View Full Version : Fear of the universe.

Saskia Grubb
11-26-2014, 08:13 AM
from a very young age i have been extremely curious in the ideas surrounding science, however one concept that has traumatized me from age 6 is the universe. My brother (now having a PhD in earth sciences and physics) has always spoken to me about the universe and everytime he did i would have insane panic attacks.

I have a passion for physics and am taking my ATAR (university pathway from high school, much like O levels or GCSE's) studying physics as of next year however, now, currently in year 10, i am finidng myself having panic attacks atleast three times a day. In my academic extension classes we are spending the remaining 4 weeks of school studying The universe and i cannot cope. I feel sick at the thought of it, my stomach churns, i get dizzy and pale faced. I cannot continue like this but no one seems to be listening. I am uncertain as to whether it is a fear of the universe or just a fear of nothingness but even now i am feeling subsequently Ill.

Is there anyone out there like me, does anyone have any ideas or opinions that might help? i dont think i will be able to complete this section of my course right now because of my immense fear. Someone please help

Kind regards, Sas

11-26-2014, 08:52 AM
from a very young age i have been extremely curious in the ideas surrounding science, however one concept that has traumatized me from age 6 is the universe. My brother (now having a PhD in earth sciences and physics) has always spoken to me about the universe and everytime he did i would have insane panic attacks.

I have a passion for physics and am taking my ATAR (university pathway from high school, much like O levels or GCSE's) studying physics as of next year however, now, currently in year 10, i am finidng myself having panic attacks atleast three times a day. In my academic extension classes we are spending the remaining 4 weeks of school studying The universe and i cannot cope. I feel sick at the thought of it, my stomach churns, i get dizzy and pale faced. I cannot continue like this but no one seems to be listening. I am uncertain as to whether it is a fear of the universe or just a fear of nothingness but even now i am feeling subsequently Ill.

Is there anyone out there like me, does anyone have any ideas or opinions that might help? i dont think i will be able to complete this section of my course right now because of my immense fear. Someone please help

Kind regards, Sas

The universe reveals its truths not in the study of physics, but to one who diligently studies metaphysics, with an open eye. Its secrets are not discovered in rulers and earth instruments any more than your eyes could see a UFO or ghost.

Your eyes are earth instruments. Therefore you cannot see. And since you are blind, you are naturally fearful. Now, this is not the path for most (metaphysics), as they are content playing with toys (instruments) and acting like children. But you are different, aren't you (you just know that you are).

Any more I should tell you about the planets, the sun, or any of it, you would not believe, and so I have no open avenue for communication. Other than to tell you to begin your journey with intent. If you fear it, begin by looking straight through it, no exceptions. Whatever you fear, look at (with imagination). Now, the universe could be quite intimidating, until its beauty is revealed to one who is determined. The path you take is up to you, right or left?

11-26-2014, 09:09 AM
The universe reveals its truths not in the study of physics, but to one who diligently studies metaphysics, with an open eye. Its secrets are not discovered in rulers and earth instruments any more than your eyes could see a UFO or ghost.

Your eyes are earth instruments. Therefore you cannot see. And since you are blind, you are naturally fearful. Now, this is not the path for most, as they are content playing with toys (instruments) and acting like children. But you are different, aren't you?

Not even truth is in metaphysics, beliefs we accept with reason as facts are in physics. Natures secrets are very elusive, besides they are secrets!

But I think the key here is for you to realize your fear is irrational. I am supposing it's a fear of the unknown, a deep-seated one, I have also experience a fear like this but in a different form. So, accept you for now fear the unknown, and that's when it all seems to fall into place and the panic decreases. From this, you need to evaluate, why do you fear the unknown? Go deep, it's hidden, your brain will have stuffed it into such an obstructed corner because of past experiences.
Once you've come to the revelation, you'll laugh I think! It'll be clear, and so clear that now you focus your attention in reducing the onset of panic in general.

Best wishes in your exams!
Take care.

11-26-2014, 09:10 AM
Grasping a concept like infinity is beyond humans.

We've evolved in a low-speed medium-sized world and have insufficient collective intelligence and lifespan for many concepts to have any real meaning.

Things that are really small like subatomic particles, or particles that may, or may not exist just based on probability, or concepts like large time or space just are beyond what your brain has evolved to process.

Questions like "What happened before the Big Bang?" are interesting but don't fit into the practical concepts of time and space that we live in.

If these things blow your mind, then that's normal. Because your brain goes into overdrive trying to compute what's being asked your body interprets that as there being something wrong - and you get the fight-or-flight response which is the body's answer to all situations of 'unknown wrongness'.

Keep learning about physics - As soon as you're comfortable with Newtonian Physics, try Stephen Hawking's "A Brief History of Time", it's a great read. If you enjoy that - read Einstein's Relativity. As soon as you grasp General Relativity everything will start to make a bit more sense.


11-26-2014, 09:23 AM
Not even truth is in metaphysics, beliefs we accept with reason as facts are in physics. Natures secrets are very elusive, besides they are secrets! .

The universe expands… as an idea expands and as sentences are built upon words… and paragraphs upon sentences, and each retains its own logic and continuity and evidence within that framework, so do all portions of the universe appear to you with that same cohesiveness, A sentence is meaningful because of the organization of its letters, vowels, syllables. It makes sense, however, not only because of the letters or vowels or syllables that are used within it, but because of all the letters, vowels, or syllables it excludes. The same applies to the universe. It has meaning, coherence and order not only because of those realities that are obvious to you but also because of those inner realities that are "unspoken" or hidden.

I simply suggested the OP study metaphysics, or at the very least, delve into his suspicions, instead of denying them.

11-26-2014, 09:33 AM
The universe expands… as an idea expands and as sentences are built upon words… and paragraphs upon sentences, and each retains its own logic and continuity and evidence within that framework, so do all portions of the universe appear to you with that same cohesiveness, A sentence is meaningful because of the organization of its letters, vowels, syllables. It makes sense, however, not only because of the letters or vowels or syllables that are used within it, but because of all the letters, vowels, or syllables it excludes. The same applies to the universe. It has meaning, coherence and order not only because of those realities that are obvious to you but also because of those inner realities that are "unspoken" or hidden.

I simply suggested the OP study metaphysics, or at the very least, delve into his suspicions, instead of denying them.

Nice insight, very true.
I considered 'the universe' in a different way to you, you see, one just of all the material stuff and that's it, I disconnect my mind from it, and even make the reality subjective to me. What I mean is, the universe is all that applies to the scientific method and words like 'reality' and 'metaphysics' are at heart spiritual, this is the distinction I make. Your point lies within spirituality and philosophy, a very true one like I said, but doesn't stretch to physics as well; one reason why science is limited.
I hope you get what I was trying to say, I began to ramble.

This could scare Saskia, I don't know.

11-26-2014, 09:56 AM
Nice insight, very true.
I considered 'the universe' in a different way to you, you see, one just of all the material stuff and that's it, I disconnect my mind from it, and even make the reality subjective to me. What I mean is, the universe is all that applies to the scientific method and words like 'reality' and 'metaphysics' are at heart spiritual, this is the distinction I make. Your point lies within spirituality and philosophy, a very true one like I said, but doesn't stretch to physics as well; one reason why science is limited.
I hope you get what I was trying to say, I began to ramble.

This could scare Saskia, I don't know.

Lets look at the original post :

"from a very young age i have been extremely curious in the ideas surrounding science, however one concept that has traumatized me from age 6 is the universe. My brother (now having a PhD in earth sciences and physics) has always spoken to me about the universe and everytime he did i would have insane panic attacks"

Now in a family, typically we have different personalities that put together, complete the overall agenda of a group identity, the family a gestalt of individualized personhoods, split off from that main identity. Example, a box with five holes where only fingers are showing. Each finger would be under the illusion of separation, not realizing they are part of the same hand.

The two brothers get to experience topics from different points of view. The OP is frightful not of the universe, but of his viewpoint of it, and how his brother would not accept that, in scholarly fashion. However, should they both explore the topic from different angles, they would reach heights unattainable when separate, or if one is afraid of the others (or even his own) concepts.

11-26-2014, 10:00 AM
Lets look at the original post :

"from a very young age i have been extremely curious in the ideas surrounding science, however one concept that has traumatized me from age 6 is the universe. My brother (now having a PhD in earth sciences and physics) has always spoken to me about the universe and everytime he did i would have insane panic attacks"

Now in a family, typically we have different personalities that put together, complete the overall agenda of a group identity, the family a gestalt of individualized personhoods, split off from that main identity. Example, a box with five holes where only fingers are showing. Each finger would be under the illusion of separation, not realizing they are part of the same hand.

The two brothers get to experience topics from different points of view. The OP is frightful not of the universe, but of his viewpoint of it, and how his brother would not accept that, in scholarly fashion. However, should they both explore the topic from different angles, they would reach heights unattainable when separate, or if one is afraid of the others concepts.

Very good point.
There's your answer I guess saskia

11-26-2014, 10:10 AM
I'm too tired to write a proper reply but what struck me with this post is how 6yo is an early age to be freaking out about the universe..

Interesting thread! :)

11-26-2014, 10:13 AM
"I simply suggested the OP study metaphysics, or at the very least, delve into his suspicions, instead of denying them."
Oh yes. Kinda what lead me into philosophy, I felt fearful of the vastness and how little of it I knew.

11-26-2014, 10:34 AM
"I simply suggested the OP study metaphysics, or at the very least, delve into his suspicions, instead of denying them."
Oh yes. Kinda what lead me into philosophy, I felt fearful of the vastness and how little of it I knew.

Reality (each) has a barrier. You would not appreciate an intrusion say in the middle of the night by space aliens (although it has happened by accident. You think we are the only ones interested in space travel or if there is life "out there"?). Each planet is as alive as earth then (and each desires to know if there are more of its kind somewhere sending "rockets" of exploration according to their own state of technology. Some have done away with such toys altogether). And all of the space filled with activity. The sun does not know of the earth any more than the earth aware of the suns (inhabitants). To the sun, the earth "flickers"(a feeling). To earth, the sun brings warmth and light, of which a natural powerful emanation of its creatures. The sun produces light to a system not because of duty or physics, but of the loving expression of that species. Manifest to other planets (without physical senses)as love. The sun is love. It is blinding in its power. (energy). The power of love. An "advanced" civilization.

Interestingly, to many of the "civilizations" pain and suffering was done away with, it simply was found to be not useful. (along with fear). Although some still struggle.

When you speak you express. When the suns inhabitants speak, they light and sustain a system. A Byproduct of being utterly themselves (they know who they are). If humans knew who they were, their light would be magnificent. But after all to be fair this is part of the lessons. This is a cooperative venture. An error in thinking is that because you are physical, everything else "alive" must be too.

When I say "hidden" realities, I am only touching upon it here. How can there be fear? You can experience these concepts to a limited extent through the vehicle of intent and desire. (not ever by rocket).

This does tie into the OP, who believes what his eyes interpret as "nothingness".

jon mike
11-26-2014, 11:33 AM
hey, i totally understand how you think you are fearing the universe, you are not obviously fearing it at all, this is just anxiety from not knowing, but nobody knows.
These kind of thoughts came to me also, the stomach churning, the panic and general horribleness of it all came from thinking way to much about the vastness of space.
lower your general anxiety levels and remember that these are only thoughts, thoughts can be let go instantly, remember the feeling does not last forever and you no it
will pass soon enough, let it glide through you, watch it and remember that how you feel is never usually much worse than you have felt before.
dont pass up on physics, its not the physics that is making you feel bad

11-26-2014, 04:13 PM
Okay I'm more awake now :)

I used to freak out about questions like "where does the universe end?" or "what was there before the universe was created?"

After reading a lot by authors like Carl Jung I realised that the everyday rational mind cannot comprehend these things. This mind thinks in terms of time and space and isn't equipped to answer questions like "where does the universe end?". My metaphor is that it's like an ant trying to do calculus. With this I managed to let it go and stop freaking myself out.

The best concept I've read about the nature of the universe is that it's like a *fractal*. I can't remember the definition of this but it's like a spiral that infinitely repeats itself.

There is a ton of brilliant stuff written on the nature of the universe by people like Stephen Hawking and Carl Sagan. I prefer to look at it from a spiritual/psychological point of view because I'm not very scientific. But the great thing is, these approaches are not at odds with each other anymore and actually seem to be getting closer all the time.

So I hope you can overcome your anxiety about the universe because it's exciting stuff :)

All the best,

11-27-2014, 06:26 AM
I've always wondered if you're travelling at the speed of light in a space ship and turn the head lights on will they do anything?

That one's got me thinking for hours ;)