View Full Version : Physical Pain and Anxiety

11-09-2014, 06:50 AM
Hi guys,

I've injured the muscles in one of my legs by overdoing it on the exercise bike. The pain I'm getting isn't the normal kind you get when you injure a muscle though. It hurts even when I'm not putting pressure on it eg. Sitting or lying down.

Last night I couldn't even sleep it hurt so much and I ended up crying and really anxious. It's actually a bit better today after I finally managed some sleep. But I'm scared it will flare up again.

Anyway, I don't really want advice on that like "go to the doctor" lol. But if anyone knows anything about muscles perhaps you could speculate?

I mainly want to know if other people get really anxious when in physical pain? I live by myself so I start panicking that it will just keep getting worse and I'll have to go to Emergency by myself, and so on.

So how do people deal with pain here without ending up a mess? Does anyone have any good techniques?

11-09-2014, 07:30 AM
I'm male. When I'm in pain I just make everyone else's life a misery and moan a lot in the hope of getting some sympathy.

Sounds like you need a sports massage. Muscles are bound together in bundles by bands of fascia. If a bunch of muscle fibres become stuck together or don't move properly then that's the sort of thing that happens.

Is the pain from the side of your knee and up the thigh? If it was cycling it might be your Iliotibial band (ITB) needs a massage. It's quite common.

11-09-2014, 08:07 AM
Yeah see I've got noone to moan to atm except you people :)

It's basically all the way down the side of my leg, but just the right leg. It seems abnormal that it hurts so much even when I'm not using it, and that the left one is fine. It's definitely better tonight but still not good. I can't afford a massage :(

11-09-2014, 08:14 AM

I know what you are saying. I have had an injured neck for long time. mine was sleeping awkward. I put vicks on the area and take advil when recommended. It gives me random attacks thinking it is from my lipitor cause I am an idiot and read side effects. I had a panic attack waiting for my prozac prescription. I take my first pill today.

11-09-2014, 08:26 AM
Muscular pains due to anxiety don't have to hurt when you move them. I can guarantee you of that. In fact i'd estimate over 80% of the muscular pains encounter aren't provoked by movement. So the previous night you were up crying. How was your anxiety? Be honest? Were you running away with your fears and worries regarding these pains and the possibilities of where they came from or what they could conclude in?

Anxiety provoked by pain is the only way i've ever got a panic attack. Situations and such like don't bring on panic attacks in me. If it's a phsycial pain that's intense and scary then I will sometimes spill over and have a panic attack. For someone with anxiety I believe this can be quite a common reaction.

You're not alone, so try your best not to assume that these pains are dangerous. Muscle spasms and aches from excess adrenaline and other chemicals due to anxiety and a haywire fight or flight response will no doubt be the cause of the aches you feel.


11-09-2014, 08:52 AM
Alternating heat and cold is quite useful. A hot bath and a stretch is probably as good as anything

11-09-2014, 08:53 AM
Well I'm pretty sure it's caused by the exercise because I really stepped it up a few days before I got the pain. Plus I did the same thing last year. But maybe the anxiety makes it worse.

I was crying because I couldn't sleep because of the pain. It was pretty bad and yeah I do imagine all kinds of scenarios because I'm convinced this is not normal muscular pain. I used to go to the gym every day and I didn't get this kind of pain. So I start thinking it's a symptom of something else. Maybe it's just old age ;)

11-09-2014, 08:54 AM
I personally think it's nothing more than exercise + anxiety. Both of which fatigue muscles.


11-09-2014, 09:20 AM
It sounds almost exactly like I get if I've pushed myself too hard running or if I change the surface I run on.

Just have to take it easy and it goes pretty quickly. I put it down to something I call 'getting old'.

11-09-2014, 09:29 AM
^ Yes indeed. We humans don't age gracefully :P


11-09-2014, 10:05 AM
^ Yes indeed. We humans don't age gracefully :P


False belief.

I just wanted to point that out to you since it is part of your learning process. In all things, begin to question "is this what I want to believe" .."Does it make me feel good?"

You see, "We humans age gracefully" would give one a truly different experience. And that's what I want to teach you. Become aware of your beliefs, lest they run your life without question.

Leave the good, those you are happy with. Replace the "bad" with one that truly suits you. Now, you cannot get rid of a belief without replacing it......Because the ego needs beliefs...And to release without replacing would be viewed as a death to it, and it would become fearful.......We will leave it at that. Just make sure to release the emotions felt with the old belief, and replace it with a new one. Perhaps picture yourself rearranging the furniture of your mind..

End/ Back to the thread

11-09-2014, 03:48 PM
Thanks everyone..

I went to sleep ok because wasn't in much pain but woke up in pain. Again, I think this seems strange for a muscle injury. However, maybe I just don't have much experience with this because I'm generally pretty lazy :)

11-11-2014, 05:10 AM
Well it flared up again last night and today. I think driving aggravates it because it gets worse every time I drive long-ish distances. I had to cancel an appointment today which involved driving for about an hour. I had to go to the shop though and noticed it really does use those muscles (I don't have cruise control so have to keep my foot on the accelerator). I really hope resting helps it because it's extremely uncomfortable.

11-11-2014, 10:23 PM
I'm going to the doc tonight. It's okay during the day but when I'm lying down trying to sleep the muscles start cramping. I had to sleep facing the other way last night so I could push on the bedhead with my feet!

11-12-2014, 06:22 AM
He wants to do an arterial ultrasound for Peripheral Vascular Disease, which as a smoker and diabetic seems reasonable. Good times!