View Full Version : What to expect/look out for?

11-19-2014, 03:15 AM
Hi all. I had my first visit to the doctor and got prescribed klonopin twice a day and prozac once. I'd appreciate any input.

What are the most common side affects you all have had? What should I expect?

He had a concern that I may possibly be bipolar 2. It was my very first visit, so still unsure. Will these meds have any certain affect on me if I do happen to have it? Should I be looking for anything specific? I'm just worried something is going to happen... I haven't started my meds yet. Would the prozac still be effective? Would love to hear from someone who has had experience with this.

11-20-2014, 03:40 PM
Did you get refered to a psychiatrist? because they should be the ones prescribing you meds really, but your doctor was probably qualified in it if not.
I was so stressed when I first started taking my meds, and worried about side effects, but really they are very unlikely to be anything worse than headache and sickness, and you can stop taking them if that happens and swap to new oens! no one will blame you! the only side effects I got was extreme tiredness, but I promise you, you will be so glad you started taking them. if they help, even a little, that is so so good!
if youre bipolar and you take meds for depression you could trigger a manic episode, but your doctor should not have diagnosed you if he?she was not sure. you should go back if they weren't Sure, because you NEED to have a diagnoses before meds! meds work best in conjunction with counselling too, so if youre not getting that I suggest you look into! let me know if there's anything else I can do to help, good luck!
best wishes, Lara (15) xx