View Full Version : Can you suffer from two forms of anxiety simultaneously?

11-23-2014, 02:16 PM
I was wondering, can one person suffer from two form of anxiety simultaneously? I ask this on my behalf.

I know for a fact that I have social anxiety disorder. But in starting to think I suffer from panic anxiety as well. The reason I think this is because I randomly have panic attacks with no real trigger. I suffer from panic attacks when in social settings, on behalf of my social anxiety. But other times like today, I'll be at home folding laundry when suddenly I'm hit with a panic attack.

So I'm curious, can someone suffer from two forms of anxiety?

11-23-2014, 02:42 PM
For sure. All anxiety disorders overlap in some way. Anxiety is at the heart of each disorder, but how it's expressed and how it's triggered can vary, or even cycle.

I've gone through stages of social anxiety, GAD, panic syndrome and OCD. Once you figure out they're all triggered by the same base emotion however, it becomes easier to tackle.

11-23-2014, 02:49 PM
Mine changed forms quite a lot over its course.

It's all the same thing.