View Full Version : social panick at a party

07-12-2008, 12:28 PM
I went to party last night and drank with some old friends i havent seen in a long time. these friends have known ive had problems for years. They'ev seen how messed up i am cause ive freaked out relle bad infront of them.

i left the party to visit my girlfriend since she lived close by and smoked a blunt with her. and everything was fine until ig ot back tot he partry. As sson as i got ther i started to feel ancy. I couldnt sit still and i guess i was acting kind of creepy. It wasnt until we smoked another blunt that i started panicking. I couldnt hold a straight face or follow convorsation or in that matter have any logical thought going through my mind. I looked like a complete asshole because i couldnt even say anything.

and my pants were hangin off my ass and i was being a fagit and bastard i felt like. and these people i knew me from a long time agao.. but still i feel they judged me last night and i dont think they will be intouch with me anymore.....and i feel so sad and deppresed cause i do this with everyone...i cant seem to find a place where i belong and i get tooo high all the time and its makin me relle messed up. i know i should probably quit but i just can't its so hard and im so deppresed today...life has got me so spun.

07-28-2009, 03:59 AM
Many people have 'butterflies' or minor nerves before a date, party, or some other event that will put them on public display, but that usually does not prevent them from attending. A true social phobia is an overwhelming fear, which in extreme cases can keep the sufferer housebound and isolated for long periods of time. They are abnormally afraid of being judged, watched and possibly humiliated in public as a result of their actions, behaviour or appearance.Sufferers of panic disorder are convinced that their panic comes from some dire physical cause, and often go to the hospital or call for an ambulance during or after their attacks. Social phobics may experience a panic attack when triggered, but they are aware that it is extreme anxiety they are experiencing, and that the cause is an irrational fear.

09-14-2009, 10:43 AM
I personally think that it was a bad reaction to the blunt, they are well known for that sort of thing. I would advise to stop smoking it for a while.
If it happens again off it, then go see your doctor to see if he has anything he can advise you.

good luck and keep us posted :)

01-29-2010, 11:19 AM
Stop smoking you might feel better sounds like it doesn't relax you it makes you ansy, does the same to me.