View Full Version : Cant even get a grip.

11-29-2014, 08:19 PM
Hey guys i cant for the life of me get on my old account so here i am.

So in the last couple weeks i have had some issues. It all started with my head. I have had such pressure on the front sides and top of my head. I have also had warm flushing feelings on my ears and on the tops of my cheeks. Sometimes the pressure will get so bad i feel like i will pass out which i never do. I also experience some vision problems where i cant focus. On top of that i have a tingle sensation on the tops of my teeth along with clogged ears which im guessing is what is leading me towards my dizzyness. I have had these problems in the past years but never this bad. However, it does always seem to be in this season when it occurs. Regardless i went to the doctors and told him all of these issues i have been having. All my blood work and tests came back just fine. He prescribed me my normal nose spray which in the past has normally fixed this, but not this season. Im not sure how much of this is realted to my OCD thoughts of illness combined with my panic attacks. For all i know i picked up these symptoms with my anxiety. I told him the medication wasnt working and he prescribed me a stronger steroid drug, which im scared to take. All i can think in my mind is Tumor. 24/7 its tumor. I cant get my mind off of it and whenever i notice a symptom it immediately gets worse. I first had these symptoms in 2011 which i had a Catscan which came back normal. I can seem to calm down and i need sense talked into me. Im not sure what to do at this point and i just want to live normally again. Also i am a hypochondriac.

11-30-2014, 02:41 AM
I'm having similar issues, but mine has lasted 3 months of pretty much constant 24/7 symptoms, dizziness, weird head sesations, spinning sensations, nausea, heaps of phlegm in throat, full ears, weird as vision, heavy body, fatigue etc etc, been to multiple doctors they all seem to think its anxiety related, so your not alone.

11-30-2014, 03:20 AM
It is not a tumor! What you have is sinusitis, a condition of which I suffer for at least 10 years. My symptoms are exactly like yours and it gets worse in the winter time. Don't worry it is not something dangerous or life threatening, if you treat it in time. I don't know to what doctor you went but you need to go to one that is more capable and can give you the right medication.

Here you can find out more about sinusitis and its symptoms so you can understand better what you have: h ttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sinusitis

Trust me, you will get better fast and don't worry about no tumor, brain tumor have different symptoms.

Take care!

11-30-2014, 06:04 AM
Let me try and tell you what i went through for 6 years before i got relief. I started having the same issues as you are describing about six years ago and i would go to the doc every fall and get my usual dose of antibiotic and it would subside only to return. This went on for a couple of years and as it went on it became more frequent i.e, 3 time a year then 6 times a year. and by the 5th or 6th year i was missing so much work i almost lost my job. Finally i bypassed my family doc and went to an ENT who took one look inside my nasal passages and scheduled me for surgery the next week. 3 broken bones a deviated septum and a mass of some sort. He did a complete sinus scrape, removed the broken bones, the mass and fixed deviated septum. Although it was the worst surgery i have ever had and a two year recovery i have not had a problem since.
I am not saying that you have to go through all that but if your doc is not taking care of the problem and you are able to bypass him and see a specialist, do it.
If you have any questions on the sinus thing just ask as i became well educated on that part of the body and what a mess it can turn into if unfixed for a long period.

Wish my doc would have suggested more aggressive action them just taking my money a writing me a script. Over 6 years it cost my family an enormous amount of money both from doctor bills and lost work.

Tyler Patterson
12-02-2014, 03:01 PM
Keep yourself occupied i had these same obsessive thoughts going through my mind too and couldn't get them out. Then i just started focusing on other things whenever they started up don't let it take control of your life.

12-03-2014, 03:52 PM
Thanks for the replies guys. My doctor put me on Prednisone 20mg a few days ago and taking it was the biggest mistake of my life. I feel so off and on edge which i read could happen taking it with anxiety. Today was day im going to take it as today i had the single biggest attack in my life. I have never been so scared and i still cant get mind mind cleared yet. It seems at night i have to sit up or walk around shaking until im able to pass out and go to sleep. I am literally loosing control and i just want my old self back. My normal Counselor has being going in or a psychiatric evaluation as is been since 2011 since ive met with her. It seems any time i have the slightest pain in my body i immediately over analyze it and start the OCD chain. Also im terrified of eating. Even if im starving i dont want to eat. I dont know its like if im hungry it means im not sick and my stomach is ok. This isnt healthy and idk why im like this lately.