View Full Version : I'm starting to get treated like a hypochondriac :(. Worsening health anxiety

12-23-2014, 09:10 AM
So I've found that venting away on here really helps to relieve me of the anxiety I'm feeling in the moment. So, here I am again, with some new concerns and the panic attacks still flowing daily.

Last night I had a follow-up appointment with my regular doc to see how I'm doing. My update was that my panic attacks are now coming with sharp chest pains. Previously, I had every other panic symptom except for actual pain, but apparently things are changing. In any event, she ran yet another EKG on me (her insistence, not mine). EKG turned out just fine, as they always do (which I'm thankful for), so I asked her if we could schedule an echo just to look at the heart and make sure there's nothing that a regular EKG might be missing, like Mitral Valve Prolapse (my aunt was actually diagnosed with this) or something. She looked at me like I was being silly and said "And how many of those would we have to do before you're convinced it's not your heart?"... Really made me feel like crap.

ANYWAY, she decided to put in an order for me to wear a holter monitor for 24 hours. I'll be going through that process sometime after the holidays.

She seems to be getting frustrated with me, but my health is very important to me, and I easily get health anxiety. Everything I'm feeling is real, I'm not making it up, and I'm just scared.

She seems to think that other than anxiety, my thyroid imbalance is also causing the racing heart. I told her I was getting winded easily and that my heart rate was pounding even after doing normal every day things. Again, blamed it on the thyroid.

She told me to not be exercising until we get things back in balance. That sucks, because that's really something I wanted to start doing again soon.

ALSO, she printed out for me this lovely paper about all the things that could go wrong if my thyroid is left unbalanced. Talks about infertility, HEART PROBLEMS, going into a coma... All this wild shit, as if I wasn't already scared enough right now. :'(

The silver lining is that I have an appointment with a naturopath at the end of January. If only I can hold out and stay strong until then..

12-23-2014, 10:27 AM
To the non anxiety sufferer, anxiety is hard to comprehend. You must understand your condition lies in the ideas you have. Repetitive worrisome ideas. Your doctor makes a point. How many heart tests do you need before you're convinced your heart is fine? This statement isn't to upset you, the part that's upsetting you is the truth behind it.

Everything you feel is very real. You've got to understand why your anxiety lingers, the same way it's produced. Your thought patterns dictate your anxiety. Being in a medicall environment with anxiety is not fun. There are tons of what ifs and what if is another reason you feel the way you do.

Enjoy your life. It's not given, what's the point in sitting around worrying about your health? Make some goals, work towards beating your anxiety. You move forward in life not let yourself get stuck. Moving forward, that's called living. Stuck with fear in your own mind? You could consider that just as dead as someone whom actually is.


12-23-2014, 10:35 AM
Live .. As Xerosnake advised you.

So I've found that venting away on here really helps to relieve me of the anxiety I'm feeling in the moment. So, here I am again, with some new concerns and the panic attacks still flowing daily.

Last night I had a follow-up appointment with my regular doc to see how I'm doing. My update was that my panic attacks are now coming with sharp chest pains. Previously, I had every other panic symptom except for actual pain, but apparently things are changing. In any event, she ran yet another EKG on me (her insistence, not mine). EKG turned out just fine, as they always do (which I'm thankful for), so I asked her if we could schedule an echo just to look at the heart and make sure there's nothing that a regular EKG might be missing, like Mitral Valve Prolapse (my aunt was actually diagnosed with this) or something. She looked at me like I was being silly and said "And how many of those would we have to do before you're convinced it's not your heart?"... Really made me feel like crap.

ANYWAY, she decided to put in an order for me to wear a holter monitor for 24 hours. I'll be going through that process sometime after the holidays.

She seems to be getting frustrated with me, but my health is very important to me, and I easily get health anxiety. Everything I'm feeling is real, I'm not making it up, and I'm just scared.

She seems to think that other than anxiety, my thyroid imbalance is also causing the racing heart. I told her I was getting winded easily and that my heart rate was pounding even after doing normal every day things. Again, blamed it on the thyroid.

She told me to not be exercising until we get things back in balance. That sucks, because that's really something I wanted to start doing again soon.

ALSO, she printed out for me this lovely paper about all the things that could go wrong if my thyroid is left unbalanced. Talks about infertility, HEART PROBLEMS, going into a coma... All this wild shit, as if I wasn't already scared enough right now. :'(

The silver lining is that I have an appointment with a naturopath at the end of January. If only I can hold out and stay strong until then..

Here is a short reading for you, I have heard your cries (and so did others, intuitively) I suggest you read it over a few times. Let's Begin, in regards to what you can do:

You've got to live. Not as the identity you were, but as you are. You change another words, nothing is stagnant.

Now, if you don't like who you've become, change into something else. Using memories of who you were, those portions you were happy with, along with a future self that brings joy and health.

Your identity is not only what you do, for example people identify with professions, but what you are being. And so identity is also the blueprint that frames your experience.

You are the artist and it is your canvas to do with what you wish. It is important to note, the portrait is always a reflection of the inner landscape. It can be dark and gloomy or bright and sunny. In any case the artist has full control of his palatte at any given time.

You must realize you are building your life around a framework of Ill health, and so your thoughts and what you create physically must fall within that idea. (Of what your life is). Any experience of a beneficial nature would go unnoticed as long as the focus is so acute toward disease. Another words, any healthy ideas would escape your awareness.

I am telling you this today to edify you. All work must come from within. Who do you wish to be in this moment?

The beliefs and their accompanying thoughts must be replaced with their opposite. You must Begin to picture health as vividly as you picture dire conditions falling upon you.

In the interim while new beliefs are gaining some footing you must expect physical reality to match your current beliefs and expectations, so there will be some continuance of the current state while things change. Instead of seeing this anxiety as a "beast" see it as your creation, bless it, and simply choose another way.

That is all I have now, it is enough to ingest.

Edit I see my 2 friends Xero and Panic have jumped in to help you. With the right ideas.

12-23-2014, 10:37 AM
So I've found that venting away on here really helps to relieve me of the anxiety I'm feeling in the moment. So, here I am again, with some new concerns and the panic attacks still flowing daily.

Last night I had a follow-up appointment with my regular doc to see how I'm doing. My update was that my panic attacks are now coming with sharp chest pains. Previously, I had every other panic symptom except for actual pain, but apparently things are changing. In any event, she ran yet another EKG on me (her insistence, not mine). EKG turned out just fine, as they always do (which I'm thankful for), so I asked her if we could schedule an echo just to look at the heart and make sure there's nothing that a regular EKG might be missing, like Mitral Valve Prolapse (my aunt was actually diagnosed with this) or something. She looked at me like I was being silly and said "And how many of those would we have to do before you're convinced it's not your heart?"... Really made me feel like crap.

ANYWAY, she decided to put in an order for me to wear a holter monitor for 24 hours. I'll be going through that process sometime after the holidays.

She seems to be getting frustrated with me, but my health is very important to me, and I easily get health anxiety. Everything I'm feeling is real, I'm not making it up, and I'm just scared.

She seems to think that other than anxiety, my thyroid imbalance is also causing the racing heart. I told her I was getting winded easily and that my heart rate was pounding even after doing normal every day things. Again, blamed it on the thyroid.

She told me to not be exercising until we get things back in balance. That sucks, because that's really something I wanted to start doing again soon.

ALSO, she printed out for me this lovely paper about all the things that could go wrong if my thyroid is left unbalanced. Talks about infertility, HEART PROBLEMS, going into a coma... All this wild shit, as if I wasn't already scared enough right now. :'(

The silver lining is that I have an appointment with a naturopath at the end of January. If only I can hold out and stay strong until then..

How about just give it a try that this is just anxiety and you are stuck in a vicious cycle of anxiety with YOU causing your symptoms and see what happens? Give it a try and see if it it works. Basically, you get the whole check up thing and when you are diagnosed as anxiety than you have your answer. I also thought I had some crazy disease but well, it turned out my heart was not just racing. I caused it by panicking.

12-23-2014, 10:47 AM
. You must understand your condition lies in the ideas you have.

Everything you feel is very real. You've got to understand why your anxiety lingers, the same way it's produced. Your thought patterns dictate your anxiety. .


Synchronicity....(are you reading me now?) :)

12-24-2014, 08:11 AM
Live .. As Xerosnake advised you.

Here is a short reading for you, I have heard your cries (and so did others, intuitively) I suggest you read it over a few times. Let's Begin, in regards to what you can do:

You've got to live. Not as the identity you were, but as you are. You change another words, nothing is stagnant.

Now, if you don't like who you've become, change into something else. Using memories of who you were, those portions you were happy with, along with a future self that brings joy and health.

Your identity is not only what you do, for example people identify with professions, but what you are being. And so identity is also the blueprint that frames your experience.

You are the artist and it is your canvas to do with what you wish. It is important to note, the portrait is always a reflection of the inner landscape. It can be dark and gloomy or bright and sunny. In any case the artist has full control of his palatte at any given time.

You must realize you are building your life around a framework of Ill health, and so your thoughts and what you create physically must fall within that idea. (Of what your life is). Any experience of a beneficial nature would go unnoticed as long as the focus is so acute toward disease. Another words, any healthy ideas would escape your awareness.

I am telling you this today to edify you. All work must come from within. Who do you wish to be in this moment?

The beliefs and their accompanying thoughts must be replaced with their opposite. You must Begin to picture health as vividly as you picture dire conditions falling upon you.

In the interim while new beliefs are gaining some footing you must expect physical reality to match your current beliefs and expectations, so there will be some continuance of the current state while things change. Instead of seeing this anxiety as a "beast" see it as your creation, bless it, and simply choose another way.

That is all I have now, it is enough to ingest.

Edit I see my 2 friends Xero and Panic have jumped in to help you. With the right ideas.

I love this. I've been trying this for years but the time is now. I really need to remember where I've been. I've gotten this far, I've got to keep going.
Im-Suffering... you are an amazing voice on these threads. I don't know where you find the time but I'm glad you are here. I don't know who you are,
but I believe you have a deep knowledge of what you're talking about. Thank you for the little bit of wisdom I've found so far in your posts to others.

Using memories of who you were, those portions you were happy with, along with a future self that brings joy and health.