiety can be easily beaten when you find you have the right mindset

Read, post and discuss with the people here

Good advice for the most part but it is often nice to know you are not alone with this

Hope your stay here is short

01-03-2015, 10:11 PM
Thank you... just knowing i have similar symptoms with someone was like an assurance...

Jess Watkins
01-03-2015, 10:19 PM
Yes I go thru your symptoms!!! Your test results are all good...rest easy. :)