View Full Version : zoloft & sex drive

07-07-2008, 08:17 PM
i've been going through intense anxiety for the past couple of months, and was just prescribed to zoloft. i read the side effects on it, because my doctor only filled me on a few of them and managed to leave out lack of sex drive, impotency and inability to have an orgasm. i'm not sex obsessed or anything like that, my boyfriend is just afraid that the drug will cause me to not want to be close to him.

i'm seeing that a lot of folks have experienced the usage of zoloft, so i figured i would ask if anyone has endured these side effects?

07-08-2008, 11:59 PM
Hi hell0avalanch3,

I have been on zoloft for about 6 months now, after about 18 months on lexapro. The first month or so of taking these meds, I did not notice my sex drive diminish, but it took a lot longer to reach an orgasm (which made my girlfriend happy :P)...but as the months have gone on, I am kind of back to normal. I realise this may vary in each individual, and females could respond differently to males. Hope this has helped anyway.

07-11-2008, 01:57 PM
I've been on zoloft since Nov of last year and I have noticed some slight effects-- it takes MUCH, MUCH longer for me to achieve orgasm. It isn't so much a lack of wanting to--but like... it's hard to explain...the desire isn't at the forefront of my mind? Luckily, my husband's pretty patient with me, and knows that for now, he has to be the initiator and...heh, take his time with things.

07-15-2008, 09:15 AM
I have been a member of this board for quite sometime.

To date I have not known anyone of us (member of this forum) is on anti psychotic drug. Please update me on this.
Does this suggest that anxiety disorder is only a minor problem?