View Full Version : slanted vision - very anxious

11-10-2014, 12:39 PM
hi just wondering if anyone who suffers from a generalized anxiety disorder or hypochondria like myself ever get slanted vision when they are feeling anxious. I dont know wether its to do with anxiety or not but ive been to doctors and hospital and they cant figure out what it is

11-10-2014, 01:27 PM
Slanted vision? cool! Never heard of that before.

If it happens when you're in the course of a panic attack though it's sure to be 'one of those things that happens'. I get ear-ache in my leg. Not sure which is weirder.

Tell you what though. The more you worry about the symptoms the worse the symptoms will get. The worse the symptoms get the more you'll worry about them, and so it will go on, round and round and round until you're so ill you really do have some symptoms to worry about.

Try tilting your head to one side and closing one eye. That'll fix it.

Yours, Not very Helpful, Nottingham.