View Full Version : Loss of appetite

12-08-2014, 07:31 PM
I haven't been eating a lot lately because I've been anxious most of the time. I force myself to eat but feel so nauseous eating. I eat about twice a day now. I'm on the verge of crying all the time. It's getting harder and harder just going about my days like things are normal when they aren't. I want my appetite back. I don't want to feel nauseous all the time. I've really hit rock bottom. I need help

12-08-2014, 08:27 PM
Suffering from a loss of appetite currently as well... Just posted earlier in fact. It's been stressing me out too so I completely feel your pain. I haven't been successful yet in getting my appetite back 100%, but I have gotten better about handling the anxiety that's caused by it (and causes it).

If you're like me and getting anxious that the loss of appetite could be related to something horrible, maybe just remind yourself that there are about a million very common reasons for losing your appetite—anxiety being a big one of them. Try and accept the fact that it's most likely caused by your anxiety alone, and to end the cycle you'll have to stop worrying about it! I think that's the trick to get both of us back on track.

Good luck and be sure to eat a little! :)

12-08-2014, 11:16 PM
Suffering from a loss of appetite currently as well... Just posted earlier in fact. It's been stressing me out too so I completely feel your pain. I haven't been successful yet in getting my appetite back 100%, but I have gotten better about handling the anxiety that's caused by it (and causes it).

If you're like me and getting anxious that the loss of appetite could be related to something horrible, maybe just remind yourself that there are about a million very common reasons for losing your appetite—anxiety being a big one of them. Try and accept the fact that it's most likely caused by your anxiety alone, and to end the cycle you'll have to stop worrying about it! I think that's the trick to get both of us back on track.

Good luck and be sure to eat a little! :)
Mine are caused by thoughts. Thinking of situations where I would have a panick attack makes me get anxious and result in me being nauseous. I really hope you get your appetite back and that we both get through this! Take care of yourself hun

12-09-2014, 07:28 AM
This is happening to me right now as well. It happens to me when my anxiety gets more extreme (constant repetitive thoughts, what ifs, and crying jags) rather than just low level stress and worrying. It sucks, I know. Even if you I don't feel too nauseous I just have no will or desire to eat.

If you are eating 2x a day that is perfectly ok. Unless you are doing backbreaking physical labor every day that is all you need for now. Don't let your lack of appetite add to your anxieties. If you are like me, you probably find it harder to eat in the mornings. don't force yourself to eat breakfast. When you feel you can eat a bit, try to eat a light nourishing meal and stay away from the processed junk.

I suffer from constant ruminating as well. Your mind gets stuck on an idea or thought or worry (in your case the prospect of having a panic attack) and it just runs it over and over and over. You must accept the fact that the thoughts are happening right now (wishing them away is no use). Write down your worst fear, the worst case scenario you are imagining. Then write down why it is not likely to happen, and what you can do to prevent it. Is worrying about something that has not happened and probably will not happen in any way going to affect anything? Probably not. I have to say about 99% of the things I worry about NEVER actually happen, or if they do, it is nowhere near as bad as I imagined. A lot of time wasted worrying about nothing I say. Once you have done this, walk away and distract yourself a while. Take a walk, visit or call a friend, exercise, watch a movie, read a book, whatever.

This is not a cure all but a coping mechanism. If we could turn off our anxiety and thoughts at the snap of our fingers this forum wouldn't be necessary. You will get through this. This, too, shall pass! Finally, remember that in the end thoughts are just thoughts, and thoughts themselves can't hurt us.

12-09-2014, 08:53 AM
This is happening to me right now as well. It happens to me when my anxiety gets more extreme (constant repetitive thoughts, what ifs, and crying jags) rather than just low level stress and worrying. It sucks, I know. Even if you I don't feel too nauseous I just have no will or desire to eat.

If you are eating 2x a day that is perfectly ok. Unless you are doing backbreaking physical labor every day that is all you need for now. Don't let your lack of appetite add to your anxieties. If you are like me, you probably find it harder to eat in the mornings. don't force yourself to eat breakfast. When you feel you can eat a bit, try to eat a light nourishing meal and stay away from the processed junk.

I suffer from constant ruminating as well. Your mind gets stuck on an idea or thought or worry (in your case the prospect of having a panic attack) and it just runs it over and over and over. You must accept the fact that the thoughts are happening right now (wishing them away is no use). Write down your worst fear, the worst case scenario you are imagining. Then write down why it is not likely to happen, and what you can do to prevent it. Is worrying about something that has not happened and probably will not happen in any way going to affect anything? Probably not. I have to say about 99% of the things I worry about NEVER actually happen, or if they do, it is nowhere near as bad as I imagined. A lot of time wasted worrying about nothing I say. Once you have done this, walk away and distract yourself a while. Take a walk, visit or call a friend, exercise, watch a movie, read a book, whatever.

This is not a cure all but a coping mechanism. If we could turn off our anxiety and thoughts at the snap of our fingers this forum wouldn't be necessary. You will get through this. This, too, shall pass! Finally, remember that in the end thoughts are just thoughts, and thoughts themselves can't hurt us.

Yes that's exactly what I've been dealing with. I'm always alone with My thoughts. Thank you at least I know im not alone. I hope things get better for you and you and I are able to get through this.much love

12-10-2014, 07:40 AM
I'm going through the same thing. I've lost like 6kg in 3 weeks, but now I'm getting better and I have my appetite back. Try drinking alot warm watery soup and hot milk/tea, for some peculiar reason it was allways easier for me to eat warm soup rather than cold and dense food. Eventually you'll get better. Also keep forcing yourself to drink enough water, thrust me if you don't it only gets worse. Get rid of coffee/cigarets/salt/too much sugar, it will only worsen your lack of appetite.

Hope this will you give you some relief. Good luck!

12-10-2014, 09:14 AM
I thought it was just me insomniac, but the thought of eating something cold like a ham sandwich or even cereal on my nervous stomach makes me want to gag. hmmm

12-10-2014, 09:50 AM
Strangely enough lack of appetite seems to be very common in insomnia. Muscles in your stomach and esophagus contract when having stress and people who suffer from anxiety are under constant stress. However if you don't eat and drink enough water you will get heartburn, tightness in chest and Acid Reflux (gagging up stomach HCL, which leaves your entire throat on fire). If you keep getting Acid Reflux your esophagus will get irritated and swells up, so eating will become even more difficult and sometimes painful. You need to force yourself to eat/drink at first, untill it gets better by itself.

Good luck!

12-10-2014, 05:38 PM
These posts are very helpful. My appetite has been getting better.Thank you!