View Full Version : Forehead headache:-(

11-18-2014, 03:13 PM
Hi,just wondered if anyone else has forehead pain??My head is killing and I am starting to panic!!It is behind my eyes as well-like a pressure.Anyone else get this???

11-18-2014, 04:38 PM
Hi,just wondered if anyone else has forehead pain??My head is killing and I am starting to panic!!It is behind my eyes as well-like a pressure.Anyone else get this???
I get these all the time. Especially when anxious or over thinking. I've learned to remembe that it's just my anxiety and keep going with my day. Sometimes the pressure in my head from being so stressed is felt in my eyes, forehead mainly & ears so I know exactly how you feel

11-18-2014, 05:11 PM
I get it from drinking too much coffee, not enough coffee, or from smashing my forehead against the desk in exasperation at work.

11-19-2014, 08:59 AM
I had this for years. Went to the doctor to complain about it a couple of times during visits and he couldn't help. I finally got insurance and went to see an optometrist. Didn't think anything of it--my eyesight was just fine. I simply went because I had insurance and my girlfriend suggested it.

Well, evidently I had astigmatism. The muscles in my eyes were straining to keep my eyes in focus 18 hours a day, reading, spending time at the computer, walking around aimlessly. So occasionally I would feel pain, headaches, pressure, etc. After I got glasses eyes finally adjusted and relaxed. No more pain!