View Full Version : Hey, i just Found My House Door Locked From inside But i didn't Lock IT???

12-14-2014, 07:04 PM
And NOW i feel extra anxious. The cat was meowing strangly @ me in my room. So, i gave him a kitty treat. Then I remembered to feed the outdoor cat who comes around at dinner time. So , I went to open the front door and IT was locked from THE INSIDE, and NOW i feel scared, not sure if its the same as feeling anxious. But i cant call THE POLICE for they would NEVER believe ME???

12-14-2014, 09:10 PM
Think back carefully. Might you of done it earlier and just forgotten?

12-14-2014, 09:55 PM
I sure as heck hope so???

12-15-2014, 02:34 AM
You scared of ghosts or burglar? If it is ghosts, keep us posted. This could get interesting. If burglar, would they lock the door when they rob? Maybe yell and run out and hide and see if someone comes outside.

12-15-2014, 10:31 AM
It's probly just a Panic Attack. I tend to Catastrophize things, and do forget sometimes even if I did lock the door I don't recall locking it so early in the evening when I was still looking for my outdoor cat to give dinner to him?

12-15-2014, 11:28 AM
Locking your door is one of those "unconscious" thing we do in our daily routines like turning off the tap- switching off the light etcetc and its PERFECTLY normal to not remember doing it even someone with no anxiety issues. So please try not to stress too much - I do stuff like this all the time. I even look (and this is my freaky one) for the remote for the TV on the coffee table in front of me and I CANNOT see it. I mean literally cannot see it. I walk away look in kitchen etcetc and when I jus take a few deep breaths Lo and behold its on the friggin coffee table all along! Again it's because we are so stressed our brains don't register the normal things that are on the coffee table or the door that we locked without thinking. It's fine. It's normal. Don't worry. Be well.

12-15-2014, 05:32 PM
So any ghosts yet? Might be fun to have a pet ghost.

12-15-2014, 05:59 PM
Locking your door is one of those "unconscious" thing we do in our daily routines like turning off the tap- switching off the light etcetc and its PERFECTLY normal to not remember doing it even someone with no anxiety issues. So please try not to stress too much - I do stuff like this all the time. I even look (and this is my freaky one) for the remote for the TV on the coffee table in front of me and I CANNOT see it. I mean literally cannot see it. I walk away look in kitchen etcetc and when I jus take a few deep breaths Lo and behold its on the friggin coffee table all along! Again it's because we are so stressed our brains don't register the normal things that are on the coffee table or the door that we locked without thinking. It's fine. It's normal. Don't worry. Be well.

^^^^^ yep. Most likely this.........