View Full Version : Anxiety/Heart Attack

12-01-2014, 04:23 AM
Here's one that's probably been posted a million times here:

How do I know ABSOLUTELY that the "heart attack" panic is just anxiety and not the Big One?

I've been to my doctor many times and the ER a few times. All blood tests and EKG's have always come back good. I know I'm fine, but when I have these attacks, I can't help but wonder if this is the real one.

FWIW, I'm taking 10mg of Lexapro daily and 1mg of Ativan when needed.

Thanks Gang!


12-01-2014, 06:12 AM
Here's one that's probably been posted a million times here:

How do I know ABSOLUTELY that the "heart attack" panic is just anxiety and not the Big One?

I've been to my doctor many times and the ER a few times. All blood tests and EKG's have always come back good. I know I'm fine, but when I have these attacks, I can't help but wonder if this is the real one.

FWIW, I'm taking 10mg of Lexapro daily and 1mg of Ativan when needed.

Thanks Gang!


I cannot give an 'easy answer' because there is much more 'to it' than just examining the surface of your problems. You look at 'anxiety' as if it were an orange, and all that was seen was a hard peel, assuming the whole fruit was the peel and missing the delicious contents inside. In that sense you are blind to the real context of the daily problems, never thinking to slice open the issue, due to false assumptions about them.

Now, to the real matter, as it is with most readers, not just the OP:

There was some regret in living, long ago. The soul didn't want to be here. You can't curse life without some disconnect. And so the lesson is in plain site. One is here, you see, so he must make the most of that time. What could have been a premature death in an earlier existence has left its mark as an overall "whatever* or lethargy in regards to truly living. Early in this life the soul faced family trauma reinforcing the overall weakness he believed inherent in the race, along with the general haphazard feelings about life, one minute your ok, and the next thrown into dire circumstances. The soul never learned consciously that he creates his reality, and so that is the mission.

Now, the symptoms can be likened to a thunderstorm. The human can feel the power and the earth shake and at the same time some ancient connection to it. The prime reaction is fear however as he feels natures heartbeat and forgets any spiritual connections. How can it be any different with his own body? He hears his heart, he feels his systems operating quite naturally, but because, like the storm, he is disconnected, he fears it.

He fears his own body. A beating heart is life, you see. There is immense power in that vitality. However just like our storm, rather than feel it, one recoils, period.

One cannot curse his life an be part of it, you see. And so the old feelings from lives gone must be dealt with, faced. Then the soul can move head on into his future. Ultimately reconnecting with his source. In all cases such as this however, the thought of possible illness existed oftentimes years before the manifested symptoms, no exceptions.

That is all.

Things are often not as they seem you see. Your query is like an onion several layers deep, and so the answers are met when the camouflage is peeled away.

12-01-2014, 07:05 AM
Ok then.

Anyone else have anything to add?

12-01-2014, 08:08 AM
I spent years worrying about my symptoms, even after a couple of doctors checks came back all clear.

One day I decided enough was enough, if I was going to have a heart attack or keel over and die so be it. All I was doing by worrying about it was feeling like crap and limiting what I was doing. I just said to myself, there's nothing I can do if I have this or that, might as well get on and enjoy life if that's for another 6 months or 50 years.

As soon as I did this I started to feel a whole lot better and most of the symptoms stopped. When they are there I just ignore them and keep doing what I gotta do, they don't last long.

5 years later and I'm still here, not been back to a hospital once :)

12-01-2014, 08:31 AM
I spent years worrying about my symptoms, even after a couple of doctors checks came back all clear.

One day I decided enough was enough, if I was going to have a heart attack or keel over and die so be it. All I was doing by worrying about it was feeling like crap and limiting what I was doing. I just said to myself, there's nothing I can do if I have this or that, might as well get on and enjoy life if that's for another 6 months or 50 years.

As soon as I did this I started to feel a whole lot better and most of the symptoms stopped. When they are there I just ignore them and keep doing what I gotta do, they don't last long.

5 years later and I'm still here, not been back to a hospital once :)

Well said.

If you have a clean bill of health and have been to the hospital or doc a few times for it, it's the anxiety you have that causes you to continue to dwell on it

You don't have a heart condition. You have an anxiety disorder.

Unfortunately, an anxiety disorder will always try to convince you that you are dying if you have health anxiety

And when you are sick of worrying about your heart and ignore any thoughts and begin living normally, that bastard, Anxiety will try and sneak back in with a new illness that should concern you for no reason

It's your thoughts. That's it. You're treating your thoughts as reality.

That is what anxiety does

Treat the anxiety and the fear of all those things go away

12-01-2014, 09:08 AM
Thanks guys. Sometimes it's helpful just to know that other people deal with the same crap that I do. I have good days and bad days. My biggest fear is leaving my son without a father. It weighs on me.

12-01-2014, 09:17 AM
My biggest fear is leaving my son without a father. It weighs on me.

And there it is. The real you. That thought is attached to beliefs about life and/or a specific shock/trauma (or multiple traumas). (and to a lesser extent witness to a 3rd party event) which still when it was experienced, left a mark.

You intuitively know where the work needs to be done. And there is inner work to be done. Don't be afraid to open up that lid that's been so tightly sealed. Let the pressure out.

12-01-2014, 10:32 AM
My biggest fear is leaving my son without a father. It weighs on me.

Worrying about things never makes them better.

For everything in life there is either something you can do about it or there is something you cannot. In this case you have no control over how much longer you will be here, 6 days, 6 weeks, 6 months, 6 years or 6 decades.

All you can focus on is what you can affect. At the moment that sounds like being a great Dad and giving your son the best life you can. If you're spending time worrying about it you're not spending the time doing what is important.

If you really knew you did only have 6 months left I bet you'd do everything you could to make those the best 6 months with your son you had. Why not do that anyway, not caring about your worries about a heart attack, you'll end up feeling a whole lot better for it.

It simply comes down to a choice, ignore those thoughts which are not the truth and get on with what you want to do
Sit around in constant worry and believe the lies of anxiety and feel no better for it.

You already know which is the right decision, but once you've made it you have to stick to it.

Good luck


12-01-2014, 10:42 AM
If you're interested I've written a couple of articles around the subject, it won't allow me to paste links as I've not been a member of the forum long enough. But if you remove the spaces and paste in to your browser you can view them. They're not directly about heart attack anxiety, but to do with not worrying about what you cannot change.

www . calm and courageous . com/reduce-worries-boost-energy-learning-accept-inevitable/

www . calm and courageous . com/live-day-by-day/

12-02-2014, 04:13 PM
Going through that all day today...had dreams I died then another friends died..been freaked out all day