View Full Version : What should I do with family life and anxiety?

11-12-2014, 05:46 PM
I have been suffering anxiety, panic attacks since 2009 and now agoraphobia. My home life is making things worse.

My sister hates me and is a bully. She never has anything good to say about me. My parents always side with her. They allowed her to marry this nasty person she met on holiday having only know him a few weeks. He now lives with us since 2012. She got pregnant to him, and had a child now the 3 of them live in our overcrowded house. My parents were too soft to refuse that. I never say anything to anger her because I'm so timid and really just don't want the stress. Every day is like walking on egg shells and I have to tolerate every thing she does or suffer weeks of evil dirty looks and snide comments and nasty hateful comments against me.

If I'm fully cooperative she can be civil and even friendly but everything is on her terms she is a bully and can change like the weather into a foul hateful mood swing.

People say in years to come she's all I've got.

But this stress is too much for me. What do I do?

If I put up with it, I will always be stressed and that adds to my immense anxiety. It takes a lot of stamina to keep on the right side of her. I will never move on, never get rid of my anxiety, never get a job, never have friends, never have a home of my own.

Or do I just say enough is enough stop being so tolerant, stop walking on egg shells and go my own way. If I do that I will loose her but at least I will hopefully reduce my anxiety, gain confidence, get a job then be able to afford my own home and have friends then I won't need her at all.

The trouble is at home I'd be completely on my own my parents treat her like royalty and treat me like garbage. They always side with her and her nasty husband. So who will I have for moral support? I've got agoraphobia, no job, no confidence or anything. I'd just have cut myself off from everything. That would make my anxiety worse. It's how do I get through that interim period? I feel so trapped.

What should I do?

11-12-2014, 07:33 PM
Anxiety seems to make everything seem so much worse & more streasily so I understand that. I'll be honest I'm not exactly sure what I would do in your situation. Just try and build the best relationships you can with in your family. Maybe explain to them how you feel if they are willing to listen. & always remember your self worth.
You might want to try reading lucinda bassets "panic to power" book. Really helped me. Best of luck to you!