View Full Version : Lexapro and Nexium Need Help

11-26-2014, 06:13 PM
It has been along time since I have been on here...almost 11 years. I had severe panic and agoraphobia 11 years ago. Was placed on Lexapro 10mg and my life completely changed. I was normal again.
For those many years, never had a problem, was married, then divorced, and now re-engaged to a wonderful lady. About 5 months ago, started having some acid reflux and my doctor put me on nexium.
About 4 months of taking the nexium, I woke up one night with chest pain, heart racing, sweating...ect. Thought I was having a "real" heart attack due to even when I had panic years prior, I never had the racing heartbeat. It went away in a few mins, and I realized that it was a panic attack. First one in over 10 years.
Went to the doc and found out that Nexium can affect the lexapro and that basically over time it had completely taken the lexapro out of my system (instead of it being in my system all day, it was releasing all at once)
Been having panic again since that day. That was back in the middle of October. Stopped taking the nexium cold turkey, and had been continuing to take the lexapro 10mg. After about 3 weeks, was still having severe panic attacks, and the doc upped my dose to 20mg. I have been on that now for about 7 days. Still getting the mild headaches, dizzy/not here feeling, and the tightness in my neck and shoulders. My panic normally occurs in public, or if I am alone.

I can't remember back when I started taking Lexapro how it made me feel and how long it took me to get to normal. Can anyone talk to me about this, or has anyone had the same problem before with medicine interactions?

Thank you for reading this long post and please any help will be greatly appreciated
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